YOUR 2012 FREE Monthly Horoscope
Forecasting Your (Love) Life
Month After Month

Is He The Right Man For You?

Below you will find YOUR personal 2012 FREE monthly horoscope, describing the way your (love) life unfolds month after month.

We discuss relationships in a general way and that's why we will often refer to your family life, co-workers or neighbors,... as well. So, actually, the forecasts are so much more than a monthly love horoscope.

In case we find a specific, powerful or rare astrological configuration, we will comment on this too. This way you will be able to learn some astrological principles by reading your personal 2012 free monthly horoscope.

We use lots of techniques to write the predictions; we review important Fixed Stars, degree areas, planetary pictures (and midpoint combos), among others, that may affect your Sun's position -- making this more than simple Sun sign forecasts.

We publish your 2012 free monthly horoscope on this page around the 1st day of every month.

Subscribers to our monthly Love Letter will read the 2012 free monthly horoscope first though as our Love Letter is scheduled to be launched more than a week before the monthly forecasts are published here.

So, perhaps this is good enough a reason to subscribe too and be informed before everyone else?!

To read your 2012 free monthly horoscope, just click the month of your choice below.

2012 free monthly horoscope for January

The Best Sign For You To Love

Around January 1, Mercury at 20° Sagittarius squares Mars at 20° Virgo. Mercury is the dispositor of Mars (because Mercury rules Virgo, the zodiac sign Mars is currently in) which is related to irritation and clumsy behavior.

Coincidently (?), this degree area in mutable signs is also assigned to have Mercury/Mars influences. It denotes the need to accomplish a lot of administration or work. Talks are very much work- and business-related around these days.

In some instances, you will likely need to mind your words because this combo is a very argumentative one and disputes and insults are in the air.

You may feel the tension and frustration out of which people react.

On a physical level, this combo is often found in charts of traffic or transportation accidents (in a large sense) and it often denotes injuries related to the legs.

It looks like the year 2012 starts with more than usual injuries so, it may pay to keep it safe on the road (also depending upon the weather conditions) and everywhere you envision to go.

If you are born around February 8, March 25-26, May 10, June 26-27, August 12, September 28, November 12 or December 26-27 enjoy January 5 and fully live your creativity. Love encounters may be possible as well. In general, expect nice surprises.

If you are born around January 5, February 18, April 4, May 20, July 7, August 22, October 8 or November 22, there is lots of tension and stress around January 5. You want to resist and are very opposite in your behavior. For some of you a separation from someone is possible (either because of illness, disputes or ...).

If you are born around this day of January 5, this all is likely to be part of your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday), making that you should expect some sudden tearful separations and/or illness.

Mercury enters business-minded Capricorn around January 8 and squares Uranus at 1° Aries soon after. This combo is likely to bring upsetting and disagreeable news. There is resistance but you will have to face the hard facts.

On a mundane level, this combo may be related to strikes. People may say 'stop!' and things are on hold or delayed for a moment.

Around January 13, Mercury conjoins Pluto at 7° Capricorn. Between January 8 and January 13, Mercury will carry the Uranian influences towards the Plutonian influences. Mercury will act like a messenger and bridge-builder between individual freedom (Uranus in Aries) and governmental control/power (Pluto in Capricorn).

During this time frame, there will be lots and lots of talks and negotiations (especially around January 11). It looks like important changes will be made public or come out into the open. It may be a time of revelations and progress.

On a mundane level, this combo is often found during severe hurricanes and stormy weather, resulting in a very upsetting atmosphere.

Around the same day of January 13, Venus meets Neptune at 29° Aquarius before it enters Pisces the day after. You live in illusions and unfulfilled longings. Honestly, January 13-17 will not be too good a period in matters of love. There is love's sorrow and separation with people leaving your world. You may wonder if this is real...

January 15 might still bring an enjoyable day though with windfalls and receiving (wonderful) gifts. If you are born around January 21-22, February 20, March 22, April 22, May 23, June 23, July 24, August 25, September 25, October 25, November 24 or December 23 you are likely to feel and experience the auspicious effects. If you are a pregnant woman born around this day, expect childbirth now.

If you are born around February 23, May 26, August 28 or November 27, you may feel blessed and overjoyed around January 18. It's a lucky day.

However, if you are born around January 6, April 6, July 8 or October 8, there is upsetting news (it may involve a separation) around January 18-19 but there is also relief noticeable.

Around January 19, the Sun at 29° Capricorn squares Saturn (its dispositor) at 29° Libra, an ending and transitional degree. There is fear noticeable and you may lack some drive because of a love separation. Some of you will start a new love relationship the day after on January 20 when the Sun enters Aquarius.

You may even change your residence around January 20 or just leave the place and move or travel. Anyway, January 20-21 are marked by profound changes in your relationships (in a large sense) and it won't always be welcome changes.

If you are born around January 20, February 18, March 20, April 19-20, May 20-21, June 21, July 22, August 23, September 23, October 23, November 22 or December 21, you may feel ill or dissatisfied around the day of January 20. If you are born around January 20, take care of your health as your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) may be focused around illness.

If you are born around January 10, February 23, April 9, May 26, July 12, August 28, October 13 or November 27, you are very persuasive around January 21. People listen to you and you will likely hear about a fortunate change. January 21-22 will bring relief and sudden strokes of luck.

If you are born around January 21-22, February 20, March 22, April 22, May 23, June 23, July 24, August 25, September 25, October 25, November 24 or December 23 you are favored by auspicious configurations around January 21-22. If you are born around this day of January 21-22 your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) may be full of windfalls and fortunate moments.

The Sun at 1° Aquarius squares Jupiter at 1° Taurus denoting moments of joy and expenses because of purchases.

During Mars's retrograde station at 23° Virgo around January 24, Venus at 11° Pisces squares the Moon's Nodes at 11° Sagittarius.

Mars in this position in the zodiac sign of work does not want or like to work so that strikes are likely. You may feel misunderstood and there may be troubles or losses revolving around finances.

Your social and love life is at a low and you will have to come to terms with your primal and instinctive urges and desires. You may become more aware of what separates you from others and this may create strong feelings of isolation.

Mercury at 29° Capricorn squares Saturn (its dispositor) at 29° Libra around January 27, just before it enters Aquarius the same day. The tension and stress are visible. For some, there is sorrow and sadness noticeable while others may experience a bad cold or feel rather ill. In any way, you can't live your full potential because you have other things on your mind.

If you are born around January 20, February 18, March 20, April 19-20, May 20-21, June 21, July 22, August 23, September 23, October 23, November 22 or December 21, you might feel sad or down around this day of January 27. You worry too much! Lighten up!

Travel to far distant places, a change of the residence or a change of the place is indicated around January 28 if you are born around January 21, March 6, April 21, June 6, July 23, September 8, October 24 or December 8.

Mercury at 2° Aquarius squares Jupiter at 2° Taurus around January 29. Don't forget to pay your bills!

Around January 30, you live in your head and imagination. You are preoccupied with out-of-the-world thoughts and experiences. Mysticism and creativity reign. Listen to music and/or live your sensual fantasies to feel centered again. Remember the ones you love(d) and feel blessed.

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2012 free monthly horoscope for February

Was He Born To Love You?

Venus at 22° Pisces opposes Mars at 22° Virgo around February 2. Is this the clash between the sexes? No, it's not but rather a clash between the nitpickers, the workers and do-ers (Mars in Virgo) on the one side and the more dreamy, idealistic and romantic souls (Venus in Pisces) on the other hand.

Try to find balance between your work and showing attention to your beloved one(s)!

Around February 3, Neptune enters Pisces definitely and will reside in this mutable water sign for the next 14 years until 2026. Neptune in Pisces is in its own sign and becomes very compassionate and highly creative.

It will likely bring much more psychic and subconscious 'feelings' and premonitions. Spirituality will become mainstream.

The downside of this generational transit is that it will also likely bring more confusion and chaotic experiences, especially when Neptune is still in the early degrees of Pisces.

On a mundane level, transits of generational or outer planets work out profoundly just before they enter another sign. So, expect some very chaotic situations early February!

Neptune at 0° Pisces is all about what is highly 'unbelievable' and that yet may become reality and materialize (for good or bad). You may hear the words 'OMG!!' more often.

Note that important keywords for Neptune (especially when it's in the watery zodiac sign it rules) are 'dissolving' and 'sucking'. It is the perfect dissolver of structures and rigid patterns. All mutable signs are non-linear and if you take the water element to it, you will know, perhaps, that water 'seeks its own ways'... -- litterally and figuratively.

If you are born around February 3-4, March 20, May 5, June 20-21, August 7, September 23, November 7 or December 21-22, you will feel rather down or ill around February 4-5. You have too much worries and feel dissatisfied for some reason. Your body is very sensitive, reacts to the minutest stimuli and you should take care of your health. You feel alone and quite pessimistic.

The Sun and Mercury meet at 17° Aquarius around February 7. If you are born between February 5-7, March 23-24, May 7-8, June 23-24, August 9-10, September 25, November 9-10 or December 24-25, there is a whole lot going on between February 6-7. You may be absent-minded but might be awakened by a cold shower. You may be in a wasteful period. Be responsible!

Your mood can be very compassionate and emotional too.

Around the Full Moon of February 7, Saturn stations and starts its retrograde motion at 29° Libra, an ending degree in the sign of relationships.

It looks like February 6-7 will become very remarkable days in not a pleasant way... Let's recall why:

  • There is a Full Moon at 18° Leo
  • Saturn stations and turns retrograde
  • Saturn is at an ending degree
  • Saturn is inconjunct Venus, its own dispositor

The total image of these listed configurations is about the end of a (love) relationship or relationship with a beloved one and, for some, the opportunity to immediately start a new bond with someone else...

On a mundane level, the whole Full Moon period may point to earthquakes and natural disasters. Take your precautions if you live around sensitive areas.

Retrograde Saturn will challenge your relationships and may bring some hardship. You will have to face some hard facts.

If you are born around March 20, June 20 (21), September 22 (23) or December 21 (22) expect a sad day, love's sorrow and tears around February 7-8. However, don't despair because Venus will very soon enter Aries on February 8 and bring the urge to seduce and attract. You then want to test if you're still attractive and may be in a flirtatious mood.

If you are born around February 9, May 11, August 14 or November 13 you will be in a very talkative mood around February 8-9. You have the urge to talk your heart out. Your mind works at high speed to grasp all the information and impressions it has to absorb and process. If you are born around February 9, this will not only happen now but will be part of your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday).

Around February 9-10 Venus will conjoin Uranus at 2° Aries, pointing to love at first sight, enjoyable (short-lived) encounters and receiving nice presents/gifts.

The conjunction in fiery and impulsive Aries will bring magic influences to your love needs, the more so if you are born around March 23, June 24, September 26 or December 24. The influences will also be felt to a lesser extent if you are born around January 22-23, February 21, April 23, May 24, August 26, October 24 or November 25.

