YOUR 2014 FREE Monthly Horoscope
Predicting Your (Love) Life
Month After Month

Is He The Right Man For You?

Here you can read about your personal 2014 FREE monthly horoscope, describing the way your (love) life unfolds month after month.

The predictions below are descriptive, NOT judgmental.

We discuss relationships in a wide sense and that's why we will often refer to your family life, co-workers or neighbors,... as well if applicable.

So, actually, the forecasts are so much more than a monthly (love) horoscope.

In case we find a powerful or rare astrological configuration, we will comment on this too.

This way you will be able to learn some astrological principles by reading your 2014 free monthly horoscope.

Among many other techniques, we review powerful Fixed Stars, degree areas, planetary pictures (and midpoint combos) that may affect your Sun's position -- making this more reliable than simple Sun sign forecasts.

If you want to know why the forecasts are so concise and 'written in bullets', click here.

We publish your 2014 free monthly horoscope on this page around the 1st day of every month.

Subscribers to our monthly Love Letter will read the 2014 free monthly horoscope first though as our Love Letter is scheduled to be launched more than a week before (around the 21st of each month).

So, perhaps this is good enough a reason to subscribe too and be informed before everyone else?!

To read your 2014 free monthly horoscope, just click the month of your choice below.

2014 free monthly horoscope for January

Click here to download the January 2014 calendar in pdf format.

In general, events are likely to happen around January 1, January 6, January 13, January 20 and/or January 27-28. 

January 2014 is marked by two separate T-squares in cardinal signs:

  • In the first week or two, Mars will be the apex planet of a T-square in which Jupiter opposes the Sun, Mercury (and Pluto if you take wider orbs).

    This T-square is related to fortunate agreements and successful talks.

  • From the 2nd half of January on, Uranus in Aries will be the apex planet of a T-square in which Jupiter opposes Pluto (and Venus).

    This T-square is related to financial transformations and reversing a financial situation.

    It can also indicate groundbreaking innovations (that are always apparent when Jupiter and Uranus are part of any astrological configuration or pattern).

January 2014 starts intensely with a powerful perigee New Moon at 10° Capricorn on January 1.

This rare and significant lunation will not only mark the month, but the whole 1st Quarter of the year as well.

This New Moon is conjunct Pluto and about to square Mars at 12° Libra around January 2-3.

In some instances, this configuration is related to surgery and physical injuries.

It may bring intense emotional and physical experiences but may be also related to huge amounts of work and a heavy workload!

If you are born around January 1, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is about a lack of drive or zest and diminution of energy.

You are losing focus and cannot unfold properly.

January 2-3 bring relief from tension and fortunate moments of bliss.

There is joyful news and you are able to take the right action or initiatives.

If you are born around January 2-3, you will feel the auspicious influences your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) long.

Around January 2-3, the Sun at 12° Capricorn squares Mars at 12° Libra while Mercury at 15° Capricorn opposes Jupiter at 15° Cancer.

The waxing Sun-Mars square is an explosive one and shows anger that can no longer be held within.

It's an aggressive and impulsive combo resulting in irresponsible behavior.

The early January days can thus be quite violent and accident-prone with reckless behavior showing up.

The accompanying Mercury-Jupiter opposition shows errors in judgement and seeing things out of proportion.

The opposition aspect points to separation and chances are you are separated from your home or place of residence.

You may be on the move.

Around January 4-5, it's a time for tremendous optimism and you can successfully apply control to suit particular purposes.

You are able to establish new perspectives.

The Sun at 15° Capricorn opposes Jupiter at 15° Cancer around January 5.

Exaggeration may bring a reality check then.

Around January 7, Mercury and Venus conjoin at 23° Capricorn denoting enjoyable conversations and nice agreements.

Perhaps you may receive a welcome gift or a pleasing message.

Mars at 15° Libra squares Jupiter at 15° Cancer around January 8, pointing to legal issues and arrogant or overbearing behavior.

Because the aspect is waxing, corruption may come out into the open.

Don't be too blunt and try to balance your actions.

Around January 10-11, stress and nervous tension tends to increase overall when Mercury enters Aquarius and the Sun conjoins Venus at 21° Capricorn.

Because of the Sun-Venus conjunction, there is the urge to be creative.

January 13 is about a sudden change in your financial situation.

There are gains possible and a sudden change of course.

Mercury at 3° Aquarius squares the Moon's North Node at 3° Scorpio around the same day of January 13-14, resulting in a hectic and very busy time.

Not all your plans can be carried out around January 16-17 but there is a lot of anticipation and wishful thinking noticeable.

Around January 16 and during the apogee Full Moon at 25° Cancer, Venus at 18° Capricorn squares Mars at 18° Libra.

Because Venus is the dispositor of Mars, this aspect between two planets of the opposite gender and the opposite traits will bring clashes and disputes disturbing harmony and resulting in separations.

Don't go too far.

You will have to learn that there are boundaries and you will have to accept that.

The Sun enters independent Aquarius around January 20 marking a very stressful day full of tension and the desire to revolt.

If you are born around this day, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is marked by stress.

January 21-22 are days of very hard work and resistance.

The Sun at 3° Aquarius squares the North Node of the Moon at 3° Scorpio around January 22-23 and shows feelings of inferiority or a low vitality.

Important persons may encounter a setback or challenging situations they are not able to cope with yet.

Indeed, January 22-26 may bring dissatisfaction with the way everything unfolds.

There is a sad and depressed mood.

A stalemate situation makes for a cynical mood the more so because around January 25, Mercury at 22° Aquarius also squares Saturn at 22° Scorpio.

There are a lot of limiting influences that prevent you from being happy.

If you are born around January 3, April 2, July 4 or October 6, you may feel these influences more prominently.

You should also take care of your health.

Between January 26-28, the astrological configurations point to watery (snowy) and stormy weather.

Jupiter at 12° Cancer opposes Pluto at 12° Capricorn around January 31 while Mercury enters Pisces, the sign of its detriment.

Religious or political convictions are strong under these aspects.

There can be a tremendous drive and desire to achieve something really BIG.

Venus stations at the same day of January 31 and turns direct at 13° Capricorn.

When Venus turns direct again, relationships with beloved ones may regain importance.

In formal Capricorn, Venus may feel more secure by proposing or hinting for a marriage.

Chances are that money affairs get resolved more easily now.

Your financial situation may be revamped.

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2014 free monthly horoscope for February

The Best Sign For You To Love

Click here to download the February 2014 calendar in pdf format.

In general, events are likely to happen around February 2, February 9, February 17 and/or February 23-24.

The whole month of February 2014 is dominated and influenced by a cardinal T-square between Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus (the apex planet).

This cardinal T-square is active for the coming months and will slowly develop into a Grand Square (also called a Grand Cross) with the help of Mars in April 2014.

This will accelerate events in the weeks and months to come and things will more and more gain momentum.

More about the Cardinal Grand Square or Grand Cross in our April forecasts.

For now, the T-square between Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus will really mark this month (and the next ones) profoundly.

In the 1st half of the month, Venus will be part of this T-square while it is still conjunct Pluto and will rather have a financial or material meaning.

This T-square will directly affect you if you are born between March 30 - April 3, July 2-5, October 3-7 or December 31 - January 4.

The apex planet (Uranus in Aries) becomes more and more nervous and impatient.

Humanity may have the impression that changes don't develop fast enough, that everything takes ages and tons of administration for reform to happen and that things are not moving forward fast enough.

Well now, impatient Uranus in pushy Aries will become highly explosive and disruptive.

It cannot wait any longer and will break out or break through.

The months to come mark social reforms and accelerating progress (finally!!).

Uranus is the illuminator and awakener, the social and humanitarian reformer and in the more selfish sign of Aries, Uranus will fight for personal and individual freedom like a real activist.

Expect unseen and groundbreaking (r)evolutions in many ways.

Though these influences may unsettle quite a lot, they serve to liberate humanity.

Understand that a T-square in initiating cardinal signs is a highly powerful driver that makes things happen and that will forcefully push things through in a commanding (especially because of Pluto's involvement) but also in a very auspicious way (thanks to Jupiter's involvement).

Things will really start to come out into the open and break out like a volcano in unseen ways.

Prepare for a wild but auspicious ride with relief in the end.

One of the better ways to delineate a T-square in a general sense is to look at it from the perspective of a midpoint in which the apex planet or body (in this case Uranus) is posited right in the middle of the planets or bodies in opposition (Jupiter and Pluto).

Clearly, this T-square is the picture for social reform, surprisingly fortunate changes and/or technological breakthroughs.

Keep this picture in your mind for the next couple of months because it's part of the background of the events that will unfold in the coming months, starting this February 2014.

Aside from this T-square, know that around February 3-4, 2014 the Chinese Year of the (Green Wood) Horse starts and will influence this month and the whole year 2014 alike.

In Chinese astrology, the Horse Year is considered a sign of speedy success which tallies with the signification of the current T-square.

The whole month of February 2014 is likely to influence and affect the following birthdays predominantly:

  • January 31, May 1-2, August 3-4 and November 3-4: February 2014 brings a month of fortunate changes.

    It looks like the right things are happening at the right time for you.

  • February 14, May 16, August 18 and November 17-18: February 2014 brings relief, sudden good luck and windfalls. It's a joyful month and you feel happy.

  • January 27-28, April 28, July 31 and October 31: you are building air castles and doing lots of daydreaming. Be realistic and responsible.

    Don't be too careless.

    Expect lots of expenses and/or financial losses.

  • January 2, April 1, July 3 and October 5: there are fortunate developments going on in February 2014.

    You can successfully keep things under control.

If you are born around January 22, March 8, April 22, June 8, July 25, September 10, October 26 or December 9, you share suffering with others around February 2-3.

The early February days bring some hardship indeed.

Around February 6, Mercury stations and turns backwards at 3° Pisces (conjunct the Fixed Star Sadalmelik).

To you Geminis and Virgos (or Gemini and Virgo Ascendants), expect some hurdles now.

You may not feel too well and things will not turn out in your favor just yet.

It's not your day and you better wait till the end of the month to proceed again at full speed.

Because Mercury is currently in the sign of its detriment, Mercury is very confused and can hardly see through the fog and mist.

Beware of lots of misunderstandings, miscommunication and errors made during the station.

In silent and secret Pisces, retrograde Mercury cannot speak openly or objective.

Messages and documents are silenced or withdrawn for revision.

Because of the exact conjunction of Mercury on the Fixed Star Sadalmelik, legal issues and big lawsuits may be in the news and there may be an ongoing investigation that cannot be revealed any further.

If you are born around January 22, March 8, April 22, June 8, July 25, September 10, October 26 or December 9, you enjoy living together with someone around February 8.

The Sun at 23° Aquarius squares Saturn at 23° Scorpio around February 11.

This waxing square is quite cold (litterally and figuratively), detached and strict.

There is no joy today and responsibilities and duties prevail.

However, if you are born around January 2, February 15, April 1, May 17, July 3, August 19, October 5 or November 18 the days around February 11-12 can be very successful and rewarding though.

Mercury re-enters Aquarius in retrograde motion around February 12-13 resulting in colder weather and increasing wind.

Because Aquarius is an air sign too, expect more traffic- and air-accidents during its stay in Aquarius (especially around February 13-14 and February 17-19).

If you are born around January 1-2, February 14-15, April 1-2, May 16-17, July 3-4, August 18-19, October 4-5 or November 17-18 you're in a very joyful mood around February 14-15.

If you are born around February 14-15, you will feel the bliss your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) long.

There can be stormy weather though around these days here and there.

The Sun and Mercury conjoin at 27° Aquarius around the February 15 Full Moon which falls at 26° Leo.

