The ARIES Sex Horoscope And
How To Sexually Please Aries

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The Aries sex horoscope consists of two parts.

Firstly, as mentioned on our individual sex horoscopes page, we will discuss the elemental positions of Venus and Mars (blended with the position of the Sun) and starting with the female horoscopes.

Secondly, below the table, we will give some tips & techniques on how to (sexually) please the (male or female) Aries.

From ten thousands of natal charts (!) (among others analyzed via the AstroDatabank) we tried to find common patterns, events, characteristics etc. that mark the before-mentioned bodies/points in the four elements.

In doing so, we also made a difference between male and female horoscopes.

This way, the delineations of the sex horoscope are based on strict empirical research.

The Elemental Division

Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

It took us more than two full years to accomplish this project.

When we found lots of data for the same elemental division, the presented results will be highly accurate. In case there were not a lot of data available, the results will vary.

The most prominent and significant traits are printed in bold.

For additional Aries traits, also check out the Aries Love Horoscope page on which we delineate the elemental positions of the Sun, the Moon and Venus.

The somewhat updated research results have been published in a more convenient paperback version "Elemental Astrology" since September 2019 as well.


Sun in ARIES

Mars in fire Venus in fireThe Amazon, excessive sexual desires, instant-sex, loves visualizations, passionate, love at first sight, indiscreet, wants to be amused and entertained (!), enthusiasm, quite blunt and firm, wants a sports-minded partner, attractive, domestic violence, philandering lover, upbeat and social
Venus in earthwants to be amused and entertained (!), sensual, loves physical beauty and luxury, materialistic, artistic (very creative), illegitimate kids
Venus in waterwants to be amused and entertained (!), domestic, the atmosphere, ambiance and surroundings are extremely important (!), tumultuous affairs, strong desire for love and very sexually active, very attractive, "sex-symbol"
Venus in airwants to be amused and entertained (!), enthusiasm, social, not domestic, flatterer, very attractive
Mars in earth Venus in fireenjoys hugs and a sensual touch, wants to be amused and entertained (!), wants to be dominated, radiant personality, wants a sports-minded partner, traumatic family events
Venus in earthvery sensual, loves physical beauty and luxury, reserved, jealous, wants to be dominated, controlling the own sex needs, materialistic, attractive, many marriages, fertile family
Venus in watersensual, domestic, wants to be dominated, the atmosphere, ambiance and surroundings are extremely important (!), born in a large family, slender, sexually inhibited
Venus in airsensual, social, not domestic, many marriages, attractive, extrovert, assertive
Mars in water Venus in firesubtle, wants to be amused and entertained (!), radiant personality, criminal victim and/or traumatic events, excessive sexual desires
Venus in earthsubtle, sensual, loves physical beauty and luxury, reserved, materialistic, creative and artistic
Venus in watersubtle, domestic, the atmosphere, ambiance and surroundings are extremely important (!), abusive lover
Venus in airsubtle, social, not too domestic, doesn't know what she wants, non-direct and seeks the path of least resistance, moody, party animal
Mars in air Venus in firewants to be amused and entertained (!), independent in love, impulsive, radiant personality, cesarean section birth
Venus in earthsensual, loves physical beauty and luxury, extramarital affairs
Venus in waterdomestic, argumentative, inconsistent, fear of the physical, reading, talking and dreaming of sex rather than doing, the atmosphere, ambiance and surroundings are extremely important (!), sex abuse, many children
Venus in airrather 'cool', talks about sex without feelings, social and an enormous desire for communication and exchange of words/short messages, fear of emotions and feelings with possible emotional outbursts, not domestic, flatterer, multiple affairs and/or marriages