Enjoy the romantic mood and your love dreams but do also know that Venus and Uranus together are seldom lasting if no other configurations point to more stability!

Valentine's Day (February 14) marks the entrance of Mercury in nebulous Pisces. Mercury will also join Neptune at 0° Pisces on the same day.

If you are born around January 6, February 19, April 5, May 21, July 8, August 24, October 9 or November 23, expect a tearful event and/or news or a message about a separation then. You may be forced to make a trip or to change the place and may feel irritable. There is sadness and you may feel lost.

Venus at 8° Aries squares Pluto at 8° Capricorn around February 15. This is not a peaceful square! It can be quite brutal especially because the square is outgoing and thus pushing for action. If you are a woman, be vigilent.

If you are born around January 25, March 10, April 25, June 11, July 28, September 13 or October 28, you may feel weak and sleepy. You may be under the influence of drugs or feel ecstatic and euphoric for some reason.

Around February 19, the Sun enters Pisces and conjuncts Neptune at the same time while Mercury at 10° Pisces squares the Moon's Nodes. If you are born around January 6, February 19, April 5, May 21, July 8, August 24, October 9 or November 23, you feel not at par yet. You still feel weak.

The February 21 New Moon brings dissatisfaction, un-ease (even disease) and weakness if you are born around March 21, June 21-22, September 23-24 or December 22. Don't expect the stellar influences to go away for you this month, so, take care!

If you are born around January 6, February 19, April 5, May 21, July 8, August 24, October 9 or November 23, there is sadness, stress and tension noticeable regarding a beloved one during the New Moon period.

If you are born around February 23, May 26, August 28 or November 27 the whole period of late February is marked by hard and laborious physical work.

Mercury at 17° Pisces opposes Mars at 17° Virgo around February 23, marking a time for arguments and disputes. Try to be gentle to solve any issues and talk things out in a well-balanced way!

If you are born around January 13, February 26, April 13, May 29, July 15, August 31, October 16 or November 30, you will surely look forward to enjoying a very lucky day around February 26-28. Indeed, late February is a very fortunate period for you with lots of love, charming events, pleasure and joy.

The Sun at 9° Pisces squares the Moon's Nodes around February 29. Someone may object to your relationship(s).

You may experience a setback related to a male person (because of illness, separation, ...).

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2012 free monthly horoscope for March

Is He Astrologically Afflicted?

Mercury enters Aries around March 1. There is sorrow and you may feel rather down around this day. You're not in the mood.

Chances are that some of you may experience respiratory issues (a cough, sneezing etc.). However, Mercury in Aries will open up quite soon and the need to communicate and speak out will increase with the days.

The Sun at 13° Pisces opposes retrograde Mars at 13° Virgo around March 3. You dislike working or need a day off, possibly because of health reasons too. This may especially apply if you are born around January 19, March 4, April 18, June 3, July 21, September 6, October 21 or December 5.

Around March 4, Venus at 28° Aries opposes retrograde Saturn at 28° Libra leaving a distance between you and your partner or lover. There is separation in the air and there is a cold atmosphere noticeable.

Expect arguments and disputes with your lover around March 3-4 but don't fight. If you are born around March 3-4, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) will be marked by love issues that you will have to sort out.

The day after, around March 5, Venus enters its own sign Taurus and becomes more physical and interested in (comfort) food and material goods. It's able to stabilize unions and relationships and bring a softer, less aggressive atmosphere.

Mercury conjuncts Uranus at 3° Aries around the same day of March 5 and will bring some surprising (breaking) news. Expect some breakthroughs.

If you are born around January 23, March 7, April 22, June 8, July 25, September 10, October 25 or December 9, you are reveling in love and very sensitive. You are vulnerable and easily swayed by someone else. Your imagination or fantasy life has taken you over.

If you are born around March 7, you are likely to fly high your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) long. Love can be beautiful...

Around the Full Moon of March 8 you want to make it cozy at home. Home decorations, home improvements and interests in real estate keep you busy. This is the more so if you are born around January 24, March 8, April 23, June 9, July 26, September 11, October 26 or December 10.

If you are born around March 8, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) will be about relocating, changing the place of residence, real estate and buildings.

If you are born around January 26, March 10, April 25, June 11, July 28, September 13, October 28 or December 12 you tend to overindulge around March 10. It's a sensual time but also a very creative and artistic one full of inspiration.

Mercury stations at 6° Aries around March 12 and is about to turn backwards. If you are born under the zodiac signs of Virgo or Gemini or if your Ascendant is in one of these zodiac signs, you may feel weaker or less vital around the station. You may temporarily feel out of place and out of sync.

Also, you are aware that you lack some information and you question the value of knowledge and will seek answers through personal research or experience before taking decisions. Do know that you can't rely on mainstream information now!

Around March 14, Fortuna Minor (Venus) and Fortuna Major (Jupiter) meet at 9° Taurus. Mid March promises to become a very lucky period for some of you with lots of popularity, wealth, windfalls etc.

If you are born around December 31, January 30, February 28, March 30, April 29, May 30, July 1, July 1, September 1, October 2, November 1 or December 1, you will feel this auspicious configuration mid March profoundly. It's a very prosperous time to engage, marry or accomplish whatever you envision.

If you are born between March 13-17, these influences will mark your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday). A fabulous year is ahead of you if your natal chart is in agreement!

If you are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces, the positive effects will be noticeable in some way for all of you as well, depending on your own natal chart.

However, if you are born around January 7, April 6, July 8 or October 9 there is lots of stress and tension around on March 14. You try to resist external influences and want to break free from tension and limitations.

Mars at 9° Virgo squares the Moon's North Node at 9° Sagittarius around March 16, denoting aggression and a hot temper. This configuration is often found during multiple victims (public) shootings. Beware and take care!

Mercury and Uranus meet again at 4° Aries around March 18 presenting a follow-up of the past sudden (breaking) news and breakthroughs. Keep an eye on the news for more.

If you are born around March 22, June 23, September 25 or December 24, there is hardship around on March 19. There is physical discomfort and you may not feel too well. The influences will last for the coming weeks so, don't expect to fly too high this month! It will take some time, patience and perseverance to overcome these sobering influences.

If you are born around March 22-23, the influences will last your whole (solar return) year long (counting from birthday to birthday). Take care of your health because the influences are especially felt in a physical way!

Love's sorrow and tearful events are likely to happen between March 19-20 if you are born around February 4, March 19, May 4, June 20, August 6, September 21, November 6 or December 21. You suffer because of some unfulfilled wishes.

If you are born around March 19-20, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is marked by love's sorrow and tearful events related to beloved ones.

The Sun enters Aries around March 20 and will conjunct Mercury the day after at 1° Aries. There is the need to talk, to send out a message.

Around the March 22 New Moon, there may be strikes or resistance to work. You are in an opposite mood. There is confusion and miscommunication all around too.

Retrograde Mercury (re)enters Pisces, the sign of its detriment, around March 23 resulting in more confusion and sorrow.

On a mundane level, we have noticed the current configuration to indicate issues in the maritime world, especially accidents related to cargo ships.

Expect nice presents, love at first sight and enjoyable encounters around March 23-24 when the Sun and Uranus meet at 4° Aries. Send a gift or nice message to your beloved ones.

If you are born around December 31, February 14, March 29, May 15, June 30, August 17, October 2 or November 16, you will likely feel irristible attraction and powerful (compulsive) desires that steer your (love) life in a certain auspicious direction between March 28-30. One of the reasons is the Sun at 9° Aries squaring Pluto at 9° Capricorn around March 29.

However, don't force things too much.

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2012 free monthly horoscope for April

Is He Your Vedic Soulmate?

With three planetary stations and Venus going out of bounds (till June), this month of April 2012 promises to become an eventful one with the following key dates to keep an eye on: April 4, April 10, April 17 and April 25. In general, most planetary activity relates to financial issues.

Venus enters airy Gemini around April 3. You will enjoy lots of small trips and may encounter new people in your neighborhood or visit/meet your siblings.

Venus in Gemini becomes charming and wants to keep moving. The need and opportunity to attend social activities are the result of this.

Mercury stations and turns direct again at 23° Pisces around April 4. This station is not an auspicious one.

First, Mercury is still in the sign of its detriment and thus still very confused. It cannot see clear and communicating is now a big challenge. In fact, reasoning Mercury gets lost in the endless sea of emotions during the station.

Second, 23° Pisces is not an auspicious degree at all. It's one of the most powerful degrees representing sadness and sorrow.

As long as Mercury remains at this degree (till April 7), something will bring an unhappy feeling.

If you are born between April 3 and April 7, Mercury's stationary position at 23° Pisces will mark your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday), resulting in sadness and sorrow to bear in the fields related to its house rulership and house position in the solar return chart.

If you are born around January 7, February 20, April 5, May 21, July 7, August 23, October 9 or November 23, there will be stress and tension in your love life around April 4-5. There may be separation from a beloved one (in the widest sense).

Venus at 2° Gemini squares Neptune at 2° Pisces around the Full Moon of April 6. Neptune, very strong in its own sign, is the most powerful planet of the two in this aspect. Expect a financial decline and certainties to crumble (dissolve) under this aspect. A beloved one may leave your world.

If you are born around April 5-6, the influences will be felt during your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday). Beware of a financial decline.

If you are born around January 9, February 22, April 7, May 24, July 10, August 26, October 11 or November 25 there is a lot of hard work to accomplish around April 7-8.

Around April 8, Venus at 3° Gemini squares Mars at 3° Virgo resulting in disputes over love vs. work.

On the one hand, you feel obliged to give the best of yourself at the working floor while on the other hand, you need to take some time to relax or give attention to your lover too.

Actually, between April 4 and April 7, Venus will be the apex planet of a T-square in which Mars and Neptune are opposite. For some of you, this T-square may point to health issues, while for others it may indicate infidelity (or a secret affair).

Also, the Mars-Neptune opposition is called the axis of denial and rejection. Venus, planet of love in between Mars and Neptune may thus bring rejection in matters of love.

Around April 10, Pluto stations and is about to turn retrograde at 9° Capricorn. This heavy station will mark April for the most part and is related to bankruptcy, stock market crashes, financial decline etc.

We expect to see the corporate and banking world to go through another round of turmoil during the station. In its backward motion, Pluto will again review past actions and force governments, the corporate and banking world to revamp and go ahead with a total metamorphosis. Retrograde Pluto will delve deeper and deeper and get out all the garbage!

Venus at 7° Gemini opposes the Moon's North Node around April 12 resulting in family visits or encounters with friends from the past.

The third station this month happens around April 14 when Mars at 3° Virgo makes ready to move forward again. Fiery Mars will become more extravert now and chances are it will show impulsive and rash behavior resulting in more violence and anger. It would be wise to think first before acting!

Around April 15, the Sun at 26° Aries opposes Saturn at 26° Libra. There is separation (often from an authority figure) and you cannot unfold properly. You feel inhibited and cannot express your creative drives. You hesitate and fear losses.

