Some Hot Tips on How to
Attract Scorpio

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If you want to successfully attract Scorpio, just try out the following secret tips.

Attraction goes beyond your looks. You don't need the looks of Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie to attract somebody.

Attraction is about your total appearance and being, about the way you behave...

...or not ;-)

It's a way to get irresistibly noticed in a very subtle way... a point of no return.

Learn how to attract Scorpio by incorporating some basic astrological principles and skills to raise your WOW-factor.

How to attract the Scorpio Woman
How to attract the Scorpio Man

How to attract the Scorpio Woman

Scorpio is a fixed water sign and materializing this brings us to ice.

While Capricorn builds walls, female Scorpio can be defined as the "Ice Queen."

How do you melt ice?

  • don't be boring. You can challenge her, make her laugh, delve into psychological truths that she doesn’t know she transmits...

    Anything. The key is not to say things she hears every day.

  • Interest and attraction are brothers of one another: pique her interest.

    Say or do something interesting, unusual and witty - even unpredictable

Most Ice Queens – even those less than gorgeous – come up with a system for disqualifying guys from the mate category in a hurry and try to cut all contact to a minimum.

Because they already heard it all...

They are just bored.

And the only thing that can really stop you is if YOU cement a woman’s guard by being BORING.

This perfectly fits if you want to attract Scorpio!

Also, don't underestimate the importance of some ways to approach the "Ice Queen" and melt through her defenses.

According to Dr. Leslie Karsner, conditioning your subconscious mind is the single greatest thing you can do to improve or attract romance in your life.

Use this technique to attract Scorpio.

Also, read our Scorpio seduction page for some additional tips to seduce the female Scorpio.

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How to attract the Scorpio Man

Scorpio needs intense emotional affairs and experiences.

He wants to be emotionally bound to something.

Attract Scorpio by playing with his emotions and feelings.

Tease him. Be playful. Be his sun.

Get his interest by touching him in a non-threatening, playful, and sexually stimulating way.

Scorpio is a water sign and thus very silent (reticent and even secretive). Silent waters run (very very) deep.

Instead of asking his number, give him yours and tell him a good time to reach you.

Show just enough skin. Don't dress too conservatively or too sexy.

Male Scorpios often love leather.

Attract Scorpio by commenting on everything he says and don't let him loose. Be sticky.

If you can exude femininity, confidence and class, the way relationship expert Sarah Paul describes, you will surely attract Scorpio too.

Attract Scorpio by talking about money matters.

If you're blond or have rather big breasts, you're more advantaged to attract Scorpio.

Also, read our Scorpio seduction page for some additional tips to seduce the Scorpio man.

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