This is a very auspicious Full Moon resulting in huge opportunities and good luck overall (especially if you are born around this day).

February 16-17 can be(come) very stormy also but there is also some big news of important breakthroughs in the air.

People are in a very talkative mood and there is quite some excitement and tension noticeable.

There is relief and a sudden (fortunate) change of course going on around February 17.

Groundbreaking and exciting discoveries may be breaking news.

However, between February 17-20, some of you may become more realistic and down-to-earth when the Sun enters Pisces around February 18.

The entrance of the Sun in the water sign Pisces will likely increase the water level and amount of precipitation.

There can be inundations, floods and the like here and there.

Realize that the more February goes along, the wetter and stormier the month may get.

Retrograde Mercury at 23° Aquarius squares Saturn at 23° Scorpio around February 19.

The mood is somber, the atmosphere is dark.

You may feel alone or lonely with lots going on in your mind.

There can be mourning around.

It's not a time to decide because hesitation and cautiousness prevail.

This Mercury-Saturn square is a very selfish aspect and it looks like the only things that count are your own interests.

When the Sun and Neptune conjoin at 5° Pisces, the position of the Fixed Star Deneb Adige, around February 23, you have very high ideals.

The period of the conjunction may mark the passing of someone of importance (a celebrity for example).

Beware of floods, inundations etc. here and there because the aspect increases water-related issues.

Around February 26, Jupiter at 10° Cancer squares Uranus at 10° Aries.

As all exact Jupiter-Uranus aspects, this one too will bring technological innovations, discoveries etc. that may be real milestones.

So, the whole month of February may bring technology-related breakthroughs that will not remain unnoticed.

The downside of this exact square is differences in worldviews that still may block progress and need to be resolved.

This can be a very opposing aspect, resulting in fanatic clashes and denoting that the time is not yet right to go ahead full speed.

Late February (and early March) become very important and may mark 2014 (aside from the April Eclipses that will be discussed in our April 2014 forecasts).

Why will the end of the month and the start of the next month be so powerful?

Here goes:

  • Mercury at 18° Aquarius stations and turns direct again around February 28.

    Rejoice Geminis and Virgos (and Gemini and Virgo Ascendants)!

  • Mars at 27° Libra will station and turn retrograde around March 1

  • Saturn at 23° Scorpio will station and turn retrograde around March 2

  • There is a New Moon at 10° Pisces around March 1

Clearly, there are three planetary stations around the same time that will be felt already late February (because of the slowing down of the planetary motion).

With three planets almost standing still, expect lots of obstructions late February (early March).

In astrometeorology, these planetary stations may increase the likelihood of severe storms and wild or extreme weather.

With Mercury stationing at 18° Aquarius, air crashes may also happen more frequently late February/early March.

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2014 free monthly horoscope for March

Was He Born To Love You?

Click here to download the March 2014 calendar in pdf format.

In general, events are likely to happen around March 2, March 8-9, March 16, March 23 and/or March 29.

The late February astrological influences just continue this month of March 2014 and may be particularly related to the weather (wind or storm and 'water').

You better prepare for another round of 'water and wind'...

Also, this may be a month of more health-issues worldwide.

There are a lot of powerful astrological configurations going on this month that will bring another eventful month:

  • Mars stations and turns retrograde at 27° Libra around March 1, the day of a New Moon at 10° Pisces

  • Saturn stations and turns retrograde at 23° Scorpio around March 2

  • The Black Moon Lilith enters Leo around March 4 and squares the Nodes around March 10-11

  • Jupiter stations and turns direct at 10° Cancer around March 6

  • The mean North Node of the Moon enters Libra around March 22

And don't forget that the T-square between Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto is still active and Mars is slowly going to make a Grand Cross or Grand Square out of it that will be exact in April.

Still in general, this month will affect some birthdays in particular:

  • January 22, March 7, April 22, June 7, July 24, September 9, October 25 or December 9: this month of March 2014 is all about buildings, the home and house, changing your residence, changing the place or travelling.

    It may also be related to study.

    For some of you the month will bring annoyance and/or dissatisfaction.

  • January 23, March 8-9, April 23, June 9, July 26, September 11, October 26 or December 10: here too, March 2014 is all about real estate, buildings and/or construction work.

    There is very hard work to do and some of you will have to study or research something to resolve some issues.

    Some of you may go bankrupt or face material damage and/or financial losses.

    There are some very oppressive energies going on that you will try to overcome.

  • January 4-5, February 18, April 4, May 20, July 6, August 22, October 7-8, November 21-22: there is illness and you may not feel too well.

    The mood is somber and sad and you feel dissatisfied.

With the March 1 New Moon at 10° Pisces and Mars stationing at 27° Libra on the same day, this can become a turbulent day.

Stationing Mars in the air sign Libra may result in stormy weather (the more so because of the coinciding influences of stationing Mercury and stationing Saturn).

In the sign of its detriment, stationing Mars has less energy and may indicate a lack of zest and (some) physical issues.

Realize that Mars is more and more nearing its closest point to Planet Earth and will result in more physical dis-ease, dis-comfort (illness) overall.

Whenever Mars is closest to the earth, its influence on our planet is the highest and the most noticeable -- but more on that in our April forecasts (the month during which Mars reaches its perigee or closest point to earth).

If you are Aries or have an Aries Ascendant, you may feel the stationing influences of Mars the most.

In general, people will need more rest (sleep) during these early March days.

The retrograde motion of Mars in the sign of The Scales has a more positive influence too though.

It's indicating a time frame during which compromises are made more easily and discordant issues may be settled.

Because of the additional exact trine of Jupiter with the New Moon, this combo may bring a more peaceful atmosphere.

Saturn stations and turns retrograde at 23° Scorpio around March 2, adding to stormy weather influences.

Because re-trograde planets re-turn, re-consider, re-view, re-concile their expression, chances are the influences of the early March astrological configurations bring more stagnation and retreat in many ways.

There can be job losses and people being (more) absent or leaving for whatever reason.

If you are Capricorn or if your Ascendant is Capricorn you will feel the influences most.

These stations mark a period of leave-taking, of a lack of (setting) goals and/or lacking a strategy.

Some initiatives may be blocked or delayed and the early March days may be marked by illness and health-issues to help you clear your physical and/or etheric body.

There can be strikes too and people may rather enjoy socializing instead of working.

You may need a break to unwind.

In Scorpio, the sign of shared resources (taxes, insurances, ...), retrograde Saturn will redefine these matters.

Some of you will reconsider your career or job and some others may redefine their status, reputation or standing.

It's becoming a time of resignations.

Things from the past may be revived under the backward motion of Saturn and may be re-investigated because of Saturn's placement in Scorpio.

Retrograde Saturn is about the re-turn of (or to) historic events or old scenes.

Around the same day of March 2, Venus at 27° Capricorn squares stationing Mars at 27° Libra, releasing quite some passionate energy.

Because stationing Mars in Libra squares its own dispositor (Venus rules Libra), this passionate combo can be very sexual, but also intensely violent.

If you are born around January 17, March 3, April 17, June 3, July 20, September 5, October 21 or December 4, you will experience the passionate energies more personally (physically or otherwise).

Explosive outbursts will be short-lived though, especially between men and women.

Around March 5, Venus enters the humanitarian air sign Aquarius and is interested in socializing and group interactions.

With the additional influences of Mars in the air sign Libra, you become focused on cooperation and group involvements.

If you are an air sign (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius), you will find increased charming responses from your environment.

If you are an air sign and still single, chances are you will meet a significant other.

Diplomacy rules.

Jupiter stations and turns direct at 10° Cancer around March 6.

In its stationing position, Jupiter tends to exaggerate, for good or ill.

Jupiter is a very public and extravert planet and in emotional Cancer expect emotions to run high.

There is increased optimism noticeable.

Enjoy family gatherings, housewarming parties, real-estate transactions, home improvements and publicity related to family-, home- and house-matters.

On a larger scale, there is increased patriotism as well.

Between March 6-10, lots of astrological configurations point to separation from beloved ones, changing the place, moving the place, real estate transactions, travelling, leaving the home or house, doing home improvements or construction work etc.

If you are born between January 21-23, March 7-9, April 21-24, June 7-9, July 24-27, September 9-11, October 25-28 or December 8-11, the influences will affect you directly.

Mercury at 23° Aquarius squares stationing Saturn at 23° Scorpio around March 11, resulting in stormy and/or extreme weather.

Because the Black Moon Lilith squares the mean Nodes of the Moon around March 10-11 (and entered Leo around March 4), this will add to the turbulent weather and natural disasters here and there during the first half of March.

March 13-18 are marked by lots and lots of precipitation so that floods, inundations etc. are to be feared on some places.

Also, it's a stormy time frame as well, resulting in hurricanes, tropical storms and the like.

Casualties may have to be feared.

Mercury enters Pisces around March 17 and will bring more confusion and uncertainty.

There is gossip or there are secrets that may be hoaxes as well.

Stay focused.

Around March 20, the Sun enters Aries, focusing on new initiatives and breakthroughs.

The mean North Node of the Moon enters Libra around March 22 and reinforces the 'airy' and sociable influences that are already apparent because of the placement of Venus and Mars in air signs.

The Nodes of the Moon reside in a zodiac sign for approx. 18 months.

The Nodes leaving the material and financial Taurus-Scorpio axis towards the Aries-Libra axis of relationships and encounters will bring a shift towards more human interests instead of financial and material matters for the coming months.

With the North Node in Libra, people will strive for a more just world and for justice.

The Nodes will connect us with a more sociable environment in which, again, we will learn to cooperate and will try to find a balance between our own urges and desires and the ones of others or the (or a) partner(s).

The 'I versus You' theme will pop up frequently and people may start to 're-connect' in some way.

It may indicate an increased (or renewed) interest in marriages, relationships, bonding and making (new) agreements.

Around the same day of March 22, Mercury and Neptune conjoin at 6° Pisces.

This conjunction can bring a delicate and sensitive influence - going so far as to bring real revelations.

There is inspiration and creativity giving the right answers to certain questions but because Neptune overpowers Mercury (the latter being in the sign of its detriment), your rational mind (Mercury) is switched off in favor of your higher intuition.

Chances are your plans may have to be cancelled and you have unfulfilled longings.

It's a spiritual time but also a confusing one and it's best to see things in a poetic and sobering way.

Around March 29, Venus at 22° Aquarius squares Saturn at 22° Scorpio resulting in money shortages and a lack of social contact.

Break-ups may occur and/or you may be separated from a beloved one.

If you are born around January 22-23, March 7-8, April 22-23, June 8-9, July 25-26, September 10-11, October 25-26 or December 9-10, expect study work or research around March 30-31.

There can be travel for work also or imposed trips and changes of the place.

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2014 free monthly horoscope for April

Is He The Right Man For You?

Click here to download the April 2014 calendar in pdf format.

In general, events are likely to happen around April 5, April 12, April 19 and/or April 25-26.

April will be one of the most intense months of the year 2014 because some powerful astrological configurations are going on this month that will bring one event after the other, day after day!

  • Mars is at its closest position to the earth, especially around April 14.

    This is nothing unusual as such because it happens every 2-2.5 years.

    This year however, the Mars perigee coincides with other highly powerful planetary activity listed in the next bullets.

    Perigee Mars always works out in a more physical, material and visible way.

  • There is a Lunar Eclipse at 25° Libra around April 15

  • Pluto stations at 13° Capricorn and turns retrograde on the day of the Lunar Eclipse, increasing the intensity and creating yet more awareness!