Don't try to push yourself through now because you will encounter tons of resistance.

If you are born around January 17, April 16, July 18 or October 19 this may especially apply to you. For some of you, a change of residence during this period may result in more stress.

Mercury enters Aries around April 17 and becomes more focused and extravert after its sojourn in silent Pisces. Mercury wants to talk out but it will still take time (till April 24 when Mercury will reach 6° Aries -- its previous stationary position) before Mercury, the messenger, may open up completely.

The Sun enters material and physical Taurus around April 19 resulting in more stability and interest in money and possessions.

Between April 18-21, you will enjoy fortunate developments in your own (love) life if you are born around January 19, March 3, April 18, June 3, July 20, September 5, October 21 or December 5.

If you are born around April 18, the auspicious influences will be felt throughout your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday).

Around April 22, Mercury and Uranus meet at 6° Aries resulting in breaking news. Mercury is now at the position it stationed around March 12 and it will now be able to express itself more openly.

You can tell in freedom what was on your mind during Mercury's past retrograde movement.

Around April 25, Mercury at 9° Aries squares stationing Pluto at 9° Capricorn. There is annoyance and too much tunnel vision. Your brain and thoughts are turning circles... Get rid of negative thinking!

If you are born around January 6, April 5, July 7 or October 9, chances are you may have to travel for work or will be obliged to make a small trip around April 30.

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2012 free monthly horoscope for May

Is He The Right Man For You?

May 1 and 2 bring pessimism, uncertainties and fear. Fear for the unknown and for the future. There is disharmony and lots of verbal attacks and hard opinions. Love is not an option now...

Around May 3, something is dissolving. There may be fires, arrests and imprisonment, injuries and all sorts of agony. Don't expect too much from the early May days and you better keep a low profile.

If you are born around this day of May 3, keep an eye on your health during your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday).

Actually, from May 3 till May 8 there is a lot of tension, unrest and upheaval in the community noticeable. There is defeat and misery -- but not for all!

The following astrological configurations point to quite some excitement, uproar and turmoil so it will be necessary to keep your head cool:

  • Mars at 6° Virgo squares the Moon's Nodes between May 5 and May 9. The square will be exact around May 5. Please note that this square is almost always found in times of public shootings and (bloody) mass or multiple victim events.
  • Mercury at 24° Aries opposes Saturn at 24° Libra around May 6
  • there is a perigee Full Moon at 16° Scorpio around May 6, bringing things to a head

During this emotional and separative Full Moon period, there is lots to think and ponder about and you may not always understand what's happening at first.

Indeed, the May 6 perigee Full Moon period will surely bring quite a lot out in the open that may disturb you and/or bring hardship.

This SuperMoon, like all SuperMoons, may also bring more wild or extreme weather (incl. earthquakes and/or volcanic activity), the more so because Mars and Uranus are part of a Dominant Learning Triangle that is exact from May 4 till May 9.

This Triangle is about extremely fast evolving events (reinforcing the acute and speedy Mars and Uranus themes) resulting in immediate insight and awareness. Mars and Uranus together are most often pointing to physical injuries (cuts, wounds, accidents) and very often part of large earthquake configurations.

The upcoming, applying and outgoing, Uranus-Pluto square adds to this because Pluto represents the 'Underground' and Capricorn represents the outer skin (crust) of the earth.

The Mars-Moon's Node square between May 5 and May 9 will work out in a violent way as well.

Fortunately, the sky will clear up quite soon because, around May 8-9, Mercury enters Taurus. This entrance will bring relief for a short time and very exciting news in an unexpected way that will boost your confidence in the future. Also, on a mundane level, the active configurations may point to important scientific breakthroughs.

The auspicious influences will especially be felt if you are born around January 20-21, April 19-20, July 22-23 or October 23-24.

Around May 10, spirituality, the supernatural and mysticism reign. The focus will be on 'The Unreal' and chances are the influences remain active the whole month long.

If you are born around January 27, April 26, July 29 or October 29 you will likely feel the influences in a powerful way. If you are born around December 28, February 25, March 26, May 27, June 27, August 29, September 29 or November 28, you too will experience the configuration but in a minor way.

The Sun conjuncts Jupiter at 23° Taurus around May 13. It's a very blissful day on which fortunate developments occur. The day has enormous success potential in many ways, the more so if you are born around today May 13 or February 12, August 15-16 or November 15. If you are born around this day of May 13, the influences will be felt your whole (solar return) year long (counting from birthday to birthday).

Around May 13-14, there is travel, a move and/or a lot to study. This is the more so if you are born around January 29, March 13, April 28, June 13-14, July 31, September 16, October 31 or December 15.

Venus stations at 23° Gemini around May 15 and is about to turn "it's back." In many instances, retrograde Venus denotes that lovers (or beloved ones) will turn their back resulting in separations here and there. Also, lovers (or beloved ones) of the past may suddenly re-appear, say 'Hello!' and enter your life for another time.

Around May 20, the Sun enters mutable and airy Gemini, bringing more changes of the place, short trips and movements.

Around May 21, the Solar Eclipse at 0° Gemini (the most unstable degree of the zodiac) will emphasize the wandering influences and will mark a period of tons of short trips and changes of the place. It's likely you will nowhere feel at home or have "no real home anymore" because you're on the road or on the move.

Things are unstable, moving and changing continuously... According to the meticulous researcher and astrologer Bernadette Brady, the core meaning of this Solar Eclipse 14 South series is about long awaited breakthroughs and the acceptance of ideas and methodologies.

This Solar Eclipse, right at the Fixed Star Alcyone, will add more tension and stress in your life though. There is a tendency to rebel and you cannot stand any control any longer.

The Fixed Star Alcyone has a bad reputation in mundane astrology because it is related to accidents, imprisonments, blindness (or being blinded by something) and physical injuries.

As usual, the influence of a Solar Eclipse lasts for about 6 months and though it has some very challenging sides, this Eclipse will be highly auspicious and rewarding after all.

Mercury and Jupiter meet at 25° Taurus around May 22. Both planets rule cerebral and intellectual signs (Gemini and Sagittarius), Mercury being the more rational one and Jupiter being the more conceptual one.

They both join forces in material Taurus and become more realistic and practical in their search for knowledge and answers.

Interestingly, around May 22, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn build an astrological 'search configuration', representing 'a search' with lots of zeal and focus and the infinite longing for answers. These are experimental days on which you may feel dissatisfied with the current situation and look for other options -- even imaginary ones.

If you are born around January 30, April 29, August 1 or November 1, there currently are really big and life changing events going on in your life, especially noticeable around May 23.

Around May 23, the Sun at 3° Gemini squares Neptune at 3° Pisces. This square will bring uncertainty and a weak feeling. You may want to escape, feel reclusive or want to travel.

Mercury enters its own sign Gemini around May 24 and adds to the 'wandering' and unstable influences that are going on this month. There is a lot to talk about but mind gossip. Changes of the place and short trips are likely.

Around May 25, Mercury at 3° Gemini squares Neptune at 3° Pisces. Both planets in the sign of their rulership may disconnect you from reality. It's about daydreaming and trance-like states.

You may not be able to decide or handle consciously under this transit and you should consider taking a day off (the more so if you have a difficult job with big responsibilities regarding safety).

Don't take any important decisions now as you may feel mislead or confused. Your thinking is unclear and foggy. You better decline any proposal.

Around May 26-27, the Sun and Mercury at 5° Gemini oppose the Moon's North Node at 5° Sagittarius. You may feel the absence of a male person or of an authority figure.

Actually, since May 22, Neptune is the apex planet of a mutable T-square built by the opposition between Sun/Mercury and the Moon's North Node. This T-square has to do with the dissolving of criminal groups, the disruption of contact between groups of people, being let down (or robbed) by others and/or to be deceived by others.

Chances are there will be issues getting in touch with each other because mutable T-squares work out on the communication and transportation level.

Late May is a period of disorientation and confusion and the need to escape from every day pressures is really high.

Mercury at 14° Gemini squares Mars at 14° Virgo around May 31. Because Mercury rules Virgo, it is the dispositor of Mars and the most powerful planet of the two. You're in a nitpicking mood and way too assertive. Mind your words because they may hurt someone. Legal issues may keep you busy.

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2012 free monthly horoscope for June

Was He Born To Love You?

June is a highly interesting month for many reasons: Mercury and retrograde Venus are conjunct and out of bounds during the early days, there is a very rareastronomical event (Venus transit) going on, there are two exact squares between outer planets (the Uranus-Pluto square and the Jupiter-Neptune square), there is a Lunar Eclipse and there are four (!) 'planetary' stations (Chiron, Venus, Saturn and Neptune).

So, that's a whole lot in one single month!

In general, this whole month of June 2012 is going to be:

  • very stressful and full of tension if you are born around January 6, April 4, July 7 or October 8
  • full of agony, grief and peculiar experiences (involving criminal elements, injuries or burns etc.) if you are born around February 25, May 27, August 29 or November 28
  • full of surprises, excitement and joyful events if you are born around February 13, May 14, August 16 or November 15
  • unbelievable with unreal experiences or events related to the immaterial world if you are born around March 10, June 11, September 13 or December 12
  • thrilling with joyful excitement if you are born around March 14, June 14, September 16 or December 15

Key dates to be taken into account on which important events are likely to happen are: June 4, June 11, June 18-19 and June 25-26.

Mercury and retrograde Venus conjoin at 18° Gemini around June 1. Have a nice chat and enjoyable talks the early days of June. There is love to share and you find yourself in a creative period or mood.

If you are born around January 24, March 8, April 23, June 9, July 26, September 11, October 26 or December 10, you are likely to experience very happy moments around June 1-2.

It's a good time to propose or tie the knot. You are able to persuade and influence others and give a good impression. Your life unfolds auspiciously.

Both Mercury and retrograde Venus are out of bounds also, denoting that some things may happen beyond normal expectations.

If you are born around January 26, March 11, April 26, June 11, July 28, September 13, October 29 or December 12, you may be confused or absent-minded around June 2-3. You don't feel centered. Don't indulge in alcohol!

Around June 4, the Lunar Eclipse at 14° Sagittarius is becoming part of a T-square in which Venus and Mars are involved.

Actually, Venus at 16° Gemini squares Mars at 16° Virgo around June 4-5 raising sexual tension and attractions during the Lunar Eclipse. Because Neptune at 3° Pisces stations and regresses at the same day of June 4, it may be a seductive time.

Stationing Neptune may now enhance psychic ability but also self-doubt, uncertainty and confusion.

Try to remain realistic and stay focused. Don't listen to gossip or make sure you try to avoid any story-tellings. The truth may be totally different.

The Venus-Mars square still struggles to find balance between work-related matters and love interests. There is disappointment in matters of love around for some as well as infidelity.

The Sun and Venus join forces at 15° Gemini around June 6. Nice talks and/or small trips make your day.

