Ashtakoot Compatibility
What is it and how reliable is it?

Is He Your Vedic Soulmate?

In India, matchmaking with the help of astrology is a daily business and routine.

Seldom, a couple is married without consulting an astrologer.

Different methods are used but one of the most common ones is called Ashtkoot or Ashtakoot compatibility/matching.

Because Vedic, Hindu or Indian astrology is primarily Moon-oriented, basic compatibility is found in matching the Moon position of the partners.

However, in real traditional Vedic astrology, this method is not the first an astrologer will apply.

Oddly enough, any serious Vedic astrologer will first analyze the natal charts for

  1. longevity

  2. the mental health of the partners

  3. factors showing more than one marriage

  4. any malefic configurations, combos (yogas)

BEFORE assessing Moon compatibility.

Now, that's quite a difference with our Western astrology!

In India, matching is a real time-consuming process of drawing and delineating numerous charts.

Something that cannot be done by novices.

As always, when things become too time-consuming and complicated, more vulgarized, simplier and easier methods enter the public domain.

Sun sign "astrology" in the Western world has taken over real astrology.

And so it happened that Ashtakoot Compatibility became the only tool or method in the Western world to match charts the Vedic way.

This does not mean that Ashtakoot Compatibility is worthless as such or has no merit.

On the contrary! It's just one single method that, because of its simplicity, became the single most used method.

In some cases, Ashtakoot compatibility is also called Kuta matching or agreement.

In yet other cases, it's called Guna matching or Poruttham agreement.

What is this method all about?

Actually, the two natal charts of the partners are analyzed for compatibility regarding 8 factors.

Each factor gets a score. The higher the score, the better.

The total score for all 8 factors cannot exceed 36.

A total score of 36 would mean perfect compatibility while a score of 18 is problematic.

Only scores above 24 are considered to represent a high degree of compatibility suited for a long-term relationship.

Sometimes you will read about 10 (porutthams or kutams) or 12 factors, depending on the source but we'll keep it to the easiest method that consists of 8 factors.

These 8 factors are:

  1. Varna: this factor represents the spiritual development of the partners

  2. Vasya: this factor describes the degree to influence the other partner

  3. Dina or Tara: this factor measures the number of Nakshatras between the Moon positions of the partners

  4. Yoni: this factor measures sexual compatibility which we discussed on our Vedic sex horoscopes page

  5. Graha Maitri: this factor reflects the mental compatibility and affection. This score is about friendship

  6. Gana: this one is about the temperament and it's adviced to have the same temperament as your partner

  7. Rasi: this Kuta describes the relationship between the Moon signs (and Nakshatras) of the partners

  8. Nadi: this factor is about progeny and children. In some ways it also relates to health issues between the partners

The criticism about the Ashtakoot Compatibility can be summarized as follows.

  • In India domestic harmony and sharing the same background is very important and the factors are related to attaining this goal.

    They don't take into account romantic desires for example.

  • The scores are not about whether or not there will be a happy marriage.

    The factors are just about sharing the same values, most often in a close knit community

  • Ashtakoot Compatibility has always been just ONE method beside other methods and it should be handled as such.

    Ashtakoot compatibility should never be used in isolation as a stand alone advice.

  • The method only takes into account the Moon's positions.

    There is more to compatibility than comparing the Moon's positions alone though.

    While the Moon points to one's Comfort Zone and is extremely important, the Ascendant, Sun, Venus and Mars positions should not be underestimated, neither should be the other planets and points.

Some astrologers recommend using the 8 factors for the position of the Ascendant of the partners too.

The value of the method is that it gives insight in how two partners share the same values and harmony, which is important in any love relationship.

But, it's not the only thing that counts.

So, if you notice a low total score, this is not too alarming but it points to some disharmonious factors that need to be worked on.

If you have a very high score, it will not necessarily presage a happy marriage at all!

The bottom line is that Ashtakoot Compatibility has its merit IF you take other methods into account too.

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