Compatibility At The Working Floor
What Your Zodiac Sign Has To Do With It

Is He Astrologically Afflicted?

There is a very interesting astrological theory 'discovered' by astrologers from the French Conditionalist School (Ecole Conditionaliste) that is based upon the Antiscia (solstice points) and that is of great value in business astrology, recruitment and management.

The theory states that every boss, leader, director, CEO, chief, manager,... needs to count on an assistant (a 'right-hand') because nobody can manage any business alone.

The theory holds that the one the manager can count on (the assistant or 'right-hand'), is the one whose Sun sign (or stellia of planets in a zodiac sign or predominant sign) is the mirror sign (antiscion) of the manager.

What does this mean?

Let's list the Antiscia (mirror signs) first:

  • Aries - Pisces
  • Taurus - Aquarius
  • Gemini - Capricorn
  • Cancer - Sagittarius
  • Leo - Scorpio
  • Virgo - Libra

If you are a Leo and a boss or manager, then your assistent should be Scorpio (your mirror sign) or should have predominant Scorpio traits (mots planets and points posited in fixed water signs).

If you are a Libra assistant, you better have a Virgo boss because (s)he will rely on you.

The opposite is also true, if you're a Libra boss, you should look for someone with predominant Virgo traits to rely on.

This rule is very interesting and fascinating.

It's odd too that this rule does NOT work in love relationships!

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Basics of Sign Compatibility

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