YOUR 2020 FREE Monthly Horoscope Predicting Your (Love) Life Month After Month

Is He Astrologically Afflicted?

Here you can read your personal 2020 FREE monthly horoscope, describing the way your (love) life unfolds month after month.

The predictions below are descriptive, NOT judgmental.

We discuss relationships in a wide sense and that's why we will often refer to your family life, co-workers or neighbors,... as well -- if applicable.

So, actually, the forecasts are so much more than just a monthly (love) horoscope.

In case we find a powerful or rare astrological configuration, we will comment on this too.

This way you will be able to learn some astrological principles by reading your 2020 free monthly horoscope.

Among many other techniques, we review powerful Fixed Stars, degree areas, planetary pictures (and midpoint combos) that may affect your Sun's position -- making this more reliable than simple Sun sign forecasts.

If you want to know why the forecasts are so concise and 'written in bullets', click here.

We publish your 2020 free monthly horoscope on this page around the 1st day of every month.

Subscribers to our monthly Love Letter will read the 2020 free monthly horoscope first though as our Love Letter is scheduled to be launched more than a week before (around the 21st of each month).

So, perhaps this is good enough a reason to subscribe too and be informed before everyone else?!

To read your 2020 free monthly horoscope, just click the month of your choice below.

Why is it possible that our forecasts still can be wrong for you?

Because we only and solely delineate the transiting planets/bodies and midpoints that aspect your natal Sun WITHOUT taking into account any interference from any other natal planet/body (because we don't have your natal chart that contains much more planets/bodies and points than just the Sun).

If, for example, the transiting Jupiter/Uranus midpoint aspects your natal Sun, this may indicate a fortunate event -- which we will mention.

However, if, in your natal chart, Saturn aspects the Sun (which we cannot know), the meaning of this configuration changes completely and becomes more challenging and you may find our prediction to be wrong for you.

2020 free monthly horoscope for January

Is He Astrologically Afflicted?

(Slowly hover over a paragraph with the mouse for additional astrological information here and there)

Click here to download the January 2020 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around January 3, 9-10, 16, 23 and/or 30.On these days the Moon is at 0° declination or at maximum South or North declination

During this month of January, there are no powerful stationing planetary midpoints to mention.

Generally speaking, January 2, 3, 4 and 18 are "less lucky" days.

Try not to initiate any major projects on one of these dark, unfortunate, chaotic and empty days (no proposals, no marriages, no changes of residence,...) because things may not go as planned or wished.

What we wrote in our December 2019 forecasts, still applies this month because till late January 2020 different planets and bodies will build an ongoing stellium in that zodiac sign.

Let's repeat it again...

During this period there will be a Capricorn "overload", denoting that Aquarians are going to face some hardship, health issues, and/or enter a treacherous period.

Indeed, Aquarians and Aquarius Ascendants may be held back, enter a puzzling period, feel not too well and may not always know how to alter the situations and restrictions.

Actually, this is a period of preparation and reevaluation.

Leos and Geminis will face great challenges and transformative changes while the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn itself) too are heading for a bumpy road.

If you are Taurus or Virgo, you may be better off because you will be able to handle things more fluently.

ALL Capricorns will face a milestone in life in 2020 that triggers profound and powerful personal changes (either in matters of health, relationships, career, family etc.) because the stellium will be active in their solar return horoscope that lasts a year.

More generally speaking, as long as the Capricorn stellium lasts, lots of Capricorn themes will enter the picture, either on a mundane level or on a personal one.

This configuration is especially powerful (and important) because Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, is also in that zodiac sign and thus disposes of all planets and bodies therein.

Saturn is in a waning conjunction with transformative, forceful and intense Pluto denoting that all Capricorn issues and themes are heading towards profound transformations that may be intense and emotionally also.

Expect a purge of some kind.

Capricorn is a builder, a climber and (re)construction work is likely to boom during this stellium.

Everything related to buildings, houses, and real estate will be in the spotlight.

The zodiac sign Capricorn represents the corporate and banking world, the governments, the higher management and leaders of state and they will try to impose their rules and goals upon society.

There can be an increase in regulations, privacy issues, setting boundaries and building more walls (literally or figuratively).

Capricorn is a very compartmentalized sign, dividing everything in a hierarchy, classes and ranks, order and structures and hence, this whole Capricorn stellium period will put the elite, aristocrats and higher-ups in the spotlight (for good or ill).

We expect a lot of higher-ups and celebrities as well as elderly to leave this world, be dismissed or step back.

This period is marked by austerity measures, increased conservative reflexes that freedom-loving people will not like at all.

Following astrometeorology, a lot of planets in the earth element, especially in Capricorn (representing the outer surface and "mask" of the earth), suggest an increased risk of earth-related disasters (like earthquakes, landslides, mining disasters, sinkholes etc.).

