The Natal Sun-Jupiter Opposition
Some Empirical Research Results

Is He The Right Man For You?

In astrology, the zodiac sign opposite your Sun sign reflects your relationships and encounters in the widest sense.

The zodiac sign opposite your own Sun sign acts like a mirror and represents everyone and everything you encounter.

It makes sense that planets that oppose your Sun and are thus in the zodiac sign opposite your Sun sign, or in the 7th sign counting from your Sun sign, or around the 7th house cusp (equal house system with the Sun on the Ascendant), reflect characteristics and traits of your encounter, of "the other."

Such planets take on a relationship meaning, which is also the meaning of an opposition aspect.

Oppositions point to awareness coming from external sources or persons outside of us.

We at Cosmic Technologies wanted to find out if such planets actually could describe your relationships and/or partners.

Thanks to the Swiss Astrodatabank we were able to research solar oppositions.

In this article, we describe the natal Sun-Jupiter opposition (taking into account an orb of 3°).

As usual, our research is divided into male and female horoscopes.

The natal Sun-Jupiter opposition in female charts

Though there were not enough data to find a lot, the following characteristics jumped out.

On average, lots of women with a tight Sun-Jupiter opposition in the natal chart have at least two kids (Nadine Allaria, Luise Rinser).

They are very often divorced (Nadine Allaria, Luise Rinser, Carole Landis).

On average, women with a powerful Sun-Jupiter opposition are prone to suicide and/or drug overdose (Carole Landis, Nadine Allaria).

They are into teaching and/or education one way or the other (Luise Rinser, Carole Landis).

The natal Sun-Jupiter opposition in male charts

On average, men with a tight Sun-Jupiter opposition tend to experience psychotic episodes and/or substance abuse (like drugs or alcohol)(Richard Speck, Gerard Lebourg, Perry Smith, Vincenzo Campanella).

On average, they have two kids (Henry Jackson, Jay Vincent Procopio, Gay Talese, Guy Delage, Robert Duvall).

A tight Sun-Jupiter opposition in a male natal chart is often indicative of a brash, bold and even bullying nature (Robert Hersant, Gerard Lebourg, Jay Vincent Procopio, Richard Speck, Vincenzo Campanella).

Most of the men with a tight Sun-Jupiter opposition enjoy physical sports (Christophe Juillet, Henry Jackson, Guy Delage, Kyle Abbott, Terry Allen, Lilian Camberabero, Maurice Degrelle, Anton Geerink, Mike Holmgren, Jerry Remy, Bill Walton).

They often experienced childhood abuse or trauma (Ben Schell, Jason Simpson, Jay Vincent Procopio, Gerard Lebourg).

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