Some Hot Tips on How to
Attract Gemini

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If you want to successfully attract Gemini, just try out the following secret tips.

Attraction goes beyond your looks. You don't need the looks of Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie to attract somebody.

Attraction is about your total appearance and being, about the way you behave...

...or not ;-)

It's a way to get irresistibly noticed in a very subtle way... a point of no return.

Learn how to attract Gemini by incorporating some basic astrological principles and skills to raise your WOW-factor.

How to attract the Gemini Woman
How to attract the Gemini Man

How to attract the Gemini Woman

If you want to attract Gemini, make sure you can arrange a walking-talking.

You are advantaged if you are younger than her, a boyish man or a teacher.

Keep an eye on her hand movements (the hands are symbolized by Mercury!) and if she occasionally and unconsciously points or stretches her hands to you, she likes you.

Take her hand (don’t put your hands all over her!) and lead her to a place you can start a conversation or arrange some shared activities.

Gently taking a woman's hand on the appropriate moment is a great way to seduce her.

Geminis love gossip. Use this as an opener.

Don't forget that Geminis often love to "play games" and are in a constant state of adolescence.

Try to keep up with that.

If you want to attract Gemini, ask her about her plans and ideas.

Female Geminis have so much plans in their head and seldom the courage to execute them.

If you want to attract Gemini, help her executing her plans.

The Gemini woman craves attention and needs a lot of stimulation!

The Gemini woman is VERY fickle (one of the most unstable signs of the zodiac) and you'll have to show that variety is the spice of your life too!

Also, read our Gemini seduction page for some additional tips to seduce the female Gemini.

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How to attract the Gemini Man

So, you want to attract Gemini, one of the most youthful and curious signs of the zodiac?

If you are a real hometown type of woman and rather small too, you are most advantaged as Gemini likes these traits.

Always say something positive even if it's about the weather.

Or ask a question. Or ramble.

A broad smile and eye contact is critical if you want to get Gemini's attention.

Gemini's a party-goer, so, why don't you invite him to a party?

Have fun don't underestimate sense of humor.

Don't dress too flamboyantly and over the top if you want to attract Gemini.

Also, don't use too much makeup (but SOME lipstick is mandatory).

Don't dress too formal as Gemini loves some cool, hip and trendy looks.

Attract Gemini (a dual sign) by mirroring his behavior in a subtle way.

According to relationship expert Amy Waterman, this operates on the same principle that we find attractive that which is familiar to us and is a proven technique for getting a man to eat out of your hand.

Women who have used it say that it hardly EVER fails!

Always try to excite him; in multiple ways.

Also, read our Gemini seduction page for some additional tips to seduce the Gemini man.

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