Also, Capricorn is a harsh zodiac sign astrometeorologically speaking.

This means that this stellium (till late January 2020) will bring a very hot summer (southern hemisphere) and a harsh winter (northern hemisphere).

Mercury and Jupiter meet at 7° Capricorn around January 2, suggesting a big disappointment and expectations that turn out otherwise.

Issues with religion and beliefs will show that you have to let go old points of view.

Numerous beliefs are mere constructions to keep you dependent and you should try to understand that what is perceived as "issues" are just means or tools to help you awaken and gain more insight.

After all, it's all part of your own development.

Around January 3, Mercury at 7° Capricorn opposes the mean Lunar North Node while Mars enters propagating Sagittarius.

Mars is in a forceful position and does not want to be contradicted.

It is so convinced of its own truth that it is prepared to fight for it, whatever it takes and often in an exaggerated and ballooning way.

The Mercury-Lunar Node aspect is a very talkative one and may be misleading.

Not all information is reliable.

At times, information is taken out of context or taken from the past and already outdated.

Usually, Mercury-Lunar Node aspects mark very busy, noisy and even hectic times.

Jupiter at 7° Capricorn opposes the mean North Node of the Moon around January 7 and is still disappointed.

Some of you may feel bitter and a bit pessimistic.

Beware of legal issues.

Around January 8, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn

Around January 10, the Lunar Eclipse at 20° Cancer opposes Mercury at 20° Capricorn while Uranus stations at 2° Taurus and turns direct.

This powerful Lunar Eclipse is likely to bring quite some awareness and may point to some decision-making time.

20° Cancer is often involved in separations that bring a change for the better like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly.

Family, the home and the motherly caring principles are what keeps you busy for the moment.

Stationing Uranus indicates a breakthrough and sudden advancements, in whatever fields (on a mundane level this station is often related to progress in the fields of space, technology and/or IT).

Uranus always wants us to break away from the past and change course.

Expect emergencies, nervous tension and sudden developments that result in (sudden) changes of course.

In some instances, the current astrological configurations also point to surgery, disputes and anger and/or tense protests or manifestations that may get out of hand.

Following astrometeorology, stationing Uranus coincides with heavy wind, storm and thunder here and there.In the 45° dial/list, the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars all hit the Uranus/mean Lunar Node midpoint (SOt = MOt = MEt = MAt = UR/KNt)

Around January 11, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn

Mercury, Saturn and Pluto conjoin at 22° Capricorn around January 12, suggesting and even reinforcing the facing of some hard facts.

There are tough issues to manage or tackle and you prefer to remain silent.

Lots of research or investigation is necessary and you want to go to the bottom of things.

A stark realism is noticeable and some of you may be down, depressed or even in a mourning mood.

Interestingly, this degree area is often indicative of wildfires or big fires.

The day after, around January 13, the Sun too conjoins Saturn and Pluto at 22° Capricorn, while Venus enters Pisces.

This adds to a somber atmosphere (and overcast weather alike).

Venus is at a dissolving and watery degree while the Sun faces separation.

These configurations point to hardship but also tremendous zeal to overcome obstacles and pressure or force, even though it will need hard and tenacious work.

If you are born around January 13, February 11, February 26, March 13, April 12-13, May 13, May 29, June 14, July 15, August 15-16, August 31, September 16, October 16, November 15, November 30 or December 15, this Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Pluto stellium will likely bring investigative work, research, deep study, hard work physically, enforced changes and/or separation, a threat of loss and/or tenacious determination into your life mid January.

On a mundane level, this highly important and generational conjunction is told to mark a new beginning and start of a financial cycle that is especially related to taxes and debt.

Hence, it's often told to bring some kind of debt reset and/or financial reset, one way or the other.

Any major Saturn-Pluto is also found in times of increased bankruptcies.

Fortunately, this conjunction marks the start of a new (waxing) cycle that is all about reconstruction, rebuilding, rewriting the rules and regulations, ...

Following astrometeorology, this aspect suggests fierce wind, even storm and overcast weather.

Around January 16, Mercury enters airy Aquarius, focusing on free speech, groups and humanitarian interests.

Mercury at 2° Aquarius squares its dispositor Uranus at 2° Taurus around January 18, resulting in sudden changes of course and U-turns.

This waning square tends to indicate misunderstandings, too much nervous tension resulting in miscommunication or distorted communication.

This is a very nervous, abrupt and restless aspect indeed.

Don't expect to sleep that well.

Following astrometeorology, most Mercury-Uranus aspects indicate fierce wind and even storm.

Also, air traffic issues or air crashes my happen during Mercury's stay in airy Aquarius.

The Sun enters Aquarius around January 20 as well, adding to some upheaval and restlessness.