  • There is a Solar Eclipse at 8° Taurus around April 29

  • The whole month is marked by the legendary Grand Cross or Grand Square in cardinal signs, involving Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and stationing Pluto.

    This configuration will be exact between April 22-25.

Still in general, this month will affect some birthdays in particular:

  • January 3-4, April 3, July 5, October 6-7 who will be 'hit' directly by the Grand Cross and Pluto's station and will feel the intense enrgies the most.

    February 16-17, May 19, August 21 and November 20-21 births will be 'hit' indirectly by these configurations during the whole month.

  • The January 22, March 7-8, April 22, June 8, July 25, September 10, October 25-26 or December 9 birthdays will experience quite some stress, opposition, resistance and tension this month.

    Expect a bumpy road.

  • The January 8-9, February 21-22, April 8, May 24-25, July 10-11, August 26-27, October 11-12, November 25-26 birthdays will face a reality check and some hard facts.

    April 2014 will be a sobering month and you may feel some physical discomfort.

Around April 1, the Sun at 11° Aries squares Jupiter at 11° Cancer.

There is bluff and exaggeration all over.

There are misjudgements and things are blown quite out of proportion.

April 1 really is Fools' Day now!

Around April 2, the Sun conjuncts Uranus at 12° Aries denoting humanitarian interests and the sacrifice for higher purposes.

This aspect may bring some astonishing insight and technical breakthroughs.

Around April 3, the Sun at 13° Aries squares Pluto at 13° Capricorn resulting in forceful events.

Actually, in the first days of April, the Sun and Uranus together in pioneering and initiating Aries build a T-square with the Jupiter-Pluto opposition.

Because the Sun and Uranus are the apex bodies, they will display quite some willpower, leadership and auspicious developments initiated by an authority or leader.

There is a huge capacity for accomplishments and though the configuration also points to power struggles, someone is in command and can push through successfully.

If you are born between January 2-4, February 16-18, April 1-4, May 17-20, July 3-6, August 20-22, October 4-7 or November 19-21, the early April days can be very rewarding in many ways.

Some of you may find love and your popularity will likely increase.

You may experience quite some windfalls.

Creative projects succeed.

Venus enters Pisces around April 5.

This is a peaceful and very gentle combination in which Venus wants to live in harmony in a more reclusive and silent way.

Some of you may face sadness and tearful events or losses/separation, especially if you are born around January 4-5, February 18, April 4, May 20, July 6, August 22, October 7-8 or November 22.

Physical love is absent and love is raised to a higher level, either more platonic or spiritual.

April 7 is marked by the entrance of Mercury, the messenger, in impulsive and self-assertive Aries.

This can be a very talkative combo and you tend to talk before you think.

Communication will increase with lots of messages and breaking news.

Don't jump to conclusions too soon and don't be too naive (Aries is an innocent and youthful sign because it represents the beginning and thus still lacks some experience and maturity).

The Sun at 18° Aries opposes retrograde Mars at 18° Libra around April 8-9.

This aspect may affect your health and some of you may be under 'attack' (physically or verbally).

If you are born around January 8-9, February 21-22, April 8, May 24-25, July 10-11, August 26-27, October 11-12, November 25-26, there is hardship and some physical issues may pop up.

There can be love's sorrow, separation from a beloved one and/or financial issues that result in some miserable conditions.

Venus conjoins Neptune at 6° Pisces around April 11-12, making for a very artistic and creative time.

Listen to some music, enjoy a concert or live your creative and artistic dreams.

Around April 14, Mercury at 12° Aries squares Jupiter at 12° Cancer which is an aspect of irresponsible behavior and neglect.

On the one side, you may feel betrayed but on the other hand, this aspect may also harm your reputation.

Don't give in to lies or dishonnest activities.

Around the same day of April 14-15, Mercury and Uranus will conjoin at 13° Aries.

Mid April, Mercury and Uranus are now the apex planets of the T-square that contain the Jupiter-Pluto opposition.

There is breaking news about technical evolutions or fortunate developments.

Pluto stations around the same day of April 14-15 at 13° Capricorn and turns retrograde.

In this position, Pluto is in a very powerful position and represents the (power of the) financial and corporate world and the governments.

In Capricorn, intense and powerfull Pluto brings power struggles in the corporate and banking world as well as in governments.

Because Pluto rules the 'Underworld' (litterally and figuratively), there is quite something going on that is hidden for most of us and that will be disclosed later on.

Things are changing profoundly.

The station alone is powerful enough to bring a metamorphosis to the financial system (taxes and the others' money) and in governments or corporations.

Because Pluto is the body of extreme reversals and profound transformations with an emotional connection, this configuration will not go unnoticed.

What's even more.

During Pluto's station and the other planetary patterns, there is a Lunar Eclipse going on as well at 25° Libra around April 15.

A Lunar Eclipse is a Full Moon that is a little more powerful.

Because Full Moons bring things out into the open, creating more awareness, the days before this Lunar Eclipse will be significant and highly eventful.

A Full Moon or Lunar Eclipse always marks the end of the waxing (longing) Moon phase and thus marks a completion, the fulfillment of something.

This Lunar Eclipse in Libra, the sign of relationships (at large) will focus yet more on cooperation and interaction between people, couples, partners etc. because the principle of the opposition aspect relates very well with the Libra principle.

This can be a very revealing Lunar Eclipse, uncovering and disclosing quite a lot already.

Stormy events may happen and there can be anger in the air.

Mercury at 16° Aries opposes Mars at 16° Libra around April 16.

There are discussions, arguments and lots of talk around these days.

It's a good day for teachers, instructors or people who want to carry out some plans.

This especially applies to you if you are born around January 6, February 20, April 6, May 22, July 8, August 24, October 9 or November 23.

Between April 17-19, Mars is still in its closest position to the earth, retrograde in the sign of its detriment and currently at a 'critical' degree.

So, Mars is still in an exceptional condition.

This implies that during this whole time frame Mars is in a position of 'clashes and crashes.'

In other words, there are serious issues and differences pertaining to what's your territory or belonging and the territory or belonging of the other(s).

There are issues pertaining to keeping a (physical) distance and knowing your boundaries.

During this Mars position, some people may have it difficult to make a difference between the own territory and/or possessions and the others'.

In many instances, this may manifest in different ways: increased (car) accidents (cars bumping into one another), more fights (people not keeping a distance) or physical abuse (harrasment) and aggression, theft and robbery.

Around April 18, the Sun at 28° Aries opposes the North Node of the Moon, indicating resignations and/or people in power leaving or experiencing a setback.

This is a difficult configuration for VIPs or celebrities to stay in power and maintain a position.

Some people may resign because of personal or other reasons.

The Sun enters the fixed earth sign Taurus around April 20 and focuses on material goods and possessions.

You may long for more stability after the turmoil of the past days and weeks.

Around the same day of April 20, Jupiter at 13° Cancer squares Uranus at 13° Aries which is always a restless combo.

There is the urge to break away and break free to liberate the world asap.

This aspect is a revolting and impatient one resulting in exaggerations to impose transformations impulsively.

It's a fanatic combo also, the more so because around April 21, Jupiter at 13° is exactly opposite stationing Pluto at 13° Capricorn and Uranus also squares Pluto, reinforcing inner urges for big changes.

During these days, there are a whole lot of astrological patterns at work that have to do with finances, expenses, losses, bankruptcy and possible crashes.

These configurations will linger on and are part of the background picture of April 2014.

Around April 22, Mercury at 28° Aries opposes the North Node of the Moon at 28° Libra denoting a very busy, hectic and stressful time.

Mars at 13° Libra also squares Jupiter at 13° Cancer and triggers the Grand Square or Grand Cross (containing Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto) that will be exact till April 25.

This Grand Cross in cardinal signs acts like a turning wheel (cardinal signs are initiating, active, instinctive and goal-oriented) that will set quite some things in motion.

In initiating signs, it will bring novelties, new beginnings.

A cardinal Grand Cross can be a huge driver during which so many things are going on at the same time that it creates a lot of stress and tension just because of that.

The cardinal modality is very self-motivated (instinctive) and expressive and often works in survival mode.

The primary concern of a cardinal Grand Cross is starting something new, pushing things through, often without thinking or without an organized plan.

However, the wheel is turning and cannot be stopped.

If you are born around January 22, March 8, April 22, June 8, July 25, September 10, October 25-26 or December 9, there is a lot of construction work going on in your world around April 22.

Your focus is on real estate, buildings, changing the place of residence, moving, doing home improvements etc.

In the mean time, Mercury will enter Taurus around April 23 mentally focusing yet more on your possessions and money.

In general, April 23 can be eye-opening and bringing a big turn of events for many.

If you are born around January 22, March 8, April 22, June 8, July 25, September 10, October 25-26 or December 9, there is a lot of research, study work going on in your world around April 24.

There can be imposed trips or travel (for work) and duties come first.

The Sun and Mercury conjoin around April 25-26 at 5° Taurus of slowly developing mental processes.

The Sun and Mercury together try to absorb information and chew over it.

Around April 29 there is a Solar Eclipse at 8° Taurus.

It's always worth looking at the meaning of the Eclipse cycles through the research results by astrologer Bernadette Brady.

According to her research, this Eclipse is basically about wasted energy and misdirected motivation, especially when dealing with groups.

She advices to not take real action.

Additionally we can add that the exact midpoint picture of this Eclipse cycle also refers to paralysis, not being able to take action, to be sad, a mourning mood and impatience.

More positively, the Solar Eclipse supports meditation and gentler (less competitive) activities.

Between the Lunar Eclipse and this Solar Eclipse, many astrological configurations refer to financial issues or losses that may be resolved during the last days of April when Jupiter is at 14° Cancer, a 'Thanks God' degree and one of resolving issues and new opportunities.

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2014 free monthly horoscope for May

Click here to download the May 2014 calendar in pdf format.

In general, events are likely to happen around May 2, May 9-10, May 16-17, May 23 and/or May 29-30.

This month will affect some birthdays in particular:

  • February 4, March 20-21, May 5-6, June 21-22, August 7-8, September 23-24, November 7-8 or December 22 who will experience a major and powerful turning point in life.

  • The January 30, March 16, May 1, June 16, August 2-3, September 18, November 3 or December 17 birthdays will experience quite some unreal events.

    Your spiritual awareness will increase manifold and you may rather want to hide yourself and prefer to live in seclusion.

    Some of these birthdays will 'disappear' from this world while others may experience confusion, a loss of the frame of reality and/or spiritual heights.

  • The January 3-4, February 16-17, April 3, May 19, July 5, August 21, October 6-7 and November 20-21 birthdays will face sadness and a feeling of depression.

    There can be illness and the inability to express yourself or unfold properly.

If you are born around January 30-31, March 16-17, May 1-2, June 17-18, August 3-4, September 18-19, November 3-4 or December 17-18 you may enjoy concerts and musical performances around May 1.

For some of you, there will be kind of an awakening with unseen spiritual insights and a feeling of bliss.

Follow your dreams.

If you are born around this day of May 1, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is marked by financial expenses and an ultra sensitive and vacillating mood.

Following your dreams can be costly.

Physically, you may feel weak and you may be more spiritually inclined.

Also, some of you may experience 'cold showers' one way or the other -- so, beware of misguided states.

Mercury at 20° Taurus opposes Saturn at 20° Scorpio around May 2-3, resulting in obstructions and lots of senseless talks.

You can't decide because you can't make up your mind.

In the fixed sign Taurus, Mercury tends to chew things over and over without finding a way out.

Mercury (and your thinking alike) turns circles.

This Mercury-Saturn combo can be extremely stubborn and fanatic also.

There are fixed opinions and it has no sense to convince the other(s) because the mind is not open for insightful discussions.