You may have heard about the very rare and once-in-a-lifetimeastronomical event around June 5-6 on which Venus transits across the face of the Sun. The next time when Venus will pass over the Sun will be in 2117 and 2125.

Astrologically, such rare transits have not yet been well-researched but some inconclusive results from past Venus transits point to epic and historical events, bringing totally new and highly transformational events that will start to show up within the following 10 months.

Because the transit happens in Gemini of communication, transportation and knowledge, chances are really major and historic breakthroughs in these fields are coming our ways.

Around June 7, Mercury enters emotional and vacillating Cancer denoting some difficulty communicating individually in an objective way. Your way of speaking and/or writing may have a strong emotional undercurrent. As long as Mercury resides in Cancer (till June 27), you may be more in contact with your family and/or the parental home.

The Sun at 17° Gemini squares Mars at 17° Virgo around June 8. There is work to do, especially writing or doing administration.

You may have noticed that from June 4 till June 9, the mutable T-square between the Sun, Venus and Mars (Mars being the apex planet) remains active and will have a meaning for your love life.

Some of you will experience more passion or creative desires in whatever you want to do while others may struggle with the drive for perfection and juggling as much as possible at the same time.

There is hardship, a reality-check or some physical issues around June 8 if you are born around March 21, June 22, September 24 or December 22.

If you are born around January 24, March 8-9, April 23, June 9, July 26, September 11, October 26 or December 10 there are fortunate developments going on around June 9. It's a happy day on which you can accomplish a lot and succeed. Be happy!

If you are born around this day of June 9, the fortunate configurations will mark your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday).

Jupiter, the teacher, traveller and stranger/foreigner, enters mutable Gemini, the sign of its detriment, around June 11. This transit will bring lots of changes of the place, travel, moves, coming and going etc. but also errors in judgment.

Jupiter in this position is likely to become chatty as well. However, it's a good placement to broaden knowledge even if the information you will get can be overwhelming.

Mercury at 8° Cancer squares Uranus at 8° Aries around June 11 which brings sudden encounters and sudden (breaking) news. It's a day to watch out for and you should expect the unexpected and sudden emergency situations.

If you are born around January 26, March 11, April 25, June 11, July 28, September 13, October 28 or December 12, you may feel ill or experience health issues around June 11. If you are a female born around one of the before-mentioned birthdays, a male person may disappear out of your life.

The day after, around June 12, Mercury still at 8° Cancer opposes Pluto at 8° Capricorn while Chiron stations at 9° Pisces to turn back.

You are in a very talkative mood. People seem to talk about a certain topic and your mind is restless and trying to absorb everything. There is so much excitement around.

The Chiron station may bring a shock and mark a transition time (like death and rebirth).

Actually, Mercury, Uranus and Pluto are building a 2nd T-square this month that is active between June 11-13.

In initiating cardinal signs, this T-square is especially about pushing groundbreaking ideas through. Interestingly, 8° in cardinal signs is related to speaking out emotionally; the more excitement, the more talkative one becomes. Clearly, there may be lots of excitement noticeable around these days.

If you are born around December 30, February 12, March 28, May 13, June 29, August 16, October 1 or November 15 the T-square will be felt strongly. If you are born around January 29, February 27, April 28, May 29, July 31, August 31, October 31 or November 30 this also applies to you, but in a minor way.

Tearful events and sadness surround you around June 14-15 if you are born around January 26, March 11, April 25, June 11, July 28, September 13, October 28 or December 12. You feel powerless. It's a day of surgery, injuries and paralysis (mentally, emotionally or physically).

June 16 is a day of damage control and finding relief. It's also a day of travel for work, short trips and/or changing the place obligatory.

Mercury at 22° Cancer squares Saturn at 22° Libra around June 20. The days around the Summer Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere) bring sadness.

The Sun enters Cancer around June 21 and becomes home- and family-oriented.

The days after the June 19 New Moon and especially between June 21-22 are full of sudden love encounters, love at first sight and irresistible attraction. If you are born around December 30, February 12, March 28, May 13, June 29, August 16, October 1 or November 15 the influences will be felt strongly. If you are born around January 29, February 27, April 28, May 29, July 31, August 31, October 31 or November 30 this also applies to you, but in a minor way.

However, there is a reality-check or some physical hardship around June 22 if you are born around March 21, June 22, September 24 or December 22.

The first out of 7 exact paradigm-shifting Uranus-Pluto squares happens around June 24 but its influence will be felt the whole month long. Uranus at 8° Aries and Pluto at 8° Capricorn will question many developments in our society.

Remember the mid 60s when Uranus and Pluto were conjunct?

The outgoing square of taking action will force to let go old patterns and will pave the way for a totally new direction.

This square at 8° in cardinal signs is about pulling down the masks and walls. At 8° Aries, Uranus is stronger than Pluto and will start to break through Pluto in Capricorn's conservative walls.

Things from the past will become known and more public knowledge.

Around June 25 there is another square between two outer planets, Jupiter at 3° Gemini squares Neptune at 3° Neptune that will color and modify the current Uranus-Pluto square in some way.

The challenging aspect between Jupiter and Neptune is very often indicating the uncovering of fraud and illegal transactions, the more so because Jupiter is in the sign of its detriment which often denotes unlawful behavior or not respecting the Law.

Also, there are unreal expectations and deceptions going on because of too much irresponsible or careless behavior and errors in judgment.

Jupiter and Neptune here promote lies and delusion as well. There is the wrong faith. Most of all, though, this aspect is above all related to financial issues, exceptional losses and fraud.

Also, Saturn at 22° Libra stations around the same day of June 25 and turns direct again, resulting in more stability in your relationships. It will become more clear how your relationships do and you now may consider bringing your relationship to a higher level.

You may feel more disciplined during the Saturn station.

In Libra, stationing Saturn becomes more diplomatic and has more finesse and a sense of the politic.

Around June 26, Mercury enters the fixed fire sign Leo and speaks out more openly and in public.

Jupiter at 3° Gemini opposes the North Node of the Moon at 3° Sagittarius around June 27 while Venus at 7° Gemini stations and turns direct again.

When Jupiter is connected to the South Node of the Moon, unlawful events and financial issues are confirmed just once more to happen late June.

Neptune in Pisces will be the apex planet of the T-square in which the Moon's North Node and Jupiter square Neptune.

This pattern is about dissolving groups, huge financial losses and confusion.

Late June is clearly not the appropriate time to gamble or speculate.

Stationing Venus in Gemini points to encounters that can be very meaningful. There is heartfelt communication bringing magical moments. Share your love.

Stationing Venus in Gemini becomes more approachable and inviting with personable flair.

Around June 29-30, the last T-square of this month is active and is built between the Sun, Uranus and Pluto (the Sun is now at 8° Cancer and squares Uranus at 8° Aries and opposes Pluto at 8° Capricorn).

The groundbreaking influences of the month continue and will especially be felt if you are born around December 30, February 12, March 28, May 13, June 29, August 16, October 1 or November 15.

If you are born around January 29, February 27, April 28, May 29, July 31, August 31, October 31 or November 30 this also applies to you, but in a minor way. Here again, expect an emotional and talkative mood.

Late June (especially the last week) is marked by legal issues and actions (be it a divorce or other legal actions).

You may be affected if you are born around February 3, March 18, May 3, June 18-19, August 5, September 20, November 5 or December 19-20.

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2012 free monthly horoscope for July

Is He Your Vedic Soulmate?

This month of July 2012 is likely to affect you on different occasions/days if you are born around December 30, January 28, February 27, March 28, April 28, May 29, June 29, July 31, August 31, October 1, October 31 or November 30.

Mostly, the experiences will be satisfactory, except if natal Saturn aspects your natal Sun which may hinder or block some of the auspicious influences.

The most important days for you are July 3-6, July 25-26 and July 31.

The general trends for some birthdays can be summarized as follows:

  • If you are born around March 18, June 18, September 20 or December 19, the month of July 2012 is marked by illness, not feeling well, emotional angst and/or feeling down and depressed.
  • If you are born around February 19, May 21, August 23 or November 22, your life seems to have reached a standstill. It's a difficult and hard month, physically and/or emotionally and you will need (but also have) the courage and tenacity to overcome any obstacles.
  • If you are born around March 21-22, June 22, September 24 or December 22-23, this will be a sobering month, bringing or keeping you down to earth in the daily realities of life. There may be physical illness or injury, preventing you from 'flying high'.

Key dates on which events in general are likely to happen are: July 2-3, July 8, July 14-17, July 23 and July 29-30.

Around July 2, there is confidence and you may experience a series of fortunate breaks and successes. It's a highly favorable time if you want or need to persuade someone. There can be promotion and fortunate developments make your days. This especially applies to you if you are born around January 27, March 11, April 26, June 12, July 29, September 13, October 29 or December 13.

Mars enters peaceful Libra around the Full Moon of July 3. Because Mars is in the sign of its detriment (Mars rules Aries, the sign that opposes Libra) it feels unable to act freely and might initiate things on its own in a very self-centered way. In sociable Libra, Mars has to take into account others to maintain balance and harmony.

Mars in this 'dreadful' position has really trouble accepting the consequences of its own actions. Its mission is to learn to restore peace.

Relationships may therefore go into battle over perceived injustices. However, on a positive note, there is an increased need to do things in partnership with each other.

If you are born around July 7, there is lots of tension during your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday). Expect nervousness and trying to overcome some huge hurdles. Get up all your courage to master the difficulties.

July 6-7 can be very stressful if you are born around January 6, February 19, April 5, May 21, August 23, October 8 or November 22.

If you are born around January 23, February 21, March 22, April 22, May 23, June 23, July 24, August 25, September 25, October 25, November 24 or December 24 there are nasty experiences around between July 7-9. Some of you may become unemployed, others might be hospitalized, rejected or betrayed leaving you empty and alone in the world.

You are annoyed by others, may feel deceived and/or are in bad company.

Around July 10, Neptune at 2° Pisces squares the Moon's North Node at 2° Sagittarius resulting in withdrawal, reclusion or being misled. It's a time of intrigue and you should stay away from sinister persons. Be cautious when you let someone new into your life.

Uranus stations at 8° Aries and turns retrograde around July 13. This station will be felt the whole month long. Because of the station and the degree area, Uranus is very very powerful and will break and push through around its station (perhaps resulting in some earthquakes and/or volcanic activity as well).

Expect a sudden change of course in some way and acting more independently. The stationary retrograde position of Uranus can be very stiff-necked and taciturn.

A couple of days later, around July 15, Mercury too stations to move backward at 12° Leo. Now that Mercury and Uranus station around the same time, there may be issues related to the fields of transportation (traffic accidents, train and/or plane crashes etc.).

Around July 15 the Sun at 23° Cancer squares Saturn at 23° Libra. This aspect is about grief and sorrow. Clearly, mid July may become a challenging and sad period.

This is not only confirmed by the before-mentioned stationary positions of Mercury and Uranus, but also because of the square between Mars at 7° Libra and Pluto at 7° Capricorn around July 17 and the opposition between Mars at 8° Libra and Uranus at 9° Aries around the New Moon of July 19.

