Experiences or a Good Book

by Courtney
(Frederick, MD, USA)

DOB: November 12th

Contrary to what many astro gift guides say, please do not give me a mystery, marooned colored anything, or anything kinky. I love a good mystery...but not as a gift. I like to provide the kink myself - after all, we Scorps like to be in control. A nice long silk gown will suffice - primarily because it is both sexy and comfortable. Instead of mystery, give us fantasy (like a fantasy novel) or something informative about something we are passionate about.

Ideal gifts have to do with Scorps need for extremes to feel alive. So any gift that provides a unique experience. Hot air balloon ride, flight lessons, or something uncommon. Short weekend trips or if money is tight, make a romantic spa at home (candle light, petals, massage, hot stones).

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