Around the same period of May 2-3, Venus enters initiating and commanding Aries.

In Aries, Venus, the planet of harmony and balance, is in the sign of its detriment.

Venus in this position takes on a more action-oriented attitude and loves assertive behavior.

Venus in the sign of its detriment wants to conquer and wants to be loved/liked.

Notice that the dispositor of Venus (which is Mars because Venus is in the sign ruled by Mars) too is in the sign of its detriment (Libra).

In other words, Venus and Mars are now both in mutual reception by sign and will be in aspect soon (but that's something we will discuss in a second).

Anyway, the entrance of Venus in Aries brings love opportunities, love at first sight, sudden love encounters and enjoyable meetings.

If you are born around May 5-6, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is about profound changes and major turning points in your life.

Expect milestones to happen this (solar return) year and expect your life changing direction.

Around May 6-7 there is sorrow and a depressed mood.

You feel downtrodden.

If you are born around January 3-4, February 16-17, April 3, May 19, July 5, August 21, October 6-7, November 20-21, these feelings are likely to affect you most.

Mercury enters its own sign Gemini around May 7 and will bring favorable news and relief.

There is news about new plans, new perspectives and breakthroughs that overturn a status quo, resulting in optimism and increased confidence.

If you are born around January 4-5, February 17-18, April 4, May 20, July 6, August 22, October 7-8, November 21-22 this may especially apply to you.

The Sun at 20° Taurus opposes Saturn at 20° Scorpio around May 10.

Often, the Sun-Saturn opposition is related to the passing of a 'father figure' (an authority), a celebrity, a leader or VIP.

This aspect blocks creative self-expression and often results in resignation or the inability to shine and unfold in some way.

It's a separative aspect above all.

Usually, vitality is low and you may lack some confidence.

Try to keep a low profile now because the energies are too constricting.

Around May 11, Venus at 9° Aries opposes retrograde Mars at 9° Libra.

Both planets are in mutual reception and in the signs of their detriment.

This aspect of 'clashes and crashes' may work out physically (the more so because of the additional sobering Sun-Saturn opposition) and may result in physical injuries.

When Venus and Mars are in an exact aspect, people easily tend to bump into each other (often literally) -- for good or ill.

It's a time during which collisions easily happen.

Keep a distance (literally and figuratively) and try not to lose control.

On a more positive note, this aspect highly increases irresistible attraction and meeting one's other half.

Passions may run high.

If you are born around December 30, January 29, February 28, March 30, April 29-30, May 31, July 1, August 1-2, September 2, October 2, November 2 or December 1 this may apply to you.

If you are single, expect love at first sight and a powerful and major love union that will have some issues and hurdles to be taken in August 2014 but that will end in some sort of unification in February 2015.

For most people, mid May is a period during which knowing and honoring your (and the others') boundaries is important.

Because Mercury at 7° Gemini squares Neptune at 7° Pisces on the same day of May 11, confusion reigns though.

Beware of betrayal, theft and lies.

There are hidden or secret affairs going on and this aspect suggests escapist tendencies.

Secret love affairs may come out into the open.

The May 13-14 Full Moon period brings agony, defeat and disappointments, especially related to your relationships (in a wide sense).

It's a sad period full of suffering, pain or heartbreak.

You are missing (a) beloved one(s).

If you are born around January 3-4, February 16-17, April 3, May 19, July 5, August 21, October 6-7 or November 20-21, this applies to you most.

On a mundane level, expect arrests and the dissolving of criminal groups.

Venus at 13° Aries squares Pluto at 13° Capricorn around the same day of May 14 reinforcing the intense, sad and tumultuous configurations of mid May.

There is love's sorrow and separation from beloved ones all over mid May (especially between May 9-15).

However, May 15-17 look (much) brighter when Venus conjuncts Uranus at 14° Aries, bringing sudden insight and windfalls.

You feel happy and are in a creative mood.

Love may knock on your door and you may encounter attractive people.

It's a romantic period as well.

If you are born around January 4-6, February 17-19, April 4-5, May 20-22, July 6-8, August 22-24, October 7-9 or November 21-23, the auspicious configurations especially apply to you.

May 17-18 bring travel, a change of the place, a move or a change of residence.

The change of the place may be imposed or enforced (for example because of work-related reasons).

This will especially apply to you if you are born around January 22-23, March 7-9, April 22-24, June 8-10, July 25-27, September 10-11, October 25-27 or December 9-11.

If you are born around January 6, February 19-20, April 6, May 22, July 8, August 24, October 9 or November 23 the days of May 16-17 can become particularly beautiful and enjoyable.

Venus at 17° Aries squares Jupiter at 17° Cancer around May 18.

You may consider doing some home improvements resulting in financial expenses.

Severe obstructions and health issues bring sadness around May 19.

If you are born around January 3-4, February 16-17, April 3, May 19, July 5, August 21, October 6-7 and November 20-21, you will feel these difficult energies most.

If you are born around May 19, illness will mark most of your (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday).

Mars stations and turns direct again at 9° Libra around May 19-20.

Stationing Mars in the sign of its detriment may become hostile and disrupt a peaceful environment.

We expect quite some crime stories to enter the news around the station.

Mars becomes combative again, even though it's posited in a peaceful sign but the stationing direct motion just starts to release long pent-up energies.

This is the more so because the Sun is now at the Fixed Star Alcyone, the brightest star of the Pleiades.

This degree area is also called 'the Weeping Sisters', and for a reason...

The Sun enters Gemini around May 20-21 and brings breaking news and information related to successful projects.

May 22-23 too are related to good news and fortunate events.

Around May 26, Venus at 26° Aries opposes the North Node of the Moon at 26° Libra which may result in withdrawal and the need to avoid people.

Love's sorrow is likely and you may feel lonely or just need some time alone.

Some of you may be dumped by your lover or partner.

If you are born around January 16-18, March 2-4, April 16-18, June 2-3, July 19-21, September 4-6, October 20-21 or December 3-5 you will feel these influences most.

Financially, you may need to live on a strict budget for now as well.

The Sun at 7° Gemini squares Neptune at 7° Pisces around the May 28-29 New Moon, marking a day of illness and sadness.

You may be disappointed and some inexplicable situations may cause fear.

Beware of (self-)delusive behavior.

Around the same period of May 28-29, Venus enters its own sign Taurus.

Venus in Taurus needs lots of comfort and is possessive, a reason why you strongly cling to your possessions.

But comfort may come at a cost though.

Around May 29, Mercury, the messenger, enters emotional and home-loving Cancer.

A lot of information goes about the home (or nation) and how it brings about a powerful turning point in life.

May 30-31 bring separation from a beloved one, break-ups and/or divorces.

This may especially apply to you if you are born around January 22, March 7-8, April 22-23, June 8, July 25, September 9-10, October 25-26 or December 9.

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2014 free monthly horoscope for June

Is He Astrologically Afflicted?

Click here to download the June 2014 calendar in pdf format.

In general, events are likely to happen around June 6, June 12-13, June 19 and/or June 25-27.

This month will affect some birthdays in particular:

  • If you are born around January 17, March 2-3, April 17, June 2-3, July 19, September 4-5, October 20-21 or December 4, this month of June 2014 will bring agony.

    You can face a defeat and/or feel disappointed and sad.

    Something is dissolving in your life and all you feel is heartbreak and suffering.

    In some cases the configurations indicate peculiar brushes with the law and/or injuries involving burns and/or robberies.

  • If you are born around January 4-5, February 17, April 4, May 20, July 6, August 22, October 7 or November 21, this month of June will bring big changes involving an element of surprise and/or joy (if natal Saturn does not block joy).

    Feeling free can be an issue and you long for a change.

Enjoy your home environment around June 1 and make it cozy.

Some of you may prefer doing some home improvements though.

If you are born around June 3, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is about agony and something that is slowly dissolving in your life.

If you are born around June 6, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is about hard work.

There can be enforced changes (some of which may be health-related).

Also, you may face some losses and/or separation.

With lots of will-power and tenacity, you can conquer any issues.

If you are born around January 30, March 15-16, April 30, June 16, August 2, September 18, November 2 or December 17, you can overindulge with anything pleasant around June 6.

You are in a very creative and/or sensual mood then and chances are you are able to find inspiration for art projects.

For some of you it can be a romantic day.

Around June 7, Mercury stations and turns retrograde at 3° Cancer.

The station will affect the Sun signs Gemini and Virgo as well as the Gemini and Virgo Ascendants.

Expect some minor health issues around the station and things not going as envisioned or planned.

There is some delay and you have to reconsider some options.

Stationing Mercury in Cancer, the zodiac sign of real estate, home and the family often holds you in these areas.

Chances are you can't break away from home and/or the family or you need to do some more home improvements.

Perhaps you may visit your family more often.

Around June 10-11, the stars bring eroticism and optimism in love.

Some of you may enjoy concerts or other creative projects (like photography).

The June 10-11 configurations will especially affect you if you are born around February 4, March 20-21, May 5, June 21, August 7-8, September 23, November 7 and December 22.

Around the June 13 Full Moon, Venus at 17° Taurus opposes Saturn at 17° Scorpio.

Because Venus is very strong in its own sign Taurus, this opposition brings doubt about your relationship(s) and/or whether or not you should commit.

Some of you may face a separation from (a) beloved one(s), for whatever reason (work- or health-related,...).

Others will consider a divorce, breaking a formal bond (represented by Saturn).

In financial signs, this opposition needs to be strict and chances are you need to take responsibility for financial matters.

The time frame between June 13 and June 19 can be particularly accident-prone and violent.

Around June 13-14, the mood is dark and downtrodden.

There is a lack of zest and you feel fear and cannot unfold properly.

Some of you may feel ill -- especially if you are born around January 3, February 16, April 2, May 18, July 4, August 20, October 6 or November 19-20.

In mundane astrology, these mid June configurations may affect the USA because they trigger the Sun in the foundation horoscope.

Around June 17, retrograde Mercury re-enters its own sign Gemini and needs to talk things over.

The Sun and Mercury conjoin at 28° Gemini (right at the Fixed Star Polaris) around June 19-20, indicating a meeting and financial or health issues.

The Sun enters home- and family-loving Cancer around June 21.

If you are born around January 2-3, February 16, April 2, May 18, July 4, August 20, October 6 or November 19-20, you will feel sad around June 21.

You don't feel appreciated, there is love's sorrow and even unrequited love.

June 21 can bring sorrow and inhibitions.

If you are born around January 4-5, February 17, April 4, May 20, July 6, August 22, October 7 or November 21, expect a creative day around June 22-23.

Some of you may experience a conquest for love and there is some magic in the air.

Venus enters volatile Gemini around June 23, representing the butterfly.

Enjoy a trip or change of the place or environment.

Jupiter at 25° Cancer squares the Moon's Nodes at 25° Aries-Libra around the same day of June 23, indicating expenditures and changes of the place.

Mars at 16° Aries opposes Uranus at 16° Aries around June 25.

This can be a very impulsive and even explosive combination denoting passion -- for good or ill.

Mars and Uranus together are very accident-prone (causing physical injuries often) and it's best to be cautious and careful.

However, because of the involvement of Venus in this picture, the influence is likely to affect you and your relationship(s) and may as well result in sudden physical attraction, sexual experiences and 'clashes' alike.

Almost always, this planetary picture works out in a physical way of some sort though.

If you are born around January 6, February 19-20, April 6, May 22, July 8, August 24, October 9 or November 23, the Mars-Uranus opposition will affect you most.

The June 26-27 New Moon indicates indulging in 'the good life.'

This is a creative and inspirational day.