This all points to a very violent period that shows that Mars in Libra is not able to keep harmony and balance just now.

The mid July T-square in cardinal signs between Pluto (the apex planet), Mars and Uranus is about catastrophies, explosive and forceful events causing (physical) injuries to many.

The Sun enters its own sign Leo around July 22. The focus for the days to come is on real estate and buildings.

If you are born around December 30, January 28, February 27, March 28, April 28, May 29, June 29, July 31, August 31, October 1, October 31 or November 30 there is confidence and you may experience quite some series of fortunate breaks and successes around July 25. It's a highly favorable time if you want or need to persuade someone. There can be promotion and fortunate developments make your days.

Between July 26-28, you are likely to experience love's sorrow, love fantasies, creative and artistic desires. You may indulge in pleasures and mystic adventures.

This may especially apply to you if you are born around January 25-26, March 10, April 25, June 10, July 28, September 12, October 28 or December 12.

The Sun and Mercury conjoin at 6° Leo around July 28. You tend to go with the flow and engage in some affairs you may regret later.

Late July, there is irresistible attraction and love desires if you are born around December 30, January 28, February 27, March 28, April 28, May 29, June 29, July 31, August 31, October 1, October 31 or November 30. Make it enjoyable and cozy!

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2012 free monthly horoscope for August

The Best Sign For You To Love

This month of August 2012 may be fairly a calm month astrologically, except for some very challenging configurations around mid August and between August 23-25.

Key dates on which events, in general, are likely to happen are: August 4, August 12, August 19, August 25 and August 31.

Also, if you are born around January 6-7, February 20, April 6, May 22, July 8, August 24, October 9 or November 23, the whole month of August may be full of (background) stress and separations. Lovers tend to live separate lives now. There is sadness and you may feel lost, especially between August 23-25.

But first, let's start with the beginning.

The Full Moon of August 2 radiates a positive mood, confidence and optimism.

Around August 4-5 there is sadness and love's sorrow. Some of you may feel ill as well and there is a general feeling of dissatisfaction. This is especially so if you are born around February 2, March 18, May 3, June 19, August 5, September 20, November 5 or December 19.

Venus enters emotional and home-loving Cancer around August 7. You want to be at home or need a more nurturing and cozy environment.

You may become more emotional regarding your relationships (in a large sense) and be more protective. Family-gatherings are favored. Love is reflected in the way and how much you care.

Mercury stations at 1° Leo and turns direct around the same day of August 7. In this public sign, Mercury is able to express itself more publicly. There is more charisma and a sense of drama in all your ways of communication. You may love to read and follow the news.

Around August 8, there is hardship around and the feeling that a door is closed, especially on a relationship level. Some of you may feel down or experience physical issues. The influences will be felt well if you are born around February 5, March 21, May 6, June 22, August 8, September 24, November 8 or December 22. Love is at an all-time low.

Around August 10, your interest is home-related, either because you want to do some home improvements, are building a house or just want to take it easy and cozy at home. If you are born around December 25, February 7, March 23, May 8, June 24, September 25-26 or November 10 the home-related influences will be felt strongly.

If you are born around this day of August 10, the influences will mark your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday). In some cases, depending on which natal planet or point is part of the configurations, there may also be infidelity at hand.

August 14-15 may become a remarkable period because Mars and Saturn conjoin at 24° Libra and Venus at 7° Cancer opposes Pluto at 7° Capricorn.

The Mars-Saturn conjunction at a separative degree and the very compulsive Venus-Pluto opposition are both death configurations and configurations of resignation and defeat.

These configurations tend to be brutal and work out in extreme ways. They are able to turn things upside down completely and result in emotional traumatic events.

The Mars-Saturn conjunction at the Fixed Star Arcturus may bring aggression and legal issues.

If you are born around August 14, your whole (soler return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is marked by the compulsive need to break free, to not surrender and try to master your own life on many levels.

Venus at 8° Cancer squares Uranus at 8° Aries around August 16. This aspect denotes that mid August (around the August 17 New Moon), Uranus is the apex planet in a cardinal T-square. There will be sudden irresistible and compulsive attractions, love at first sight and encounters that will be remarkable in many ways. However, because of the influence of Uranus, the encounters are short-lived and some of them may be just but real 'fatal attractions' as well.

Also, this T-square may point to the sudden death of a female person, shaking your or the world.

Around August 20, you can be highly successful. There may be sudden insights and auspicious discoveries. If you want to convince or persuade others, now is the time.

It's a very exciting and wonderful period, the more so if you are born around January 30, March 15, April 30, June 15-16, August 2, September 17, November 2 or December 16.

Around August 20, Uranus and Pluto both are at the same degree in a sign (7°). Though they are not in an exact square (which will happen mid September), their influences will be felt again more and more. The aspect may gradually build up more and more tension and you may have the impression that matters don't go fast enough. There is nervousness around.

The degree meaning of 7° in Cardinal signs is often related to illicit or secret affairs. Things that are unknown or have been going on behind the scenes, come into the spotlight.

From one surprise to the other, you will find out there are no certainties at all anymore.

Understand that you must stay grounded and focused at all times and remain firm and very calm. Be the proverbial rock in wild waters and know that there can be no complete healing without a profound catharsis. Let it be and let it go!

The Sun enters work-related Virgo around August 22 and squares the Moon's Nodes at 0° Sagittarius/Gemini. You may experience some issues with a male person or a higher-up (your boss?).

Mars enters Scorpio around August 23 and becomes really fanatic and focused. Primal compulsive desires and urges reflect your passionate nature but you should take care not to overdo or go to extremes.

Between August 23-25, there is another wave of love's sorrow and relationships (in a wide sense) tend to fall apart during this period.

It's an upsetting and sad time and you have the feeling that you live alienated or separated from other people. You may feel hurt and/or miserable.

Are you rejected?

Because of the opposition between the Sun at 1° Virgo and Neptune at 1° Pisces around August 24, a beloved male person may leave your world as well.

This periode of August 23-25 will especially affect you if you are born around January 6-7, February 20, April 6, May 22, July 8, August 24, October 9 or November 23.

Moreover, if you are born around August 24, the influences will be felt your whole (solar return) year long (counting from birthday to birthday) so that you may indeed experience lots of upheaval, separation and sadness in and related to your relationships. You should also watch your health because the astrological configurations aspect your natal Sun (which represents your physical body).

Around August 27-28, there is lots of excitement around and you are in a very talkative mood. Everyone is talking about something and you can't stop thinking about something.

In mundane astrology, the configurations may point to hurricanes, tropical storms, etc. So, better be prepared if you live in areas where such events commonly can take place!

Around August 30, there may be illness, infections and/or surgery if you are born around January 25, April 24, July 27 or October 27. It looks like you are temporarily under the influence of other people and cannot easily help yourself out.

However, if you are born around February 27, April 12, May 29, July 15, August 31, October 16 or November 30, you are in a romantic mood late August. It's a very creative period during which you can live erotic fantasies and enjoy artistic projects. Do enjoy the beautiful moments but beware of expenses and irresponsible behavior.

If you are born around these days of August 30-31, the influences will be felt throughout your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) and will bring creativity, romantic events and inspiring moments of bliss.

Mercury enters its own sign Virgo and squares the Moon's Nodes at 0° Sagittarius-Gemini around August 31. Critical Mercury may present some challenging and upsetting news related to work and/or health.

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2012 free monthly horoscope for September

Was He Born To Love You?

In general, September 2012 can be divided into two parts, each of which will be full of events to happen. This month will likely become extremely important because it will present some life-changing experiences for humanity.

The first half (and especially the 1st week) of September is marked by the following astrological configurations:

  • From September 3 till September 12: the mean North Node of the Moon at 29° Scorpio opposes Lilith (the mean apogee of the Moon) at 29° Taurus.

  • From September 3 till September 6: Chiron, Mars, Uranus and Pluto are all posited at the same numerical degree in a sign (7°).

In mundane astrology, tight aspects between the Moon's Nodes and the mean apogee of the Moon are found in horoscopes of natural disasters that affect many people (think of the March 11, 2011 Tsunami).

In many cases these disasters resulted in significant loss of life and/or damage to property. In most cases, there were severe storms, blizzards, hurricanes etc. going on.

The aspect will be exact (and peak) around September 8-9.

Because 29° are ending degrees, we expect quite some damage to occur.

The additional astrological aspect pattern named a learning triangle between Mars, Uranus and Pluto, confirms that destructive and persistent storm(s) may happen early September.

In astrometeorology, Mars, Uranus and Pluto together represent very stormy and destructive weather. The learning triangle denotes taking action, increased awareness and growth. This all results in something that will be forced upon us and from which we will have to learn something -- if only we are willing to...

Chiron, Mars, Uranus and Pluto are very violent and forceful 'planets' that may shake our world and point to physical injuries on a large scale.

Indeed, these bodies signify mass events from which we should and must learn something.

In short, early September will start chaotic and turbulent but it's not about an apocalypse at all (to make this perfectly clear and to avoid unnecessary panic or fear).

If you live in areas that are used to having huge storms (and earthquakes), just be prepared and take your precautions.

Also, the combination of Chiron, Mars, Uranus and Pluto may result in physical injuries for a large number of people in many other ways too that are not related to the weather (so that we should be aware that accidents and explosive or violent events may become breaking news as well).

The second half of September is marked by the following powerful astrological configurations:

  • There is a spectacular September 16 New Moon. However, there are yet more spectacular Moon Phases coming our way later in September and October (but more about that later).
  • For the 2nd time this year we will experience a 'clash of the giants': Uranus at 6° Aries squares Pluto at 6° Capricorn around September 19.
  • Heavy and slow-moving Pluto stations and moves forward again at 6° Capricorn around September 18.
  • Last, but not least, Venus and Mars build an exact (waning) square in fixed signs between September 23 and September 30.

    In this position, Venus and Mars are just as potent as the Uranus-Pluto combination -- but more about it in a minute.

Clearly, all these astrological configurations together relate to a very intense and paradigm-shifting month of September.

Don't forget that Uranus and Pluto are in a square the whole month long and that Pluto's station lasts the whole month, making the influences highly loaden and powerful.

Major events, in general, are likely to happen around the following dates: September 1, September 8, September 15, September 22.

So far some general trends for September, now let's take a closer look at the indiviual days and configurations.

Mercury enters Virgo around September 1 and squares the Moon's Nodes and opposes Neptune -- all at once.

For some of you, there will be deception, loss of money (theft) or betrayal and/or fraud. You may feel confused and uncertain. Try to be honest.

If you are born around January 5-6, February 19, April 5, May 21, July 7, August 23, October 8 or November 22, you will feel the influences directly.

Around September 2, the Moon's North Node leaves Sagittarius and enters intense Scorpio in its retrograde motion (the Nodes always move backwards).

The coming months will bring some intense and highly transformative experiences and it's a good thing to learn to let go.

