Astrodamus Cases And True-Life
Experiences From People
Like You And Me

On this page you will find some cases of true-life situations that demonstrate how useful and accurate the descriptions of our Astrodamus Profiles and Reports are.

The cases come from clients (because of privacy reasons, we are not allowed to mention any names) and celebrities (as discussed on our Celebrity Horoscopes page) as well.

As time goes by, we will list more and more cases.

We think this is an interesting opportunity to get grips on the specific language of the Astrodamus Reports and a nice learning tool too.

But now to the cases (all birth-times came from birth-records and were rectified with the annual and daily analysis using Astrodamus first).

Case 1

In the daily analysis of the natal chart of a client we found the following text:

risk of divorce, end of love, health problem of partner (scale 4)
publicity, education : >>unfavorable change - with tension - connected with immediate family
health problems; risk of accident or surgery, death/separation/divorce in immediate environment (scale 4)
immediate family, education, real-estate : >> change - with tension - connected with finances

What happened in reality?

That day the client heard that the brother of one of his superiors commited suicide

Case 2

In the daily analysis of the horoscope of the founder of Cosmic Technologies there were 5 blocks, 3 of which contained the following words for 5 times: "health problems".

What happened in reality?

On that day the founder got a very very bad cough!!

Case 3

The daily analysis of a client showed the following block

(if existed) end of risk of divorce, improvement of partner's financial situation
accident/damage; illness : >> favorable change - unexpectedly - connected with distant relatives
improvement of financial situation
finances : favorable change - unexpectedly - connected with secret

What happened in reality?

The client got - unexpectedly - 200 euro in a 'secret' deal with his siblings.

Case 4

In the annual analysis, the following blocks appeared:

favorable change related to self
love, child, work, illness :>> favorable change - with obstacles - connected with obligation
favorable change with marriage or partnership
love, sex/rarely childbirth : >> favorable change - with obstacles - connected with work


events determining long term tendencies
love, child, work illness : >> important change - with obstacles

What happened in reality?

This client did not receive his wage for two months now (because his employer could not pay the salary anymore...).

He came to us, did not know what to do (looking for another job was unsuccesfull so far) and we told him that he should look further for another job and that he had to keep working for his employer even if he got no salary.

We told him that things would turn out in a positive way and that he should do his best to look for another job in the beginning of June.

Before June 6 or 7 his situation would be normal, so we told him and it would be the best time to look for another job.

Why June 6 or 7? Because the daily analysis in Astrodamus showed the following block:

favorable change with job or illness
distant relatives, illness : >> favorable change - with positive final results - connected with accident/damage
resolution of problems
accident/damage, isolation :>> favorable change - with positive final result - connected with immediate family

Guess what? On June 5th, the client got another job!!

Case 5

In the 2004 annual analysis of Britney Spears we could find the following block:

From 2003. September to 2005. January

beginning of love, joy with child, pleasantness
love, sex/rarely childbirth >>favorable change - in the extreme - connected with finances

beginning of new friendship, desire(s), pleasantness
desire, friend(s) >>favorable change - in the extreme - connected with love

June 25, 2004 Britney Spears is said to be engaged to marry her dancer-boyfriend Kevin Federline.

News of the engagement was confirmed by Spears' personal publicist and her label, Jive Records. On our Britney Spears' page we succesfully predicted, thanks to Astrodamus 1.0, "that her love life would start to blossom again in 2004"!

Case 6

In the 2004 annual analysis of a client, the following block appeared:

financial decline, incidental expenses
finances : >>unfavorable change - in the extreme - connected with illness
end of love, divorce, risk of accident or surgery, death/separation/divorce in immediate environment (scale 6)
illness, death/divorce : >> change - in the extreme - connected with partner/spouse

What happened in reality?

This client had a lot of problems with addictive behavior (alcohol and compulsive gambling). In 2004 he had so much debts that his goods and property were assessed. Moreover, due to his severe problems, his wife left him that same year.

Case 7

In the 2006 annual analysis of the natal chart of a female client we found the following text:

health problems, risk of accident or surgery, death/separation/divorce in immediate environment (scale 7)
love, child, work, illness : >>unfavorable change - with obstacles - connected with accident/damage
risk of divorce, end of love; health problem of partner (scale 7)
sex, rarely childbirth, love : >> unfavorable change - with obstacles - connected with accident/damage


unfavorable real estate transaction or move, losses; problem with family
accident, damage, surgery: >>unfavorable change - with obstacles - connected with love
(public) assault affecting life style; end of job; illness of parents
vocation/success, principal : >> change - with obstacles - connected with accident/damage

What happened in reality?

In 2006 the client's husband was hospitalized for an emergency surgery procedure. Note that the "scale 7" always comes out one way or the other!

The more a word is repeated in different sentences or blocks (we find the word "surgery" twice, damage/accident, illness and health problem(s) are repeated several times), the more you may be sure this word will manifest in reality!

Case 8

Since late 2023 and especially in 2024, rumors went that Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were getting a divorce or already divorced.

We don't have an accurate time of birth of Jennifer Lopez but we do have a reliable time of birth of Ben Affleck so that we analyzed the natal horoscope of him first.

Yes, we always start with the person we have the most reliable information about.

You can find and read the Astrodamus forecasts for Ben Affleck when scrolling down this page and go to the 'Astrodamus predictions for Ben Affleck' header; then click on the link to download his Astrodamus predictions till 2050.

The Annual analysis for 2022, 2023 and 2024 show some very interesting astrological configurations going on.

Not to overwhelm you with too much information (you can download the forecast and compare the 3 years yourself), we only list the most recent time frames that span part of 2023 and 2024:

From 2023. February to 2024. June

financial decline, incidental expenses
finances : >> unfavorable change - with obstacles - connected with death/divorce
end of love, divorce; risk of accident or surgery, death/separation/divorce in immediate environment: (scale: 6)
death/divorce, accident/damage : >> unfavorable change - with obstacles - connected with distant relatives

From 2023. June to 2024. October

risk of divorce, end of love; health problem of partner (scale: 6)
law, partner/spouse : >> unfavorable change - with obstacles - connected with death/divorce
health problems; risk of accident or surgery, death/separation/divorce in immediate environment: (scale: 6)
partner/spouse, external environment, accident/damage, surgery, death/divorce : >> change - with obstacles - connected with law

Especially the overlapping period between different time frames is very powerful because all the different astrological energies are then bundled and blend together.

Know that when Astrodamus lists 'scale: 6' it reflects a 'highly probable' outcome, suggesting the listed keywords or sentences will very likely work out or manifest.

Only 'Scale: 7' and above point to keywords that will infallibly manifest or materialize for sure.

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