
The Romantic Compatibility Report
The Love Potential Report

The Romantic Compatibility Report

What did we order? The Romantic Compatibility Report

What did it cost? €13.17 EUR (you can pay in any currency, this time we choose to pay in Euro) or $14.95

What did we get? We choose the full-length Romantic Compatibility Report. Ordering a Report is very easy and we much appreciated the option to choose in the currency of our choice.

After the payment transaction via 2CO.COM, we had to enter the birthdata of the partners.

A message made clear we would receive our Report by email within 2-5 working days.

After entering the birthdata, we received an email confirming our order and asking us to click a link to process our Compatibility Report.

Strange enough, this link brought us back to the input screen, asking us (again) to enter the birthdata of the partners... Why so????

5 days (4 working days) later, the Report was sent with an email message as file attachment.

The Report was in a plain text-format, 3 pages long containing 6,119 characters.

The Report describes the sign positions of the respective Lights (the Sun and the Moon) of the partners.

Then, the Report goes further delineating the interplanetary cross-aspects.

There are no descriptions for house placements and rulerships.

The Report gives a VERY general overview of the compatibility and the descriptions of the Lights in the Signs are a disappointing generalization of the meanings you can find in the most simplistic Sun Sign books.

Don't expect something new here.

The listing with the descriptions of the planetary inter-aspects is again as general as can be.

The total picture of the compatibility gets lost and you do not get any idea as to how the overall relationship scores.

All descriptions stand on their own.

We do not understand why we had to wait 4 working days for such a most general Report in a simple text-format.

Why did we have to enter the birthdata of the partners twice? €13.17 EURO (or $14.95) for this Report we find far too much.

We expected more from!

Our rating:

Reviewed: November 2003

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The Love Potential Report

What did we order? The Love Potential Report

What did it cost? €10.53 EUR (you can pay in any currency, this time we choose to pay in Euro) or $11.95

What did we get? We choose the full-length Love Potential Report. Ordering a Report is very easy and - again - we much appreciated the option to choose in the currency of our choice.

After the payment transaction via 2CO.COM, we had to enter the birthdata of the person. A message made clear we would receive our Report by email within 2-5 working days.

After entering the birthdata, we received an email confirming our order and asking us to click a link to process our Report.

Strange enough, this link brought us back to the input screen, asking us (again) to enter the birthdata.

5 days (4 working days) later, the Report was sent with an email message as file attachment.

The Report was in rtf-format (Rich Text Format), 7 pages long containing 9,122 characters.

The Report describes your own Love Potential by delineating the Sign on the 7th house, the ruler of the 7th house and the planets in the 7th house.

In a second part the AstroSale Report gives an overview of your strengths in your relationships (by delineating the 'soft' planetary aspects) and the challenges in your relationships (by delineating the 'hard' aspects: squares and oppositions).

The descriptions of the planetary aspects are well-chosen, though sometimes contradictory.

Mostly the texts were precise and insightful, giving the reader something to think about.

We find the content fair for the price and can recommend this Report from AstroSale.

Our rating:

Reviewed: December 2003

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