Don't stick to your possessions (South Node in Taurus) and prepare for a rebirth (North Node in Scorpio).

If you are born around January 6-7, February 20, April 6, May 22, July 8, August 24, October 9 or November 23, the early days of September are still marked by stress, tension and rethinking matters.

There may be news about a separation or you may be obliged to travel (for work?). There is some resistance noticeable but in the end you will have to comply or obey.

Venus at 26° Cancer squares Saturn at 26° Libra around September 3. There is fear around, fear for separations, fear for love and fear to love.

Love and money are restricted and you may feel dissatisfied.

There is no time for love as well -- often because of work-related matters or because of other obligations and duties.

For whatever reason, lovers live separated lives early September and/or there is grief...

This will all change when Venus enters fiery and loving Leo around September 6. Venus in Leo wants and needs (more) appreciation and becomes more charismatic and charming.

Around September 7, the Sun at 15° Virgo squares Jupiter at 15° Gemini resulting in exaggeration and expenses. Beware of irresponsible and sloppy behavior.

Mercury at 15° Virgo squares Jupiter at 15° Gemini around September 9. Avoid judgments at all cost and try to pay your bills. You may have your own opinion but chances are it's based upon the wrong faith. The facts & figures may prove otherwise.

There is confusion and you tend to be too blunt in your sayings. Don't overdo and avoid illegal behavior.

The September 7-9 influences especially apply to you if you are born around January 20-21, March 5, April 19-20, June 5, July 22, September 7, October 23 or December 6. Read and inform you well around these days.

The Mean Node of the Moon at 29° Scorpio opposes the mean apogee of the Moon at 29° Taurus around September 8-9. This opposition at 29° in fixed signs is about letting go (after all, any 29° degrees are ending degrees); which often goes hand in hand with sadness.

Remember though that if you lose something, you will gain something else. These are the universal laws in the dualistic world that we still live in. This way, there is homeostasis and the world remains in balance.

If you are born around January 31/February 1, March 16, May 1, June 16-17, August 3, September 18-19, November 3 or December 17-18, expect fortunate developments around September 9-10. If you want to propose do it now. Whatever you envision, will work out beautifully.

By the way, if you are born around January 31/February 1, March 16, May 1, June 16-17, August 3, September 18-19, November 3 or December 17-18, and if natal Saturn is not involved, the whole month of September (and October) will bring sudden fortunate developments, relief, windfalls, successes and bouts of happiness!

The Sun and Mercury conjoin at 18° Virgo around September 10. You may find a (new) job or be particularly interested in talking, translating or studying around this day.

Beware of lies, fake news, hoaxes or scams around September 11. You may show your interest in metaphysical topics and 'the unknown'.

This may particularly apply to you if you are born around January 24, March 9, April 24, June 9, July 26-27, September 11, October 27 or December 10-11.

If you are born around this very day of September 11, the metaphysical interests will keep you busy your whole (solar return) year long (counting from birthday to birthday).

A major turning point in matters of love and relationships is likely to occur between September 12-14 if you are born around January 27, March 11-12, April 26, June 12, July 29, September 14, October 29 or December 13.

There is illness around September 14. You may feel weak and encounter a lack of zest. This will likely apply to you if you are born around February 3, March 19, May 4, June 20, August 6, September 21-22, November 6 or December 20.

If you are born around January 31/February 1, March 16, May 1, June 16-17, August 3, September 18-19, November 3 or December 17-18, the New Moon around September 16 will bring another round of bliss and fortunate developments.

Between September 15 and September 18, the general astrological configurations point to happiness in love and successes in other fields of interest.

Moreover, the September 16 New Moon at 23° Virgo has a planetary picture denoting general good fortune and optimism. This New Moon marks the beginnning of yet more auspicious events to happen that are beyond your wildest dreams.

The 23° Virgo area is a highly enchanting one on which events may happen that are unreal and go way beyond our understanding.

Indeed, the whole time frame before and after the New Moon is a very exciting one.

Around September 17, Mercury enters Libra, the zodiac sign of encounters. Mercury feels very well and comfortable in this air sign.

Because of the air element, encounters will not be in-depth though and remain rather superficial. You are able to express yourself and communicate harmoniously and with flair.

Around September 18, Pluto stations and starts to move forward again at 6° Capricorn.

The station marks a period of lots of career changes for many as well as a focus on changes of the residence, interest in real estate, buildings, houses and apartments, home improvements, etc. It's likely lots of people are (re)building a house or apartment.

Because Pluto is stationing since some weeks, this may not be something new but it will highlight this more clearly now.

Things culminate under the exact station.

In mundane astrology, Pluto at 6° Capricorn is related to the power of governments and corporations and the abuse of that power. Stationing Pluto may become very forceful and try to censor things or push through martial or restrictive laws (in a negative sense) but they can also push through or overrule laws in the advantage of the people in a more positive sense.

Pluto is now very powerful (and more powerful than Uranus which is at 6° in a cardinal sign too) so that you may have the impression that there is lots of resistance against independence, freedom and innovation.

Prepare for a heavy atmosphere, increased irritability, confrontation, polarization and frustration during September.

Predominant stationary Pluto in conservative and controlling Capricorn sticks to the past and to regulations. This position may indicate a period of standstill and/or depression and some of you may have it difficult to feel and see any progression.

Don't be mistaken! September is a cleaning month: what wants to come out (all the negativity), MUST come out. Let Pluto's station dig deep so that it can throw up all the dark emotions.

Focus on the coming more enlightening Moon Phases.

This Uranus-Pluto square relates to a do-or-die approach by some governments or corporations and a clash is likely to result because of the Uranus square that is exact around September 19.

Know that 6° in cardinal signs can bring situations to a critical point and that it's all about 'life and death'; denoting that the situation is serious.

In that way, the Uranus-Pluto square may denote a final clash between The Dark or Underworld (Pluto in Capricorn) vs. The Light and Upper World (Uranus in Aries).

The Pluto station and the exact Uranus-Pluto square (the 2nd one out of 7) will mark a turbulent and paradigm-shifting time for sure.

The exact Uranus-Pluto square at 6° in cardinal signs will separate chaff from wheat in a no-nonsense way and the influences will be felt beyond September.

Also, around September 19, there are some exceptionally fortunate astrological configurations going on that will affect many, but especially the ones born around January 31/February 1, March 16, May 1, June 16-17, August 3, September 18-19, November 3 or December 17-18.

However, if you are born around February 4, March 19-20, May 4, June 20, August 6, September 22, November 6 or December 21, there is love's sorrow and sadness around September 21-22. You may feel dissatisfied and not too well at all.

Mercury at 6° Libra opposes Uranus at 6° Aries and squares Pluto at 6° Capricorn around September 21. In other words, Pluto is the apex point of a cardinal T-square.

This T-square is about pushing things through forcefully and unexpectedly. A big job must be done in a commanding and very quick way. Some study-work and/or calculations will be necessary.

The Sun enters sociable Libra around September 22. Your focus is on meetings and encounters.

This time, the solar ingress coincides with a First Quarter Moon at 0° Capricorn. Any 0° degrees in cardinal signs are extremely important as they represent something coming publicly known.

0° Capricorn is associated with Governments, the power of the State etc. Governments will be in the spotlight.

September 22-24 mark important moments for humanity and something is dissolving here.

Between September 23 and September 30, Venus in Leo, the sign of love, is squaring Mars in Scorpio, the sign of intense passions and sex. The square will be exact around September 27 when Venus is at 23° Leo and Mars is at 23° Scorpio.

Because of the fact that Venus and Mars remain in a very tight square in fixed signs during the last third of September, we do not recommend people to marry then.

This waning Venus-Mars square is all about passion but often in a grievous way.

The waning square is about marital clashes, too hot a temper to handle, sex without love (often resulting in infidelity) and impulsively lived physical urges. A love union may break up ultimately.

In some rare cases, it's about murder too.

Actually, you don't want to have this combo in your Wedding Chart and that's why we don't recommend you to marry under such an emotionally strainful aspect.

If you are born between September 23 and September 30, the square will be active during your (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) so that you can expect disputes with your (cheating?) lover, too much sex (without love), infidelity, rape and even violence (physical injuries) during your coming (birth) year.

According to astrologer Michele Finey in her compelling book The Sacred Dance of Venus and Mars, the Venus-Mars combo is as potent as the Uranus-Pluto combo.

Her findings show that Venus-Mars too is an enormous catalyst for dynamic and forceful changes. It presents very revolutionary and creative powers that are lived on a more personal level though.

This results in very noticeable likes and dislikes, choices and actions because of the passions and principles involved.

If you blend the tight and exact (more personal) Venus-Mars square with Pluto's station and the exact (collective) Uranus-Pluto square all at the same time, you have an explosive combo of once-in-a-lifetime paradigm-shifting and revolutionary changes that happen in September. Events are accelerating on many levels.

Moreover, it's 'bloody serious' now. The border between love and war/hate is small and expect some unusual strong extremist opinions to clash.

Expect a very confrontational period.

There is still more.

From September 23 on (till December 29), Neptune retrogrades to 0° Pisces, a degree associated with 'miracles' and exceptional things and events happening beyond imagination (for good or bad).

Neptune at 0° Pisces is at one of the most chaotic and dissolving degrees. Lots of certainties will vanish.

This degree area is also a very humanitarian and compassionate one bringing help and support though.

Around September 26, there are disputes and/or legal issues if you are born around December 29, February 11-12, March 27, May 13, June 29, August 15, September 30 or November 14.

Venus at 23° Leo squares Mars at 23° Scorpio around September 27. We recall that this is not a nice square. Impulsive and forceful Mars in Scorpio is more powerful than Venus in Leo; disregarding the need of Venus for tenderness and harmony.

In fixed signs, this waning square is especially uncompromising, polarizing, confrontational, too passionate and full of jealousy.

The tension and stress continues the next day and will be felt if you are born around January 9, February 22, April 7-8, May 24, July 10, August 26, October 11 or November 25. You may be obliged to make a short trip or may hear about a separation.

Around September 29 the Sun at 6° Libra opposes Uranus at 6° Aries and squares Pluto at 6° Capricorn. This time, Pluto is the apex of another T-square in which arrests, explosive events, violence and accidents resulting in physical injuries are likely to happen. Events will proceed and change at the speed of a lightning.

The Full Moon of September 29-30 at 7° Aries hits this powerful T-square fully and will release all its power.

This Full Moon is a very pushy one indeed that will show yet another phase of the paradigm-shifting Uranus-Pluto square.

Because it's a fire Full Moon, it will bring hidden and/or secret things into the open and create new awareness.

Indeed, 7° in cardinal signs relates to clearing and letting go old habits.

You need to adjust to changing circumstances, let go and open your mind and world.

Look behind what is hidden or masked. Enjoy more freedom and prepare for the next level or dimension humanity is heading towards.

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2012 free monthly horoscope for October

Was He Born To Love You?

The early October days are still under the influence of the auspicious September 30 Full Moon.