Expect some plans to be cancelled around June 27-28 though and things not working out as anticipated.

June 28 brings joy, proposals, engagements and happy feelings about love, the more so if you are born around February 24-25, March 26-27, May 27-28, June 28, August 29, September 29, November 28 or December 28.

Venus at 7° Gemini squares Neptune at 7° Pisces around June 29.

This square mixes up compassion with love, resulting in disappointments and an empty feeling.

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2014 free monthly horoscope for July

The Best Sign For You To Love

Click here to download the July 2014 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around July 3-4, July 11, July 16-17 and July 24.

During this month of July 2014, a couple of planetary configurations will affect some birthdays in particular:

  • If you are born between January 1-3, February 15-17, April 1-3, May 17-19, July 3-5, August 19-20, October 4-7 or November 18-20, you may feel quite downtrodden this month of July 2014.

    You may feel tired, depressed and/or experience some (chronic or recurring) health issues.

    Make sure you get tons of (deep) sleep.

    Some of you may not be able to unfold properly and you may fear (a) loss(es).

    Don't let fear overrule you, there is no need to.

  • If you are born around January 31, March 16-17, May 1-2, June 17-18, August 3-4, September 19, November 3-4 or December 18, this month of July is about vacillating energies and an ultra-sensitive and even weak body.

    Some of you may experience a lack of physical stamina and power and risk more health issues.

    Others may be easily swayed by outer circumstances and/or may disappear/vanish/leave the environment.

  • If you are born around January 21, March 6-7, April 21, June 7, July 24, September 8-9, October 24-25 or December 8 the month will likely bring a lot of irritable tension and stress.

    For some of you, separation of some kind is in the air. There is a tendency to rebel, to show resistance and to not give in.

    Some of you may experience health issues due to stress and overstretching your body.

  • If you are born around January 6-7, February 5, April 6, May 6-7, July 8-9, August 8-9, October 9-10 or November 8-9 your whole month is marked by the position of Saturn and Uranus stationing at the same numerical degree in a sign (16°).

    In other words, your natal Sun, transiting Saturn and transiting Uranus are all at 16° in a sign, blending the meanings of these bodies/planets together.

    This configuration, which will be discussed more in-depth in a minute, is likely to bring a lot of irritable tension and stress.

    For some of you, separation of some kind is in the air. There is a tendency to rebel, to show resistance and to not give in.

    Some of you may experience health issues due to stress and overstretching your body.

Let's take a look now how July 2014 will unfold.

The month of July 2014 starts with Mercury stationing at 24° Gemini and turning direct again around July 1.

Geminis and Virgos (as well as Gemini and Virgo Ascendants) may be relieved to find out that things may slowly start to go more smoothly again.

Interestingly, on a mundane level, this degree area of 24° Gemini is related to important discoveries and revelations.

Mercury, the messenger, may thus bring some news and findings out into the open early July about the past and/or about hidden things.

July 4 can be somber, overcast and you cannot unfold properly.

If you are born around this day, your whole (solar return) year is marked by some annoying health issues, pessimism and a tremendous awareness of potential for loss(es).

However, if you are born around January 10, February 23, April 9, May 26, July 12, August 28, October 13 or November 27, you are able to show leadership and organizing talents around this day of July 4.

For you, this day can be successful.

Love's sorrow is in the air between July 5-8.

There is a lot of tension in your romantic life noticeable and you feel personally limited.

A difficult separation from (a) beloved one(s) is possible.

Around July 8 the Sun at 16° Cancer squares Uranus at 16° Aries.

This square brings domestic issues and disrupts your home- and family-life.

You can act quite irritable and unpredictable now due to EGO- conflicts.

Be considerate.

Also, this square will bring some issues regarding your house or apartment that needs some repair or improvement.

Around the same day of July 8, some astrological configurations also point to unexpected gain, legacies and/or inheritances.

Around July 10-11, this theme of unexpected gain repeats.

Make your home a cozy place around July 12.

Mercury enters home- and family-loving Cancer again around July 13.

The entrance of Mercury in Cancer will bring more family visits and home invitations.

However, Mercury is in a very unstable position emotionally in the first degrees of Cancer and may show some domestic issues now.

Around July 13-14, Mars and the North Node of the Moon will meet at 23° Libra, conjunct the Fixed Star Spica.

Followers and readers of our monthly forecasts will remember that we don't like the Mars-Node aspects because they are so very often related to mass shootings and mass events resulting in physical injuries.

This configuration adds to the domestic issues, disputes and losses.

July 14-15 is a period of separations, sorrow and sadness.

If you are born around February 5, March 22, May 7, June 22-23, August 9, September 24, November 9 or December 23, this may especially apply to you.

Jupiter enters Royal and playful Leo around July 16.

As long as Jupiter resides in Leo, we expect warmer weather and some droughts here and there.

In this zodiac sign, Jupiter is highly generous and 'entertaining.'

Jupiter in Leo becomes 'showy' and needs some more drama, ceremony and pomp.

Your confidence may get a boost and your love life (and children) may get more attention.

However, around the same day of July 16, the Sun at 23° Cancer squares the Moon's Nodes making for too much pride and ego-driven gestures.

You may not be able to hold your status or position and chances are you fear or encounter a setback or a loss.

Around July 18, Venus enters home-loving Cancer and you may prefer doing some home improvements.

Your home and family will become your focal point for the next days because there are now three planets/bodies residing in Cancer (the Sun, Mercury and Venus).

Your love life becomes more emotional with some ups and downs, reflecting the mood of the moment.

The Sun at 26° Cancer squares Mars at 26° Libra around July 19.

You are forced to work too hard, force yourself to new but unhealthy heights.

Health-wise, this square may bring some issues (infections but also heart-related issues).

You can become the victim of an accident, aggression and/or bullying.

Saturn stations and turns direct again at 16° Scorpio around July 20.

During this station, shared resources and finances (taxes, inheritances, debts, loans etc.) as well as other Scorpio-related topics will be in the spotlight.

Around July 21-22, Uranus at 16° Aries stations and turns backward resulting in sudden changes for good or ill.

Interestingly, stationing Saturn and stationing Uranus are both at 16° in a sign and stand still during the same time frame.

This makes for a highly powerful combo that can bring quite some irritable tension and may result in separation for whatever reason late July.

Both planets will remain at 16° in a sign till mid August so that the separative and stressful influences will last till then before slowly fading away.

If you are born around January 6-7, February 5, April 6, May 6-7, July 8-9, August 8-9, October 9-10 or November 8-9 these planetary stations will affect you most till mid August.

Around July 22, there can be news about health issues, especially related to the heart because the Sun enters Leo on that day.

Because on the same day of July 22, Mercury at 11° Cancer opposes Pluto at 11° Capricorn, there is a whole lot on your mind.

The Sun and Jupiter conjoin at 1° Leo around July 24.

This conjunction is about damage to property, doing home repairs or home improvements, to be away from home, to be away from the partner (because of work- and/or travel-related matters) and relief after stress.

If you are born around January 21, March 6-7, April 21, June 7, July 24, September 8-9, October 24-25 or December 8, this conjunction will affect you most between July 23-25.

Around July 24-25 Mercury at 16° Cancer squares stationing Uranus at 16° Aries.

There is sudden (breaking) news with new developments coming in.

Mars enters Scorpio around July 25-26, imposing quite some obligations.

In Scorpio, Mars is fanatic, persistent and goal-oriented.

With lots of determination, Mars gets what it wants and will get his way, often in a covert way.

Mars and Venus are currently in water signs favoring the love life of all water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces).

The July 27 New Moon is about betrayal, deceptions, fraud, financial losses.

This New Moon may especially affect you if you are born around January 12-13, February 25-26, April 12, May 28-29, July 14-15, August 30-31, October 15-16 or November 29-30.

Venus at 11° Cancer opposes Pluto at 11° Capricorn around July 28 resulting in fated attractions.

There is love's sorrow and beware of aggression and/or physical harassment/rape.

In some other cases, there can be health issues.

Mercury at 23° Cancer squares the Moon's Nodes around July 28 indicating a very hectic and tense period around these late July days.

There is lots of nervousness and lots of work to be done.

Beware of traffic or transportation accidents.

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2014 free monthly horoscope for August

Was He Born To Love You?

Click here to download the August 2014 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around August 7, August 13, August 20 and August 27-28.

During this month of August 2014, a couple of planetary configurations will affect some birthdays in particular:

  • If you are born between January 1-3, February 15-17, April 1-3, May 17-19, July 3-5, August 19-20, October 4-7 or November 18-20, you may still feel quite downtrodden.

    Your situation has not changed a lot since the previous month and you still feel sad, depressed and/or experience some (chronic or recurring) health issues.

    Some of you may not be able to unfold properly and you may fear (a) loss(es) -- financially or otherwise.

  • If you are born around January 19, March 4-5, April 19, June 4-5, July 22, September 6-7, October 22-23 or December 6, this month of August 2014 is about a slow progress.

    It's construction time and some of you may be busy with real estate and/or buildings, doing home improvement projects etc.

    Financially, you may feel some restrictions and you may have to take care of your budget.

    In some instances, bankruptcy may apply as well.

    You may redefine your future and/or goals.

    The bottom line of the stellar configurations that hit your natal Sun is about some hardship, physically, financially and/or emotionally.

  • If you are born around January 6-7, February 5, April 6, May 6-7, July 8-9, August 8-9, October 9-10 or November 8-9 your whole month is marked by restrictions and facing facts.

    There is a sobering influence going on and some events will bring you down to earth.

    The influences may especially hinder you physically and you may face some health issues.

Let's take a look now at how the month will unfold.

The month of August 2014 starts with Mercury entering Leo around July 31 - August 1.

In this fiery sign, Mercury, the messenger, becomes very communicative (talkative).

It's time to speak up from your heart.

Mercury is also about to conjunct Jupiter around August 2 and the ballooning and exaggerating influences of Jupiter in Leo will be felt already.

On the same day of August 1, Mars at 3° Scorpio squares Jupiter at 3° Leo which may bring some fanatic discussions because of differences in belief systems and perspectives.

The early August days present quite some overblown issues, just to bring more (unnecessary) drama into our lives.

In some cases, the Mars-Jupiter square will bring legal issues, in other cases it will bring protests.

Because of the additional square between Venus at 16° Cancer and Uranus at 16° Aries around the same day of August 1, there is likely separation (from loved ones) in the air.

During the early August days, love is at a distance and/or you may feel some limiting influences affecting your love life.

If you are born around January 6-7, February 5, April 6, May 6-7, July 8-9, August 8-9, October 9-10 or November 8-9, the early August days are less romantic and may bring some love's sorrow and separation from loved ones (for whatever reason: because of work- or health-related issues, travel or because of disputes for example).

If you are born around the day of August 1, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is about being under the influence of others, having a very sensitive and even weak body, miscarriage, feeling ill, leaving your environment and/or increased spiritual insight.

If you are born around January 21, March 7, April 21, June 7, July 24, September 9, October 25 or December 8, the early August days are about resisting changes, imposed travel or changes of the place, irritable tension and/or messages about separation(s).

For these birthdays, the same influences will repeat around August 24- 25.

Around August 2-3, Mercury at 4° Leo squares Mars at 4° Scorpio reinforcing the tendency to quarrel.

Because Mercury and Jupiter conjoin and square Mars during the early August days, expect tons of talks, discussions and meetings alike to get things done.

If you are born around January 12-13, February 26, April 12, May 29, July 15, August 31, October 16 or November 30, expect fortunate developments and successfully working together with others around August 3-4.

On a mundane level and in general, be aware that some plans may have to be cancelled around August 5.

