Fortune Baby Gender Predictor

by Linda

Has anyone used Fortunebaby gender prediction test

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May 03, 2011
doesn't work!
by: Anonymous

I first used Fortune Baby in 2006 when I was pregnant with my daughter, Fortune Baby predicted a boy, CosmiTec predicted a GIRL, I had a girl in June 2007.
I used it again in December 2007, Fortune Baby said BOY, CosmiTec said BOY, I had a BOY in July 2008.
In November 2008, I used Fortune Baby, it said I was having a girl, CosmiTec predicted a BOY, I had a BOY August 2009.
In January 2010, Fortune Baby predicted a GIRL, I did in fact have a girl in Sept 2010. So Fortune Baby is only 50% right compared to CosmiTec, who is almost 100% with all my kids.

May 03, 2010
fortune baby gender prediction was right
by: Anonymous

I tried the fortunebaby gender prediction test with my first pregnancy and it was 100% right about my baby boy! Now 2 years later, I decided to take the fortunebaby gender prediction test again with my second pregnancy and it said that I was having a girl. I went for my 20 week ultrasound last week and it confirmed that, sure enough, it's a Girl! It's so exciting! Thanks -Happy Mom of 2:-)

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