Great things are just beginning to develop.

The 1st week of October brings a lot of planetary activity denoting lots of things to accomplish and lots going on in the world.

However, it looks like the tension will slowly ease and we are entering less hectic times.

Events in general are likely to happen around October 5, October 12, October 19 and October 26.

Around October 1 you are quite absent-minded, live in a fantasy-world and/or share great hopes for the future.

Imagination rules.

Venus at 28° Leo squares the Moon's Nodes around October 2 denoting that you may feel alone or lonely. Perhaps you want to be alone too and don't feel in the mood to socialize.

Venus enters Virgo around October 3 and opposes Neptune the day after. You miss someone or feel alienated. Love seems to be just an illusion for you.

Jupiter stations at 16° Gemini and starts to turn backwards around October 4.

If your Sun sign or Ascendant is Sagittarius you may feel rather down around the station. Things don't work out as anticipated.

Jupiter in the sign of its detriment has some issues with the law. There may be issues with your judgment as well which seems to be more distorted.

Try to see everything in perspective and don't exaggerate.

Stationing Jupiter may exaggerate and overdo before it becomes more realistic during the backward motion. Try to be moderate.

Mars and the mean Node of the Moon conjoin at 28° Scorpio around October 4. There are group activities going on and initiatives are taken.

Because Mars has to do with the armed forces, some deployment of the armed forces will be noticeable.

On a more personal level, it's a time of increased physical activities and doing things together.

Beware of fits of temper and aggression though because, depending on your natal chart, this aspect may result in aggression and physical injuries as well.

Around October 5, both Mercury and Saturn together enter intense Scorpio. Both planets at 0° Scorpio relate to the end of a situation and the need for regeneration.

It indicates the need to revamp a situation clear out to start over.

In many cases there is separation to overcome and you need to learn to let go.

What is so important about this ingress, is that Saturn and Pluto are now in mutual reception for the coming years.

Saturn is in Pluto's zodiac sign Scorpio while Pluto is in Saturn's zodiac sign Capricorn.

This mutual reception will last till the end of 2014 and will happen again in 2015 (due to Saturn's retrograde motion when Saturn re-enters Scorpio).

The meaning of this mutual reception will thus last quite some time and will follow the paradigm-shifting Uranus-Pluto square till 2015!

When two planets are in mutual reception, there is exchange status. Both planets (and their archetypal principles) are in agreement and there is consent.

Planets in mutual reception bring on a win-win situation because they are able to share something with each other.

They can say: "If you give me this, I'll give you that" or "I visit you and then you visit me."

Saturn and Pluto together are able to help each other out so to speak.

Because Capricorn and Scorpio are sextile each other (and so will be Saturn and Pluto), the sextile brings additional help, opportunities and a new way of communicating.

No doubt, in these circumstances, mutual reception is a very auspicious and helpful astrological condition.

Saturn and Pluto together are the builders and rebuilders (literally and figuratively).

They are the construction workers so to speak.

Expect the theme or topic of (re)building to be prominent as long as both bodies are in reception.

The whole period (till 2015) will focus on (re)building houses, rebuilding our society, (re)building the big corporations and the banking world, governments etc.

Both bodies together work hand in hand, slowly but steadily and tenaciously so that any progress or development will take some time to be noticed.

The bottom-line is that we are entering more auspicious times in that the time for an overhaul and rebuilding our world has come and even begun!

The Saturn-Pluto mutual reception can be best compared with the analogy of a tooth (Saturn) prosthesis (Pluto). It's the structure that is revamped and rebuilt in another form.

However, there is a 'downside' to this mutual recption too if you will.

Cold Saturn in ice cold Scorpio (it's a fixed water sign that materializes into ice!) may promise to give some harsh and very ice cold winter months in the Northern hemisphere.

This will likely be felt when Mars too enters Capricorn from the second half of November on.

Also, Saturn and Pluto have a very 'shrinking' influence. Both bodies get 'down to the bare bones.'

The world and our society will be rebuilt with less.

On a personal level, this may denote less income and/or less expenses for some, moving to a smaller apartment or house, etc.

Just remember, it's all about transforming and rebuilding the bones and skeleton (the foundations) of our society, our world and our beings to bring more stability and long-term solutions.

If you are born around January 9, February 22, April 7-8, May 24, July 10, August 26, October 11 or November 25 you may have to endure stress in your love life around October 6.

There is love's sorrow and sadness surrounds your love life. There is separation and you have difficulties to cope with it.

Mars enters fiery Sagittarius around October 7 and actively defends its ideas and concepts. This position can be very extreme at times, especially when religions and beliefs are involved.

However, Mars is able to start and initiate new ideas in a convincing way.

Don't trust the internet and beware of fake news, hoaxes, scams etc. around October 7-8.

Mars at 0° Sagittarius squares Neptune at 0° Pisces around October 8 and acts too emotionally and in an unstable way.

Actions are initiated because of fanatic delusions. This may result in rage, emotional outbursts and fiery disputes.

Around October 11-12 there is lots of angst, fear, stress and tension. It's a period of tremendous upheaval.

If you are born around January 9, February 22, April 7-8, May 24, July 10, August 26, October 11 or November 25, you will likely feel the influences.

Mind your health as well.

If you are born around October 11, you will feel the influences your whole (solar return) year long (counting from birthday to birthday) and you should take care of your health because your physical body is under a lot of strain.

Around October 13, there is relief and auspicious news. There is confidence, especially if you are born around January 31/February 1, March 16, May 1, June 16-17, August 3, September 18-19, November 3 or December 17-18.

Venus at 16° Virgo squares Jupiter at 16° Gemini around October 17. Both Venus and Jupiter are in a difficult situation; Venus because it's in the sign of its fall and Jupiter because it's retrograde in the sign of its detriment.

There are legal issues, espcially regarding material goods and possessions. Also, you tend to live in an excessive way and know no boundaries.

The Sun enters intense Scorpio around October 23. The focus for the coming weeks is on transformations, debt, loans, taxes,...

The Sun conjuncts Saturn at 2° Scorpio around October 25-26 bringing grief and sadness.

You may feel alienated, the more so if you are born around January 23, March 7, April 22, June 8, July 24-25, September 9-10, October 25 or December 9. In that case, the influences will last for some weeks.

However, if you are born around January 30/February 1, March 15-16, April 30/May 1, June 15-16, August 2-3, September 17-19, November 2-3 or December 16-18, expect some fortunate moments around October 25. You may feel excited and joyful.

Mercury conjuncts the North Node of the Moon at 27° Scorpio around October 26. The mood is talkative and there is lots of information to share.

Around October 28, Mars at 15° Sagittarius opposes Jupiter at 15° Gemini while Venus enters its own sign Libra (the Scales) and Mercury enters fiery Sagittarius (of law).

There are legal issues and lawsuits. Because Jupiter is the dispositor of Mars (Mars is in Sagittarius, the sign of Jupiter) there clearly is a legal battle going on.

What's more, Mercury and Jupiter are now in mutual reception too because Mercury is in Sagittarius, the sign of Jupiter and Jupiter is still in Gemini, the sign of Mercury.

Both planets, Mercury and Jupiter, are not only in mutual reception but also in the signs of their detriment.

Here too, there is exchange status but both planets are in a difficult position. They deceive each other, resulting in misjudgments, not seeing the picture clearly, not being discriminating or selective enough and blowing things out of proportion.

It's as if two drunk people try to help each other out...

Mercury at 0° Sagittarius squares Neptune at 0° Pisces around October 29. Neptune is in its own sign and thus very strong, while Mercury is very weak.

This denotes that Neptune is able to confuse Mercury yet more. It's a very confusing time and there is no clear vision.

Beware of accidents in foggy circumstances during or around the October 29 Full Moon!

If you are born around January 23, March 7-8, April 22, June 8, July 25, September 10, October 25-26 or December 9 you should mind your health around October 30-31. There is sadness around. Try to relax and meditate.

The last days of October can be somber indeed, but so can be the weather.

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2012 free monthly horoscope for November

Is He The Right Man For You?

The early Days of November 2012 show a cardinal T-square between Venus, Uranus and Pluto; Pluto being the apex point.

The 'affected degree areas' are 4-8° in cardinal signs.

This T-square is all about totally overwhelming and irresistible attraction and intense passions but also about tragedies in matters of love.

Love is fated or is this a fatal attraction?

In general, important events this month are likely to happen around November 2, November 9, November 11, November 15, November 22 and/or November 29.

Around November 1, Venus at 5° Libra opposes Uranus at 5° Aries.

Uranus oppositions are always breaking up and breaking free. It's a classic 'runaway aspect.'

Because Venus, planet of women, love and relationships, is involved, chances are that some separations and/or divorce are in the air.

On a more positive note, this aspect may also indicate lovers and/or beloved ones who are absent for just a short while.

However, depending on your own natal chart, some additional astrological configurations that are also active during this time frame, may shed a more negative outcome for some of you.

The Venus-Uranus opposition is part of a larger planetary pattern that has a sexual meaning: it's about sexual abuse, a lack of sexual morals, but also - in rare cases - lustful murder.

So, pay attention to the first days of November, especially if you are a girl or a woman.

November 2 and 3 promise to become very fruitful days.

You may be overjoyed and experience great fortunate love and/or popularity.

These are days of bliss, wealth and prosperity as well.

You will experience these auspicious configurations to the most if you are born around December 28, February 10-11, March 27, May 12, June 27-28, August 14, September 29 or November 13.

If you are born around December 29, February 11-12, March 28, May 13, June 28-29, August 15, September 30 or November 14 you will experience great changes around November 3.

Venus at 7° Libra then squares Pluto at 7° Capricorn.

This waning square demands to let go, to reconsider love because you can't force love.

It has no sense to manipulate or abuse power to get what you want. It just won't work.

It's a very emotional aspect after all (which all Pluto aspects are in fact) in which grief and inner turmoil take part.

Don't indulge and try to temper your passions.

Mercury stations and turns backwards around November 6-7 at 4° Sagittarius.

If you are born under the Sun signs Gemini or Virgo or if your Ascendant is one of these zodiac signs, the days around the station may bring some minor issues.

You may feel less alert or below par and things may not work out as anticipated.

You may as well experience symptoms of a cold for example.

Mercury is still in the sign of its detriment and when it starts regressing, it becomes quite sloppy with respect to details.

Mercury now tends to make mistakes that will have to be corrected later on.

Things may likely be put on hold for a moment.

Retrograde Mercury is known for its re-doing, re-writing, re-thinking, re-organizing etc.

Now starts a transitional phase with lots of reflection and a disoriented feeling.

During its retrogade motion, Mercury in Sagittarius (the sign of education, publishing, propagating, etc.) may release some angst for the future and you may become aware that you need to re-learn things.

It creates an awareness that will push you to more creativity and new forms of thinking.

Shortly after Mercury's station, Neptune at 0° Pisces stations too and turns direct again around November 11.