This day of August 5 may become a day full of irritable tension and confusion all over.

Around August 6, Venus at 22° Cancer squares the Nodes at 22° Aries - 22° Libra resulting in withdrawal.

However, because of some additional planetary pictures, this is not a bad thing because the Stars suggest a more intimate atmosphere.

Indeed, around the day of August 6, you can be in a highly romantic mood and have lots of flair.

Beware of indulging in the good things of life too much though because a cold shower may await you later.

If you are born around August 6-7, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is about life-changing information or messages that bring a turning point in your life.

The Sun and Mercury meet at 16° Leo around August 8 and both bodies square Saturn at 16° Scorpio.

This configuration indicates a defeat, a setback, sorrow and/or giving up a position.

The time frame between August 8-10 is fully marked by this blocking configuration, the more so because it coincides with a powerful and intense SuperMoon (a perigee Full Moon) around August 10.

Pay attention to the weather forecasts!

This Full Moon at 18° Aquarius may increase awareness in a shocking way with sadness, separation and/or limiting influences.

Do know that during this Full Moon, Mars at 8° Scorpio opposes the position of the April 29 Solar Eclipse!

Just to say that this Full Moon can be turbulent.

Some August 11 planetary pictures confirm and even add to the separative influences because of some tragedies and (water-related) natural disasters that may be feared.

Venus enters Leo around August 12, which is a very creative and joyful position for Venus to be in.

Venus in Leo is very charming and demands more attention as well.

Organize or attend a party, enjoy a concert and/or enjoy some festivities.

Perhaps you may meet Mr. or Ms. Right.

What's even more, there are now 4 bodies/planets in the zodiac sign of Leo (the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury) denoting a playful period and the need to show off.

Around August 13, you romantic life may have to endure a cold shower though.

There is love's sorrow and/or separation noticeable, which will affect you most if you are born around January 21, March 7, April 21, June 7, July 24, September 9, October 25 or December 8.

The August 13-16 time frame indicates a lot of bad and/or stormy weather here and there.

This may result in floods, chaos and maritime issues.

It may be a turbulent period generally.

Around August 15 Mercury enters its own sign Virgo.

You tend to become too critical and are focused on the minutest details which may bring increased dissatisfaction.

Around August 16 we expect quite some legal issues, harsh disputes, anger, dissatisfaction, sadness and sorrow.

Also, beware of fire!

If you are born around January 6-7, February 5, April 6, May 6-7, July 8-9, August 8-9, October 9-10 or November 8-9, there is irritable tension, contrariness, making reaching agreements quite hard around August 16.

Venus and Jupiter conjoin at 7° Leo, the position of the Fixed Star Praesaepe, around August 18.

Interestingly, this degree area is related to separations from loved ones, followed by new encounters and/or childbirth(s).

Expect childbirth around this period, the more so because Leo is the zodiac sign of children!

This also implies intense and passionate relationships that are short-lived.

Additionally and likewise, Venus and Jupiter at 7° Leo often mark the end of friendships, followed by encountering friends from the past.

The lesson to be learnt from this configuration is letting go the past completely and definitvely and not looking back any longer.

Mercury at 6° Virgo opposes Neptune at 6° Pisces around August 19 implying confusion and misunderstandings.

Another stormy period awaits some of you between August 19-21.

Shipwreck may occur and there may be maritime issues.

If you are born between January 1-3, February 15-17, April 1-3, May 17-19, July 3-5, August 19-20, October 4-7 or November 18-20, you may need to visit a medical doctor around August 19-20.

If you are born around this day of August 19-20, your (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is about illness and health issues.

The Sun enters Virgo around August 23 and brings your focus on work- and/or health-related matters.

The August 25 New Moon marks another irritable and tense period of stress and nervousness.

There are objections.

If you are born around January 21-22, March 7-8, April 21-22, June 7-8, July 24-25, September 9-10, October 25-26 or December 8-9, you will feel the objections and irritable tension the most.

Around this New Moon, Uranus is the apex planet of a YOD configuration because Uranus is inconjunct Mercury on the one side and inconjunct Mars and Saturn on the other hand.

This YOD may be related to natural disasters and emergency issues.

There can be disagreements and disputes as well.

Between August 25-27 Mars and Saturn conjoin at 17° Scorpio while Venus at 17° Leo squares the Mars/Saturn conjunction.

This configuration may show some advances and progress in illness but may also denote that you are not able to unfold.

You may show indecisive behavior, encounter failures, separation and/or unhappy events.

These configurations will especially affect you if you are born between February 6-7, March 23-24, May 8-9, June 24-25, August 10-11, September 25-26, November 10-11 or December 24-25.

In general and on a mundane level, you may have to cancel your plans between August 28-29 when the Sun at 6° Virgo opposes dissolving Neptune at 6° Pisces.

Expect some water-related issues here and there.

Don't trust the news around August 30-31 because nothing is what it seems.

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2014 free monthly horoscope for September

Is He The Right Man For You?

Click here to download the September 2014 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around September 3, September 9, September 16, September 23-24 and/or September 30/October 1.

Around September 1, you may feel bored and/or need a change and some of you will change the place (make a trip, travel or just move and change the place of residence).

Some others will do some home improvements instead.

Mercury enters sociable Libra around September 2 which may bring lots of new encounters.

Also, Mercury the messenger in airy Libra loves to share stories, opinions and ideas and it loves feedback and mental interactions.

As long as Mercury is in diplomatic and balancing Libra, expect agreements, even if decision-making can be difficult and fragile at times.

The time frame between September 2-3 can be filled with love's sorrow, separation, sadness and financial issues.

These issues may especially pop up if you are born between January 1-3, February 14-16, March 31 - April 3, May 17-19, July 3-5, August 19-21, October 4-6 or November 18-20.

September 4 is a very creative day full of exciting events and optimism which may, for some of you, result in attractions and enjoyable encounters.

These auspicious September 4 influences will be felt most if you are born around January 4, February 17, April 3, May 19, July 5, August 21, October 6 or November 20-21.

Venus enters the sign of work, Virgo, around September 5.

In this earth sign, Venus may find love at the working floor.

Because Mercury and Venus are now in reception (they are in each other's zodiac sign), they are very much focused on finding agreeable solutions, balancing out the tiniest details with care and precision in a discerning way.

If you are born around September 5-6, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is marked by windfalls, relief and sudden optimism.

The September 8-9 perigee Full Moon may bring illness, oppression and obstruction and/or a lack of zest.

Take it easy and don't fight the energies but go with the flow.

Mercury at 11° Libra squares Pluto at 11° Capricorn around September 9-10, resulting in mental strain and a lot of sorrow and pessimism.

It's an aspect of an obsession with an idea or opinion that you are not willing to change.

This may result in clashes but don't forget that Pluto is the stronger body of the two which implies that any protest may be in vain, for now.

If you are born between January 1-3, February 14-16, March 31 - April 3, May 17-19, July 3-5, August 19-21, October 4-6 or November 18-20 you will likely feel this Mercury-Pluto square most.

Around the same day of September 10, Venus at 5° Virgo opposes Neptune at 5° Pisces and reflects a dissolving bond, a loved one who is 'out of reach' or absent.

Also, secret unions, unrequited love or impossible relationships may mark the day.

You may feel disappointed overall.

If you are born around January 4, February 17, April 3, May 19, July 5, August 21, October 6 or November 20-21, the day of September 11 can be stormy in many ways.

You are very talkative and restless.

Some of these birthdays will be in a fanatic and fighting mood while others may experience the current astrological configurations through an accident, surgery or physical injuries.

If you are born around the same days of January 4, February 17, April 3, May 19, July 5, August 21, October 6 or November 20-21, things will evolve in auspicious ways though which will be clear and noticeable around September 12.

Mercury at 15° Libra opposes independent Uranus at 15° Aries while Mars enters fiery Sagittarius around September 13.

The Mercury-Uranus opposition at a so-called 'critical degree' wants to express its opinions.

There is contrariness and reaching an agreement can be difficult.

As long as Uranus remains on 15° Aries, expect recurring accidents, crashes, collisions, clashes and confrontations.

The current configurations presage a confrontational period of rebellions, expulsions, fierce debates and messages that contradict each other.

The additional entrance of Mars into blunt Sagittarius adds to it and can be too fanatic so that compromising and understanding other people's viewpoints should not be expected.

Mars will strongly defend its ideas and push for (often religious) truths as if these are right and everyone else's are wrong.

Around September 17, Mercury and the North Node of the Moon conjoin at 20° Libra.

Beware of (self-)delusions, misunderstandings, betrayal, theft and secrecy.

Between September 17-20, there is sadness, a mourning mood, separation from loved ones and hardship.

Around September 22 Mars at 5° Sagittarius squares Neptune at 5° Pisces which may bring self-doubt, anxiety, a lack of courage and diffused anger.

If you can't focus and steer your energies and mind, your efforts may be in vain.

If you are born around this day of September 22, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is about a thrilling and welcome turn of events.

Around the same period of September 22-23 the Sun enters Libra while Pluto stations at 10° Capricorn and moves direct again.

In the earth sign Capricorn, representing the surface and structure of things, stationing Pluto may disrupt and transform a lot.

This station will mark very profound changes related to the banking world, governments and the corporate world.

Previously hidden or covert things will come out into the open and will break through the surface.

The truth (or part of it) is about to come into the open.

Pluto rules the underworld and it often happens that the meaning has to be taken literally when Pluto stations so that events under the surface of the Earth may develop and transform as well, resulting in earthquakes, mining disasters, earth slides, volcanic activity, sinkholes etc.

Stationing Pluto is above all highly forceful and implies an 'abrupt' separation from the past that leaves an emotional and often uncomfortable imprint (don't forget that Pluto rules the water sign Scorpio).

It acts like a rebirth and, interestingly, 10° Capricorn, the degree of Pluto's station, is linked with a 'separation from the womb' in favor of liberation and emancipation that are desperately needed for one's self-development and evolution.

So, expect separations with emotional consequences during Pluto's station but now you also know what purpose it serves!

Now that Pluto turns direct again, it's slowly heading forward towards the mid December 2014 clash with independent and rebellious (and stationary, thus very powerfully) Uranus.

The September 24 New Moon at 1° Libra is very self-contained instead of interested in others.

Just to say that you may need time alone.

If you are born around January 18, March 3, April 18, June 3, July 20, September 5, October 21 or December 5 you have lots of persuasion and have some influence over others around September 24-25.

If you are born around September 25, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is about changing the place of residence, moving, traveling, relocating and/or strokes of good luck with major changes that you planned yourself.

Around September 27-28 Mercury enters intense and investigative Scorpio.

Expect a series of fortunate breaks and increased confidence these late September days, after the New Moon.

There can be news about sudden discoveries, innovations and technological breakthroughs.

If you are born around January 20, March 5, April 20, June 5, July 22-23, September 7, October 23 or December 7, there are windfalls and fortunate changes going on around this day of September 28.

If you are born between February 3-4, March 19-21, May 5-6, June 21-23, August 7-9, September 22-24, November 6-8 or December 21-23, new thrilling encounters and/or new agreements await you around September 29 when Venus enters its own sign Libra.

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2014 free monthly horoscope for October

Is He Your Vedic Soulmate?

Click here to download the October 2014 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around October 1, October 6-7, October 13-14, October 20-21 and/or October 27-28.

You may feel a little reclusive around October 2 and chances are you prefer staying at home.

Make your home a cozy place!

If you are born around January 18, March 4, April 18, June 4, July 21, September 6, October 22 or December 5, you can show your organizing talents and/or apply controls to suit your own particular purposes around October 2.

