Mars Uranus Connections

Was He Born To Love You?

To understand the concept of Mars Uranus connections we first have to go back into the past for a moment.

In the early 80s a "new" approach of assessing major themes in a natal chart saw the light by the "invention" of the so-called "ZIP Code."

It was a method invented by Dr. Zipporah Dobyns (hence the name "ZIP Code") and further propagated by her daughter Maritha Pottenger, that made use of the so-called astrological alphabet.

The concept of the astrological alphabet is that astrology deals with twelve basic ways of being, twelve human drives and modes of operation that are all needed in this world.

These twelve sides of life are mirrored in the natal chart by a planet, a house and a sign.

So it is in the astrological alphabet that Mars, the 1st house and Aries all share the same principles (though they are NOT the same!).

Venus, the 2nd house and Taurus also share the same principles and this goes on for the other planets, signs and houses.

What the theory of the ZIP Code or astrological alphabet presents is that certain groups of planet/house/sign combinations share similar themes.

For example: Mars in Libra or Mars in the 7th house share the same principles. The 7th house is in mundane astrology a Libra house (whatever zodiac sign is on the cusp of the 7th house in the natal chart).

This system has been enhanced by German astrologers who developed their own system based on the same principles but they converted the signs and houses to their respective planetary rulers.

For example: Mars in Libra becomes a Mars/Venus theme because Venus always rules Libra. Mars in the 7th house too becomes a Mars/Venus theme because the 7th house is associated with Libra, which is ruled by Venus in mundane astrology.

Also, the ruler of the 1st house (in mundane astrology ruled by Mars because Mars always rules Aries and Aries is always the 1st sign in the natural order of the zodiac) in the 2nd house (in mundane astrology ruled by Venus as the ruler of Taurus) is another Venus-Mars analogy.

The more you find such analogies, affinities, themes or connections between two planets, the more this planetary combination becomes an important part of the natal chart and the life of the native.

To find out the connections or analogies between planets, we take especially into account:

  • planets in zodiac signs
  • planets in houses
  • the aspects between planets (the tighter the stronger)
  • the rulerships
  • solstice points

Planets in houses are more important and powerful than the planets in the zodiac signs because they work on a more personal and individual level (we use the Topocentric house system which gives almost the same results as the Placidus house system).

When do we have Mars Uranus connections, affinities, themes or analogies?

In most cases, the following configurations are used (there are more though (!) but this would lead us too far and make it more complicated than necessary):

  • Uranus in the 1st house
  • Mars in the 11th house
  • the ruler of the 1st house in the 11th house
  • the ruler of the 11th house in the 1st house
  • Mars in a close conjunction, square or opposition with Uranus (a tight sextile or trine counts too but in a minor way)
  • Uranus at the solstice point of Mars
  • Mars in Aquarius
  • Uranus in Aries

When at least three of the above listed analogies or connections can be found in the natal chart, we have a very powerful Mars Uranus connection that will be felt and noticed in the character and life of the native.

What do Mars Uranus connections signify?

The principle and essence of both Mars and Uranus can be defined as the fear to be pinned down.

This connection often manifests visibly when the native is not able to show aggression directly or be assertive and push through.

There can be a huge (inner) nervous tension and/or restlessness that is often linked to some kind or form of unresolved "aggression" or anger.

People with such a connection or affinity are competitive so to relieve the inner tension.

In numerous cases, people with a powerful Mars Uranus connection face some head issues, trauma or health concerns (like migraines).

Behavior is a bit unpredictable, contrary, unstable, and people with such a connection can change their mind and actions abruptly without any prior notice.

Some of them do love to shock others, even for the sake of the thrill.

This is a very individualistic and independent combo, making that the native has it difficult to comply with orders from authorities (like father figures, elderly etc.).

Freedom means a lot to the native and lots of the natives don't want to be bound to rules, regulations, formalities and other restrictions that raise nervous tension and the urge to break free.

Interestingly, powerful Mars Uranus connections have some very specific meanings when found in a female chart:

  • A powerful Mars Uranus connection is very often indicative of a partner with a huge age difference (even more than 30 years in some instances).

    Such relationships can be very rewarding and even quite long-lasting if other astrological configurations confirm this.
  • Women with this connection in their natal chart tend to be victimized by a partner or person of the opposite sex because of the inability to defend herself properly and/or appropriately

  • In matters of love and romance, distance makes the heart grow fonder.

    The more the partners are together and get emotionally entangled, the more the native is feeling the urge to break up, rebel or become destructive.

    Love at a distance and/or without a legal bond, works best.

    Issues about love and hate with the opposite sex (men) are a recurring theme.

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