Defining the Partner in
the Natal Chart

Was He Born To Love You?

On different occasions we already wrote about finding about the partner in the natal chart.

The ruler of the 7th house and the conjunctions to the ruler of the 7th house as well as the planets in the 7th house describe the partner very well also.

In the female natal chart, planets conjunct the Sun also describe her partner.

This time we will focus on the zodiac sign opposite your Sun sign and the house opposite the one your Sun is in.

Both principles help in further defining the (marriage) partner in the natal chart.

Your Sun sign reflects your personality and your Self.

The Sun represents your physical body too and thus the sign opposite your Sun sign, represents the meeting of or encountering the "bodies of others."

This makes sense because the zodiac sign opposite your own Sun sign represents "your opposites", all the ones that are outside of you and that you can encounter and meet face to face.

The 7th house meaning not only works when taking into account the houses in a horoscope but also when taking into accounts the zodiac signs.

The principle of the opposition aspect, opposite houses or opposite signs all have the same archetypal meaning; that of an encounter or a meeting, all that is external to one self, all that and who is outside of oneself and still in one's field of view.

To find out more specifically about your partner you will thus have to blend both principles: the zodiac sign opposite your Sun sign as well as the house opposite the one holding your Sun.

Combining or blending things are part of "the art of astrology" and can be very revealing in describing your partner, even though you will first have to brainstorm about the archetypal principles represented by the houses and zodiac signs separately.

The zodiac sign opposite your Sun sign

So, the first thing to check will be the zodiac sign opposite your Sun sign, or, in other words, the 7th zodiac sign counting from your sun sign.

If you are a Leo, your partner will be described by the opposite sign Aquarius; if you are a Cancer, your partner will be described by the opposite sign Capricorn etc...

Additionally, the house overlays will add to the descriptions.

It pays to brainstorm a bit about all the real archetypal meanings of the zodiac signs to list all possibilities though.

For example, if you are an Aries, your partner will likely have Libra traits or characteristics meaning that (s)he might be a Libra or have a very good taste, interested in aesthetically pleasing goods with the need to live in a harmonious environment, need a more noisy environment, among others.

The partner can be a good diplomats too or a good mediator, etc..

If you are a Leo, your partner will likely have Aquarius traits or characteristics meaning that (s)he might be an Aquarius or love to live an independent life.

Perhaps, the partner has an interest in ICT, astrology, airplanes etc.

A humanitarian spirit and interest in our society may fit as well.

If you are a Cancer, your partner will likely have Capricorn traits or characteristics meaning that (s)he might be a Capricorn or have very high expectations.

Climbing (literally or figuratively), being involved in construction work, being a superior, boss or leader all may fit in some way.

Also, everything that has to do with security and feeling more secure might be apt etc.

The natal house opposite the one holding your Sun

When you consider the house position of your Sun, you should also take into account the meaning of the opposite house because, remember, oppositions often represent your partner.

So, the natal house opposite the one holding your Sun, too describes your partner. 

For example, if your Sun is in the 9th house, chances are your partner has 3rd house signatures or characteristics too, like being a Gemini, into trade, commerce or transportation and traffic or (s)he may be an intellectual (cerebral) etc.

If your Sun is in the 8th house, your partner may show 2nd house traits like being a Taurus or needing a stable and/or comfortable life etc.

If your Sun is in the 11th house, your partner may show 5th house traits like being a Leo or loving children, or being very self-conscious, being very creative and/or playful etc.

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