The Natal Sun-Lunar North Node Opposition
Some Empirical Research Results

Is He Astrologically Afflicted?

In astrology, the zodiac sign opposite your Sun sign reflects your relationships and encounters in the widest sense.

The zodiac sign opposite your own Sun sign acts like a mirror and represents everyone and everything you encounter.

It makes sense that planets and points that oppose your Sun and are thus in the zodiac sign opposite your Sun sign, or in the 7th sign counting from your Sun sign, or around the 7th house cusp (equal house system with the Sun on the Ascendant), reflect characteristics and traits of your encounter, of "the other."

Such planets and points take on a relationship meaning, which is also the meaning of an opposition aspect.

Oppositions point to awareness coming from external sources or persons outside of us.

We at Cosmic Technologies wanted to find out if such planets actually could describe your relationships and/or partners.

Thanks to the Swiss Astrodatabank we were able to research solar oppositions.

In this article, we describe the natal Sun-Lunar North Node opposition (taking into account an orb of 3°).

As usual, our research is divided into male and female horoscopes.

Natal Sun-Lunar North Node oppositions in female charts

There were only few natal charts with this opposition and there were not found a lot similarities, often because of insufficient categories filled out in the Astrodatabank.

On average, lots of women are widowed and/or divorced (Susanne Hoeg, Suzanne Jurkowski, Jeanne Marchal).

On average, they have at least 2 kids (Cherry Boone O'Neill, Suzanne Jurkowski, Susanne Hoeg).

They are often victimized as well (Susanne Hoeg, Chandra Levy, Amy Carnevale).

Some of the women with a tight Sun-Lunar North Node opposition have to fight addictions (Cherry Boone O'Neill, Jo Dee Messina).

Natal Sun-Lunar North Node oppositions in male charts

On average, men with a tight Sun-Lunar North Node opposition are self-absorbed, headstrong and/or principled (David Oberdorf).

Most often, such men have, at least, one daughter (rather than a son) (José Carreras, Richard Saggese).

At some time in their life, they seem to have big financial success (Franço d'Astier de la Vigerie, Steve Mahre, Phil Mahre).

Men with a close Sun-Lunar North Node opposition travel for work or are an expatriate (Mike Barson, José Carreras, Silvio Martinello, Walter Schirra, Steve Mahre, Nigel Bruce).

Most often, they face an accidental death (Manolete, Richard Saggese, Bernard Dumon).

They have many siblings (Steve and Phil Mahre) and most often at least one brother (Bernard Dumon, Phil and Steve Mahre).

They enjoy vocational awards (Mike Barson, José Carreras, Dennis Desoutter, Phil Mahre, Silvio Martinello, Daniele Scarpa, Domenico Starnone).

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