Mars in fire Venus in fireInstant-sex, one-night stands, the Conqueror, always in love, adventurous, overdoing and reckless, physical sex is disappointing, creates expectations and enjoys admiration, demonstrative but impersonal, radiates warmth to everyone, feels easily rejected, love at first sight, ostentatious, needs animation and fun, too commanding, wealthy, many children
Venus in earthintense, unexpected pregnancy of the lover, physical beauty of the partner is important, adultery when unhappy in marriage, disappointments with Venus in Capricorn, very sensual, initial reserve and controlled, needs a lot of hugs, stroking and physical contact, supportive love, love and material security, loves physical comfort, loves a full figure, hard worker, many children, wealthy, creative
Venus in waterthe atmosphere, ambiance and surroundings are extremely important (!), very easily hurt, emotionally attached, domestic, loves creative fantasy, impatient, tumultuous affairs, strong desire for love, long lasting job, extreme financial situations, sports-minded
Venus in airloves mental stimulation, can't stand silence, needs communication and words, sex is in the mind, rationalize feelings and emotions, social, loves intellectual women, commanding, flatterer, sports-minded
Mars in earth Venus in fireenjoys physical contact, is not into fantasy but just wants physical contact, (too) explicit without emotions, sex as a routine, sex every Saturday evening at 11.30 pm, wants independent and outdoor females, astrology-minded
Venus in earthlove and sex as a duty or routine, mechanical, strong physical desires, initially detached, needs a long time to open up (very controlling), sensual, loves physical beauty and comfort, loves a full figure, jealous, many lovers, (very) private, sports-minded, hard worker, macho, temper, possibility of celibacy
Venus in waterwants to be desired, domestic, the atmosphere, ambiance and surroundings are extremely important (!), the wrong place or time will close them down causing withdrawal, very easily hurt, loves creative fantasy
Venus in airsocial, loves intellectual women, flatterer, financial success, travel for work
Mars in water Venus in fireinstinctual and indirect to get what they want, emotionally drawn into sex, VERY sensitive to the right atmosphere (!), sex as emotional reassurance, cuddling, wants independent females
Venus in earthsensual, loves physical beauty and comfort, loves a full figure, tender, games fan
Venus in watervague feelings, experimental, wants to be desired, susceptible, domestic, the atmosphere, ambiance and surroundings are extremely important (!), the wrong place or time will close them down causing withdrawal, very easily hurt, loves creative fantasy, tender, hard worker, extramarital affairs
Venus in airsocial, loves intellectual women, financial success, long marriage, illegitimate child
Mars in air Venus in firethinks and talks about sex, more into friendships and social contacts, can't stand sex as a pure physical act, wants independent females, commanding, needs outdoorsy women, much younger lovers
Venus in earthsensual, loves physical beauty and comfort, loves a full figure, born in a large family
Venus in waterfear of emotions and feelings, domestic, the atmosphere, ambiance and surroundings are extremely important (!), the wrong place or time will close them down causing withdrawal, very easily hurt, loves creative fantasy
Venus in airrather 'cool', not sensual, detached, talks about sex without feelings, always talks about sex, fear of emotions and feelings, very flirtatious, sociable and well liked, not domestic, lasting or lengthy marriage, seldom more than 2 children

The most sensitive and erogenous areas for Aries are the head and face.

Aries is a very frank and outspoken sign, so be prepared of a sexual 'attack' and wild love plays...

How to (sexually) please Her (your female Aries):

  • while facing each other, very gently run with the back and upper part of your index finger up and down her cheecks, barely touching her skin (continue for half a minute... while touching her look straight into her eyes!)

  • touch her lips very, very gently and softly with your index finger and stroke her lips in a most gentle way.
  • play with her hair, stroke it, brush it...

  • nibble on her ears and most softly whisper/blow in her ear

How to (sexually) please Him (your male Aries):

  • kiss him passionately, BUT gently, on his mouth (no French kiss!)

  • set this fire sign "on fire" watching this Nude Yoga and Tai Chi DVD

  • gently play with his hair -- if he has any ;-), otherwise touch his lips very, very gently and softly with your index finger and stroke his lips in a most gentle way. While running your finger over his lips, look him straight into the eyes!

  • there's no zodiac sign as fast and impulsive as Aries. No wonder the male Aries often comes too fast and too early (= premature).

    Learn him how to cope with and even cure premature ejaculation. He will love you for ever!

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