Around October 4, the Sun at 11° Libra squares forceful Pluto at 11° Capricorn.

This waning square denotes lost labor and fighting against oppression and forceful powers.

It's an aspect of protests that are in vain, that lead to nothing but (more) censorship and/or repression.

If you are born around January 1-2, February 14, April 1, May 17, July 3, August 19, October 4-5 or November 18, you can expect huge expenses, bankruptcy, financial issues around this day of October 4.

Be aware that the transits remain in this position for some days (till October 9).

In some instances, major adjustments of life circumstances (often because of financial reasons) may be noticeable.

If you are born around this day of October 4, you are likely to feel the financial issues and/or expenses your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday).

Around the same day of October 4, Mercury stations and turns retrograde at 2° Scorpio.

As usual, stationing Mercury will be felt powerfully if you are a Gemini or born under the sun sign Virgo (or if your Ascendant is Gemini or Virgo).

In that case, things will not work out too well or don't go as anticipated.

You may feel minor health issues as well and you better keep a low profile.

On a mundane and more general level, stationing Mercury marks a period of possible strikes.

October 6-7 bring a rebellious and fighting mood, the more so because the Sun at 14° Libra opposes Uranus at 14° Aries.

However, there can be surprising encounters and sudden solutions to some difficult issues, bringing relief also.

This can be an inspirational, creative and enlightening period.

Around October 8, the Lunar Eclipse at 15° Aries is accident-prone, with lots of crashes, clashes and collisions.

However, aside from these crashes and possible financial issues, significant purchases, expenses, this Lunar Eclipse is a very auspicious one in matters of love.

Indeed, this Lunar Eclipse is at a marriage degree and a degree that suggests people falling in love passionately and easily (at first sight and/or unexpectedly).

People tend to bump into each other easily under this Lunar Eclipse, resulting in (often short-lived) love affairs and/or conceptions.

Actually, this Lunar Eclipse will build a Kite configuration between the Sun, the Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus.

These are all planets and bodies involved in and representing exciting events (on condition natal Saturn does not interfere), marriages, proposals, conceptions, childbirths, celebrations etc.

This Full Moon (which a Lunar Eclipse is) will bring this all more out into the open and make things public.

The Grand Trine in fire signs between Uranus, Mars and Jupiter will additionally bring increased consciousness, creative and unseen breakthroughs and developments (often technology-related but also noticeable in other fields).

In a less positive way, this degree area of bumping into each other may be taken literally too (resulting in crashes, a hot temper and fights here and there).

Around October 10, retrograde Mercury enters Libra again and demands to re-negotiate or reconsider things or edit an agreement.

There can be some financial strain around this day of October 10.

Love is still in the air around October 11 when Venus at 14° Libra opposes Uranus at 14° Aries.

However, because of the separative opposition aspect with Uranus, encounters are either (too) short-lived or lived from a distance (through short phone messages for example).

Beware of disappointments and love's sorrow though because around October 12, the Sun and the North Node of the Moon conjoin at 19° Libra.

Relationship issues are lingering on till October 15-16 when Venus and the North Node of the Moon conjoin at 19° Libra.

Expect love's sorrow and separation to occur till October 16.

The Sun and Mercury conjoin at 23° Libra, a lucky and helpful degree, around October 16.

You are talking or thinking about changes because things can no longer remain the same.

A move, a change of residence or relocation is possible or may be considered.

Beware of a loss of energy, not feeling too well, no willingness to work or doing any activities resulting in taking a day off around this day of October 16.

Mercury and Venus are conjunct around October 17 at 22° Libra.

Talk about love and enjoy.

Around October 21, Mercury and the North Node of the Moon conjoin, marking a very busy and hectic day.

The Solar Eclipse around October 23 at 0° Scorpio, is a very powerful and important one.

In matters of love, this degree often results in finding a new lover, leaving the partner for another one and/or transforming love to another level.

In general, this is a very auspicious Solar Eclipse that is part of the 17 New North Saros cycle.

According to researcher and astrologer Bernadette Brady, this Eclipse cycle is exciting, passionate, impulsive and may be concerned with financial projects and/or relationship issues.

Here too, the astrological configurations are highly auspicious and may bring a lot of good things and great achievements in the coming six months (the time frame a Solar Eclipse works out), on condition that natal Saturn does not interfere on an individual level.

This Solar Eclipse is likely to bring quality and strength, blending great power for good.

This Eclipse is highly powerful also because it falls at 0° Scorpio, a highly powerful transformational degree, often called the gates of death, that will revamp a situation completely.

It clears out quite a lot and will start over in a totally different way.

So, the coming 6 months look very exciting indeed!

Around October 25, the Sun and Venus conjoin at 1° Scorpio and point to marriages, proposals, childbirths, conceptions and love dreams.

If you are born around January 21, March 7, April 21-22, June 7, July 24-25, September 9, October 25 or December 8-9, you will feel the auspicious Sun-Venus conjunction most.

If you are born around January 22, March 8, April 22-23, June 8, July 25-26, September 10, October 26 or December 9-10, you may experience a difficult separation from a loved one around October 25.

Mercury stations and turns direct again at 16° Libra around October 25.

Rejoice Geminis and Virgos (and Gemini and Virgo Ascendants) because things will start to improve again slowly

Expect some news or some important messages (decisions) around the station.

Here too, stationing Mercury may be related to some strikes.

Mars enters corporate and strict Capricorn around October 26, denoting a lot of hard work to accomplish.

The atmosphere becomes cooler (and colder).

In this cardinal earth sign, Mars is very focused on goals and competition and it has to cope with some strict deadlines.

Around October 26-27, separation from a loved one is in the air.

This will especially apply to you if you are born around January 23, March 9, April 23, June 9, July 26, September 11, October 27 or December 10.

For the 2nd time this month, Mercury conjuncts the North Node of the Moon at 18° Libra around October 29-30 implying a hectic and busy time once more.

There is some hardship though and some hard facts to face.

October 30-31 is much about the search for missing people or people disappearing and/or leaving your world.

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2014 free monthly horoscope for November

The Best Sign For You To Love

Click here to download the November 2014 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around November 3, November 10, November 17 and/or November 24-25.

During this month of November 2014, a couple of planetary configurations will affect some birthdays in particular:

  • If you are born between February 1, March 18, May 2, June 18, August 4, September 20, November 4 or December 19, you are facing a major and powerful turning point (milestone) in your life.

  • If you are born around January 13, February 26-27, April 13, May 29-30, July 15-16, August 31 - September 1, October 16-17 or November 30 - December 1, this month of November 2014 is about agony, disappointments and a feeling of defeat and/or pain in some way.

    It's about a slowly dissolving door, often in a painful or sad way.

  • If you are born around January 2-3, February 15-16, April 2, May 18, July 4, August 20, October 5-6 or November 19-20 your whole month is marked by a sudden and profound change.

    The influences can be exciting but upsetting and tense too.

  • If you are born around January 24, March 10, April 24-25, June 10, July 27, September 12, October 27-28 or December 11, this month of November 2014 is likely to bring moments of profitable associations and connections.

    You may meet others who can bring benefit.

    For some of you, this may result in a proposal, engagement or a marriage.

    Others may enjoy successful partnerships.

Let's take a look now at how the month will unfold.

If you are born between February 1, March 18, May 2, June 18, August 4, September 20, November 4 or December 19, the first days of November 2014 may bring a turning point in your financial situations and/or your relationships.

There can be a secret union and/or infidelity because of irresistible physical attraction.

Around November 5 there is dissatisfaction and you want to force something your way.

You feel unrewarded and want to make a change.

Beware of legal issues and harsh disputes that often reflect your discontent.

Mercury (re-)enters investigative Scorpio around November 8-9 and shows a keen interest in hidden matters and mysteries.

In this fixed water sign, airy Mercury does not feel well and may be communicating in too intense and sharp a way so that it shocks or upsets others.

There can be some melodrama popping up as long as Mercury resides in Scorpio and topics like sex, taxes, death and the occult may be in the daily news.

Venus at 21° Scorpio squares Jupiter at 21° Leo around November 9.

This waxing square in fixed signs is a very physical and material one.

It's a time of big purchases and/or expenses to raise your comfort level.

During this aspect you tend to exaggerate and indulge in the pleasures of physical experiences, a flirt and/or showing off.

If you are born around January 21-22, March 7-8, April 21-22, June 7-8, July 24-25, September 9-10, October 24-25 or December 8-9, there is relief thanks to some good news and fortunate developments around November 9-10.

Mars and Pluto conjoin at 11° Capricorn around November 10-11.

Both bodies together always bring tons of work to accomplish, often in an unstoppable way.

It may bring marathon meetings, marathon sex, marathon tasks...

The downside is too forceful and competitive and compulsive behavior, often resulting in violence.

Anger may easily turn into a rage under this transit.

Venus and Saturn meet at 25° Scorpio around November 12-13 and may bring sobering experiences.

The atmosphere gets cooler.

Expect a low cash flow and/or financial issues.

A cold shower may await you and may result in life-changing decisions to be taken.

Mid November may bring crashes and/or bankruptcy and/or issues in the financial world.

If you are born around January 3-4, February 16-17, April 3, May 19, July 5, August 21, October 6-7 or November 20, you need to be responsible around November 12-13 because the cold shower may apply to you...

Also, around November 12-13, Mars at 13° Capricorn squares Uranus at 13° Aries.

Because Mars is the dispositor of Uranus, this is a highly accident-prone combination often suggesting physical injuries.

Again, be responsible during this mid November time frame!

Additionally, the Sun at 21° Scorpio squares Jupiter at 21° Leo around November 13-14, reinforcing over-doing behavior.

There are expenses, purchases or bills to be paid.

You may have to cancel some of your plans around November 14.

Beware of hoaxes, false rumors and/or incorrect information also around the same day.

If you are born around January 3-4, February 16-17, April 3, May 19, July 5, August 21, October 6-7 or November 20, there is optimism in love and you have high love ideals around November 15.

It's a creative and artistic day, especially if you are active in the fields of photography or music.

If you are born around January 5, February 18-19, April 5, May 21-22, July 7, August 23-24, October 8-9 or November 22-23, there is illness and/or a lack of zest around November 15-16.

Also, for these birthdays, this time frame may bring disputes, not being able to unfold, oppressive influences and disharmony -- making connecting with others (or the partner) difficult.

Around November 16 Neptune stations at 4° Pisces, conjunct the Fixed Star Fomalhaut, and turns direct again.

Mid November will be marked by this station but, as usual, the day of the station is more important and powerful.

The station of Neptune may bring disappointments and confusion so that it's best to avoid taking any important decisions for now.

Generally, Neptune's station conjunct the Fixed Star Fomalhaut is auspicious for spiritual growth and everything related to the imagination and creativity.

Around the same day of November 16, Venus enters flamboyant Sagittarius and raises your expectations.

Beware though because Neptune's station overpowers everything just yet and it's likely, there are Fata Morganas in the air...

The Sun and Saturn conjoin at 25° Scorpio around November 18 and mark colder weather and a cooler atmosphere.

You may feel lonely too and experience (love's) sorrow.

Mars at 17° Capricorn squares the Moon's North Node at 17° Libra around November 18 as well, upsetting connections, relationships and group activities.

Very often, close Mars-Node aspects are related to physical injuries that affect a group or many people at once (like mass shootings, transportation or car accidents etc.).

If you are born around January 7-8, February 21, April 7, May 23, July 9-10, August 25, October 10-11 or November 24-25, this day of November 18 marks passionate involvements.

In matters of love, this may be related to irresistible physical attraction and sexual chemistry.