In our previous monthly forecasts, we already discussed the importance of 0° Pisces.

It's one of the most chaotic degree areas but also one that brings experiences that are totally out of the ordinary and way beyond our imagination (for good or bad).

It's a very psychic degree in which 'miracles' (that which is still unknown to us) may manifest beyond any comprehension.

Stay focused during the station!

Till December 29, Neptune will remain at the mystical and magic 0° Pisces, opening the door for more unseen revelations.

Around November 14, the Solar Eclipse at 21° Scorpio may bring some confusing moments.

This Solar Eclipse is part of the 15 North Series which, according to astrologer and researcher Bernadette Brady, is associated with a sense of joy through commitment.

So really, it's a very auspicious and creative one that will mark the background theme for the next 6 months.

Moreover, there is an ancient rule that states that any planet or body in the natal chart that corresponds with the numerical degree of the November New Moon assumes importance between November and through the following three or four lunations.

Any body in your natal chart that has the same numerical degree (21° in whatever zodiac sign) as this Solar Eclipse (which is still a New Moon in fact) will bring the matters represented by that body to the foreground.

For example, if you have natal Mars at 21°, Mars matters will become important the following months; if you have the Moon at 21° then Moon matters will prevail, etc.

Also know that 21° Scorpio, the degree of the Solar Eclipse, is a so-called 'critical degree' so that it may bring matters to a 'crisis' or climax.

This all reinforces the importance and power of this Eclipse.

Needless to say, this Solar Eclipse promises to become a very life-changing one that will mark the next 6 months.

If the Eclipse falls in your 5th natal house of children or if you are born in the first half of July or around the date of the Solar eclipse and are a woman, pregnancy and/or childbirth is possible during the next 6 months.

Anyway, the Solar Eclipse as such denotes widening the horizon, new happy and fortunate experiences and increased well-being.

Around November 14, Mercury at 0° Sagittarius squares stationing Neptune at 0° Pisces before it re-enters Scorpio in its backward motion.

There still is confusion and uncertainty around and you may be wrong in your assumptions and/or opinions.

Mind misunderstandings.

If you are born around January 14, February 28, April 13, May 30, July 16, September 1, October 16 or November 30, November 16-17 will likely change your outlook on life profoundly.

You will experience joy and harmony and feel blessed.

The Sun conjoins Mercury and the Moon's North Node at 25° Scorpio around November 17.

There may be an important meeting because there is a lot of unrest, nervousness and tension that has to be addressed.

Around the same day of November 17, Mars enters cold Capricorn and may bring an ice-cold atmosphere (litterally) as long as it resides in this zodiac sign (till late December).

Don't forget that Saturn (which now is the dispositor of both Mars and Pluto) is in mutual reception with Pluto and that this mutual reception is constricting and reducing the temperature.

Mars is in a very self-made position and you want to work or do everything alone.

Mars in Capricorn is very ambitious and a very hard worker. Work comes first, not love.

However, because of the sextile with dissolving Neptune, some of you may lose their job or experience some separation from a group (family, co-workers,...).

Follow your vision and inspiration and things will work out nicely.

The Sun enters Sagittarius around November 21 triggering more enthusiasm and optimism in general.

Getting the word out and spreading the news is what counts.

Venus enters passionate and intense Scorpio around November 22. For some of you, Venus in this position will bring love at first sight.

Physical attraction may occur but it may be short-lived.

Venus in Scorpio is in the sign of its detriment. Love desires are very focused in an often single-minded way and the need to bond with a single person becomes magnified.

Scorpio is a fixed water sign and thus very much into emotional bonds.

You don't care about meeting many people anymore. What counts are close and few connections.

On the same day of November 22, the Sun at 0° Sagittarius squares Neptune at 0° Pisces making you feel insecure and/or sad.

There are unfulfilled longings and cravings.

Mars at 4° Capricorn squares Uranus at 4° Aries around November 23 resulting in physical injuries and/or loss of life.

It's a very accident-prone time on which explosive events may happen and that may affect a group of people.

Mercury stations and turns direct again around November 26 at 18° Scorpio.

There is auspicious news waiting and you may get a proposal or a gift.

Venus conjuncts Saturn at 6° Scorpio around November 26-27.

When Venus, planet of beauty, and Saturn, planet of formalities, uniforms and older people, blend, we get a mix of both.

It's a time where fashion and beauty go hand in hand.

Relationships with older people are favored as well as meetings and encounters with people in uniforms.

However, the combo of Venus and Saturn at 6° Scorpio may as well point to health issues related to the reproductive organs. Mind your health, especially if you're a woman!

Both planets do not blend all too well though and you may feel lonely.

You may love responsibilities but may also need to take care of a beloved person.

Indeed, don't expect too much comfort or joy from the Stars because the Venus-Saturnus conjunction lines up with Uranus, Mars and Pluto resulting in upsetting and separative times full of duties, stress and sorrow.

Mars conjuncts Pluto at 8° Capricorn around the same day of November 27, adding to the heavy atmosphere.

There is lots of work to accomplish and you don't shun a challenge.

However, the solutions to any problem that now arises are not handled seriously.

Don't be too superficial and try to go to the bottom.

The Lunar Eclipse around November 28 at 6° Gemini brings a lot of movement and breakthroughs in situations that seem to stand still.

Changes of the place (relocating), small trips and moving around are now a given.

Nothing stays the same!

For some, the Lunar Eclipse will bring about new obligations and duties in matters of love.

There may be the need to help beloved ones or take care of them.

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2012 free monthly horoscope for December

Is He Astrologically Afflicted?

This month is all about the influence of stationing Uranus, turning direct again in pioneering Aries.

Events, in general, are likely to happen around December 6-7, December 13, December 19 and/or December 26-27.

If you are born around December 1, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) will be marked by mental and/or spiritual changes and deep transformations.

Life-altering influences will bring huge (mental) developments into your life that will definitely change your worldview and outlook.

Around December 3, the Sun at 11° Sagittarius opposes Jupiter at 11° Gemini.

There is something to learn now and the focus is on propagating, publishing, educating.

Share your knowledge.

If you are born around January 16-17, March 1, April 15, June 2, July 18, September 3, October 19 or December 2-3, you may enjoy taking a day off around this day of December 3. You may interrupt your work or activities for a moment.

If you are born around January 3, February 16, April 2, May 18, July 4, August 20, October 5, November 19 or January 2-3, there are disharmonious influences around December 3.

Either you cannot stand someone you are living with and/or you may feel ill and weak and/or you may be hospitalized and/or you may visit someone in hospital.

If you are born around February 5, March 21, May 6, June 22, August 8, September 23, November 8 or December 22, you experience a separation from beloved ones around December 5.

Mercury conjuncts the North Node of the Moon at 24° Scorpio around December 6.

There can be strikes around as well as job changes.

There are discussions and decisions to be taken and it may become a busy and hectic time. There is uplifting news though.

If you are born around January 5, February 18, April 3, May 20, July 5, August 22, October 7, November 21 or January 4, there is a separation in the family and/or in marriage around December 10.

For some of you, this will translate to a move or a change of residence.

Mercury enters Sagittarius around December 11 which is the zodiac sign of its detriment.

Mercury becomes scattered and has lots of options to consider.

There is much restlessness and lots of talk and moving around.

Because Mercury squares Neptune as well on this day, you are not focused and tend to wander around.

Neptune is very strong and powerful in its own sign Pisces, while Mercury is weak and thus under the influence of vague Neptune.

Because the square aspect is waning (incoming), it's a very self-delusive one.

Pay attention not to be deceived, betrayed or abused. Avoid alcohol and other addictive stuff.

You better don't trust any news reports and/or documents around these days either because you may get misinformed.

Venus at 24° Scorpio joins the North Node of the Moon around December 11, resulting in (social) gatherings and parties.

Here again, try to avoid too much alcohol because things may get out of hand.

During the December 13 New Moon (which happens at 21° Sagittarius), Uranus stations and turns direct again at 4° Aries.

This is an important, energetic, upsetting and very stressful New Moon.

Emotional turmoil can be the result.

Events develop at lightning speed and there is a lot of talk and thought about mighty changes that are going on.

If you are born around January 9, February 22, April 7, May 23, July 10, August 26, October 11 or November 25, you will be under the influence of all these mighty transformations in a mind-blowing way.

Venus enters Sagittarius around December 16 and wants to be and feel free.

Venus, planet of relationships, in foreign Sagittarius wants to broaden its outlook and socializes with strangers, foreigners or people who live way beyond your place of residence.

You may enjoy travel more than usual and may easily find love 'abroad.'

However, around December 16, Venus will also square Neptune, resulting in devotion for something or someone.

This waning Venus-Neptune square is a very vulnerable one in which you may tend to live in and be swept by magic moments of illusion.

Love fantasies may be out of proportion now so that love's sorrow may result.

Around December 17, Mercury at 9° Sagittarius opposes Jupiter at 9° Gemini. Both planets are in the sign of their detriment and in mutual reception.

There is exchange status between the law and documents, between insightful thinking and hard reasoning etc. but in quite a confused way.

This may result in issues with documents, the law or the exchange of (unreliable) information and/or gossip.

Don't judge because your thinking is not clear and you tend to make mistakes and exaggerate problems.

If you are born around January 7, February 21, April 6, May 22, July 8, August 24, October 9 or November 23 you are about to experience increased popularity around December 17.

You feel love or are beloved. You may likely experience by surprise a large favor as well.

The Sun enters Capricorn around December 21 and highlights (some) world leaders or higher-ups that influence our society and/or the corporate world.

Following the spiritual community (channelers of the Galactic and Angelic realm, regression therapists, etc.), the Sun's solstice marks the birth of the 'New Earth' that will gradually take the planet and some of us to the 'Golden Ages' (the next dimension) full of abundance and awesomeness.

Around December 21-22 the so-called galactic alignment (the alignment of the December solstice Sun with the Galactic equator) takes place, which occurs only once every 26,000 years.

Hence, it's impossible to figure out if this date has an influence astrologically.

If you are born around January 13, February 26, April 12, May 28, July 14, August 30, October 15 or November 29, you will enjoy harmonious encounters/meetings around December 22.

It's a very creative period and a festive one as well.

Venus at 8° Sagittarius opposes Jupiter at 8° Gemini around December 23.

There may be great revelations and you experience greatness.

Around December 26, Mars enters independent Aquarius while the Sun at 4° Capricorn squares Uranus at 4° Aries.

Because Uranus is now the dispositor of Mars, this transit will be felt because of its shocking and awakening influences that may be triggered by Mars.

The waning square between the Sun and Uranus is a very self-centered one.

It's as if people will experience some self-discovery, breakthroughs and self-awakening.

The Sun conjuncts Pluto at 9° Capricorn around December 30. This combo denotes standing firm on one's own feet and taking full responsibilities.

It's a transformative period that is character-building at the same time.

Mercury enters Capricorn around December 31 resulting in cold temperatures and "business talks."

The focus is on governmental news and/or messages.

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