If you are born around January 2-3, February 15-16, April 2, May 18, July 4, August 20, October 5-6 or November 19-20, your life is about to take a profound turn around November 19-20.

Venus at 4° Sagittarius squares stationing Neptune at 4° Pisces around November 20.

This waning square is rather tragic and deceptive alike.

It's a very seductive time during which you can be swayed easily and during which you can get under the influence of others or get involved in matters that make you dependent one way or the other.

Try to stay grounded.

If you are born around January 10, February 23, April 9, May 26, July 12, August 28, October 13 or November 27, expect hardship and depleted energy around November 21.

The Sun enters religious Sagittarius around the New Moon of November 22.

There may be illness or you may not feel too well.

Mercury at 22° Scorpio squares Jupiter at 22° Leo around November 22-23 denoting too much (mis)judgments, ballooning behavior and bold statements.

A reality check can be in order and that's exactly what will happen around November 25-26 when Mercury and Saturn conjoin at 26° Scorpio.

Sudden and breaking news may await you around November 26.

The Sun at 4° Sagittarius squares stationing Neptune at 4° Pisces around November 27 still suggesting illness in the environment and a depleted feeling.

Around November 27-28, Mercury enters Sagittarius and is not always representing the facts 'as is.'

In the sign of its detriment, Mercury is less cerebral and more sloppy, blunt and bold, forgetting some important details.

Now that the Sun, Mercury and Venus are all in Sagittarius, foreign affairs become more important.

Sorrow and health issues in the environment still mark the last days of November though, especially if you are born around January 6, February 20, April 6, May 22, July 8-9, August 24, October 9 or November 23-24.

If you are born around January 22, March 8, April 22, June 8, July 25, September 10, October 25 or December 9 you feel happy around November 30.

There can be love at first sight, windfalls and other auspicious experiences.

It's a beautiful day!

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2014 free monthly horoscope for December

Was He Born To Love You?

Click here to download the December 2014 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around December 6, December 14, December 21-22 and December 27-28.

During this month of December 2014, a couple of planetary configurations will affect some birthdays in particular:

  • If you are born around January 22, March 8, April 22-23, June 8, July 25, September 10, October 26 or December 9, this month of December 2014 brings thrilling successes and fortunate developments.

    You are likely to experience tremendous optimism and establish new perspectives.

  • If you are born around February 1, March 18, May 3, June 19, August 5, September 20, or November 5, this month of December 2014 is about exciting surprises and a turn of events -- for good or ill.

  • If you are born around January 28, March 14, April 29, June 15, August 1, September 16 or November 1, there is something unreal going on this month.

    There is an increased interest in mysticism, spirituality and the like.

    In some instances, deaths of relatives or in your environment is possible too, as well as stillbirths.

  • If you are born around January 4, February 17, April 3, May 19, July 5-6, August 21-22, October 7 or November 21, there is a lot of expectation and 'daydreaming' going on in your life.

    Beware of self-delusion.

    You tend to be more (self-)indulgent and may face some expenses.

  • If you are born around January 8, February 21, April 7, May 24, July 10, August 26, October 11 or November 25, this month of December 2014 may bring a fortunate change.

    However, for some of you there can be a doctor's visit but in general, the astrological configurations point at good fortune and happy events.

Let's take a look now at how the month will unfold.

Mercury at 4° Sagittarius squares Neptune at 4° Pisces around December 1.

Because Neptune is very strong in its own sign Pisces and Mercury is in the sign of its detriment, this waning square suggests betrayal and lies.

You better don't sign any agreements because you may misread or misinterpret the small print.

Try to be diligent and try to pay attention to the minutest details.

It tends to be a very confusing day, full of foggy situations that prevent seeing things clearly.

In general and on a more mundane level, the early December days may bring pressure from others, autocratic leadership and being toppled from the position.

Around December 2-3, you are separated from a loved one -- which troubles you a lot.

This may especially apply to you if you are born around January 25, March 10-11, April 25, June 11-12, July 28, September 13, October 28 or December 12.

Mars enters independent and rebellious Aquarius around December 4-5.

Mars is currently in a very shocking position and may point to accidental falls, accidents and/or hospital visits.

In this fixed air sign that Aquarius is, Mars fights for freedom and independence and is campaigning for change and transformation.

Mars in Aquarius needs a cause to fight for in a stubborn and brusque way and without restraint.

Either Mars is selfish here and goes his own way or he will defend the ones who share the same (intellectual) interests.

There is a huge (unfulfilled) longing for a loved one around December 6 and you miss someone.

This may especially apply to you if you are born around January 28, March 14, April 29, June 14, August 1, September 16, November 1 or December 15.

On a mundane level, there can be a search for missing people.

If you are born around January 22, March 8, April 22-23, June 8, July 25, September 10, October 26 or December 9, expect some happy events around December 8 like births, engagements, marriages, promotions etc.

The Sun and Mercury meet at 16° Sagittarius around December 8, making an announcement.

At the same day of December 8 Jupiter stations at 22° Leo and starts to turn retrograde.

Retrograde Jupiter at 22° Leo is in a stressful position, often resulting in a black-out due to some 'overflow.'

In its retrograde motion, Jupiter will be more reserved, less flamboyant, less optimistic and more cautious.

Also, retrograde Jupiter is less generous and chances are you may spend less and not as freely as when Jupiter is direct.

If you are born around February 1, March 18, May 3, June 19, August 5, September 20, November 5 or December 19, there is an important and intense change in your love (and/or financial) life going on around December 8-9.

If you are born around January 22, March 8, April 22-23, June 8, July 25, September 10, October 26 or December 9, expect fortunate news and auspicious events going on around December 9.

If you are born around January 24, March 9-10, April 24, June 10, July 27, September 12, October 27 or December 11, there is successful teamwork, nice agreements and lots of sharing success and appreciation around December 10.

Venus enters corporate and distant Capricorn around December 10 and is more focused on money, esteem and career than love.

In Capricorn, Venus looks for status and a big wallet.

Venus from now on follows the money.

If you are born around January 25, March 10-11, April 25, June 11-12, July 28, September 13, October 28 or December 12, there is a lot of stress around December 10-11.

These birthdays may be obliged to make a trip, face bad news and/or have to do some research or pondering to solve some difficult issues around that day.

Moreover, the same birthdays of January 25, March 10-11, April 25, June 11-12, July 28, September 13, October 28 or December 12 will face a lot of oppression and will need to fight.

In some instances the astrological configurations suggest fighting for one's life and/or reputation and/or violence (and/or ill health) in some way.

These birthdays will need to work very hard and do the utmost around mid December.

If you are born around this day of December 12, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is marked by these oppressive configurations.

Expect to cancel your plans around December 12-13.

If you are born around January 4, February 17, April 3, May 19, July 5-6, August 21-22, October 7 or November 21, you too will have to cancel your plans around December 12 and may feel pessimistic, disappointed and sad.

Around December 14, you will have to be self-contained because you may live in difficult surrounding situations.

You want to be alone or possibly are left alone.

This will especially apply to you if you are born around January 27, March 13, April 27-28, June 13, July 30, September 15, October 30-31 or December 14.

If you are born around this day of December 14, these lonely configurations will mark your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday).

Also around this day of December 14, Saturn is at 29° Scorpio, a very oppressive and separative degree that points to the inability to develop oneself, severe difficulties to deploy and to feel limited and fenced in.

Any planet at 29° in a sign is told to be at the 'end of the rope' and often, this can (and has to) be taken literally.

Saturn represents a parent (or the parents), the elderly or older people, key persons, people in charge, authority figures etc.

In a general way and irrespective of a birthday, till Saturn enters Sagittarius around December 23 (see below), things don't turn out as you wished for and you will need to adjust and use some strategy to cope with the current situation.

(Stationing) Uranus at 12° Aries squares Pluto at 12° Capricorn around December 15 and both bodies are at their most powerful position in their respective zodiac signs.

However, because Uranus is already stationing (we'll delve into this in a second), Uranus is currently much stronger than Pluto.

This indicates that liberating energies will clash with conservative corporate energies and will overpower them.

It's a clash between The awakening Light (Uranus in Aries) and The forceful Dark (Pluto in Capricorn), The Light being the stronger now.

Clearly, in this situation, this powerful generational square will bring shocks, revolts, clashes, unsettling moments, protests etc. showing governments, the banking and corporate world have to listen to individuals who fight for more freedom and independence.

It's the 6th square between Uranus and Pluto out of 7, so there still is one more to go (in March 2015).

Expect a lot of upheaval in December 2014, leaving governments, the corporate world etc. almost powerless!

You better cancel all your plans for mid December and/or make sure you have a plan B and a plan C.

If you are born around December 15, your whole (solar return) year (counting from birthday to birthday) is marked by weakness, a lack of energy, unfulfilled plans and/or leaving the environment.

If you are born around January 28, March 14, April 29, June 15, August 1, September 16 or November 1, you lack energy, feel weak or paralyzed and sad around December 16.

The astrological configurations around December 16 point to separation, sadness, a shock and severe resistance against oppression.

Around December 16-17, Mercury enters corporate Capricorn and indicates news and/or messages coming from the government or an authority.

There is disappointment noticeable around December 17-18 and it's very difficult to adjust and adapt to each other's wishes and expectations.

In some instances, the astrological patterns point to hospital visits as well.

The disappointing configurations and possible hospital visits may especially apply to you if you are born around January 30, March 16, April 30, June 16, August 2, September 18, November 2 or December 17.

December 19-20 brings an important change in your love or financial life.

Around the New Moon of December 21-22, Uranus stations at 12° Aries and turns direct again.

This station will not go unnoticed at all, especially not because Uranus is at one of the most powerful degrees in a sign.

This denotes that Uranus is able to apply full force and bring its essence free out into the open.

12° Aries is a very manic degree and a transitional one as well.

As if that was not enough yet, around the same day of the New Moon, the Sun enters Capricorn and is itself at a very powerful degree that represents the governments, leaders of state and our society as a whole.

No doubt, this is an unsettling New Moon that will shock many.

Expect breakthroughs, stress and tension, discoveries and innovations but also more accidents and more people becoming distrustful and disenchanted of governments, authority, the banking and corporate world.

Around December 22-23 Venus at 15° Capricorn squares the Nodes implying some time alone and being separated from (a) loved one(s).

In matters of love and relationships (in the widest sense), this is not too good a day.

Strict and limiting Saturn enters wide and open Sagittarius around December 23.

As long as Saturn resides in this open-minded and free-minded sign, scientific and strict thinking will learn to understand that there is a bigger picture, that there are higher perspectives.

Indeed, science will be redefined in some way and chances are the world view of many people will slowly change in favor of the bigger picture.

This will be the more so because Saturn is now building a wide square with dissolving Neptune, very strong in its own sign Pisces.

In the coming 2-2.5 years, scientific Saturn will have to submit to the energies of dissolving and spiritual Neptune.

Ultimately, physics and metaphysics are one and this will become more and more apparent in the next years!

Because the entrance of Saturn in Sagittarius is already triggering the wide square with Neptune, we have written a separate article about this waning aspect in this Love Letter.

Christmas Eve may be quite sober and you may miss someone.

Around December 25 Mercury at 12° Capricorn squares stationing Uranus at 12° Aries and conjoins Pluto.

This square is accident-prone!

Beware of traffic accidents and transportation accidents.

Also, and above all, it's a very very talkative (and noisy) combo.

Some breaking news is to be expected here and there.

In some areas, this configuration may bring stormy weather as well.

Mercury at 15° Capricorn squares the Nodes around December 26 implying misunderstandings, criticism and separation.

December 28 is marked by sorrow and expectations that turn out differently.

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