Humanitarian interests prevail.

Around January 21, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn

Around January 23, the Sun at 2° Aquarius squares its dispositor Uranus at 2° Taurus, suggesting some protests and fighting against dependence.

This is an erratic and tense aspect that may present some inconsistencies and/or erratic behavior.

Around January 26-27, Venus at 16° Pisces squares Mars at 16° Sagittarius while conjoining Neptune at the same moment.

The day after, around January 28, Mars at 16° Sagittarius squares Neptune at 16° Pisces as well.

This Venus-Mars-Neptune configuration indicates, among others, infidelity, secret love, love's sorrow, unfulfilled wishes or expectations, dissatisfaction, infections, temporary impotence, being seduced and/or misled, lustful desires that are difficult to satisfy, being taken advantage of and/or erotic musings.

If you are born around January 7, January 21-22, February 5-6, March 7, April 6-7, April 22, May 7, May 23, June 7, July 9, July 24-25, August 9, September 9, October 10, October 25, November 9 or December 9, these influences are likely to affect you most.

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2020 free monthly horoscope for February

The Best Sign For You To Love

(Slowly hover over a paragraph with the mouse for additional astrological information here and there)

Click here to download the February 2020 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around February 6, 12, 19 and/or 26.On these days the Moon is at 0° declination or at maximum South or North declination

During this month of February, there are no powerful stationing planetary midpoints to mention.

Generally speaking, February 3, 6, 8 and 16 are "less lucky" days.

Try not to initiate any major projects on one of these dark, unfortunate, chaotic and empty days (no proposals, no marriages, no changes of residence,...) because things may not go as planned or wished.

Mercury the messenger enters Pisces around February 3, the sign of its detriment.

These early February days may start chaotic, lacking direction and resulting in lots of misunderstandings, miscommunication and confusion.

Facts are no facts anymore and everyone is urged to use discernment and intuition to grasp the messages and news that are presented.

Documents may go hiding or get lost and "things" may be "forgotten."

You can be in some hurry or have a very short attention span and chances are there are traffic issues here and there also.

Following astrometeorology, there is likely more precipitation these early February days.

Around February 4, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn

Around February 6, there is a lot of promotion for a cause and exciting thoughts, ideas or news shared with others or in groups.

If you are born around January 10, February 23, April 8-9, May 25, July 11, August 27, October 12 or November 26, the current persuasive configurations may affect you most. In the 45° dial/list, Mercury hits the Jupiter/Pluto and Uranus/mean Lunar Node midpoints (MEt = JU/PLt = UR/KNt)

Around February 7, Venus enters Aries, the sign of its detriment.

In this fiery position, Venus loves to conquer and wants to prove it's attractive.

Sparkles of love are not uncommon with this position but love in haste and repent may go hand in hand here too.

Venus follows its instinctive drives first before considering the consequences.

Beware of impulsive spending.

The spirit of the armed forces can become attractive and exciting under this adventurous transit and some of you may fall in love with a soldier or police officer.

Around February 8, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn

Around February 12, Venus at 5° Aries squares the Lunar Nodes, suggesting some love's sorrow, inhibitions, unrequited love, lack of popularity and/or deluded love feelings.

You seem not to get along easily with others now and tend to withdraw.

A beloved one may be ill as well and a hospital visit is possible.

Mars enters Capricorn around February 16 while Mercury stations and turns retrograde at 12° Pisces.

The armed forces may be in the spotlight around this date because of some intervention or activity.

You are more goal-oriented and aim high.

As usual, when Mercury stations and turns backward, Geminis and Virgos (and Gemini and Virgo Ascendants) may feel a bit out of sync, things may not work out as planned or wished and some minor health issues may pop up.

Following mundane astrology, Mercury's station most often coincides with periods of strikes here and there.

At 12° Pisces, a very passive degree, stationing Mercury also suggests a missing younger person and/or someone going into hiding.

A lack of attention or concentration may result in accidents and/or physical injuries.

Around February 19, the Sun enters Pisces, indicating some forceful (karmic) event that involves a group of people.

Some of you may have to face some hard facts or experience health issues.

Generally speaking, the entrance of the Sun in the mutable water sign Pisces points to a period of things dissolving (at times literally because of floods and/or inundations and other water-related issues) but also to a time during which resignation and/or withdrawal are means to escape from the hard reality and responsibilities.

Around February 21, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Saturn

Venus at 18° Aries squares Jupiter at 18° Capricorn around the February 23 New Moon.

Beware of big expenses or financial losses when both Venus and Jupiter square each other.

This waxing square tends to exaggerate in whatever way, be it in financial matters or in matters of love and romance.

This degree area suggests expenses to improve a situation or bring about changes for the better.

Mars at 5° Capricorn opposes the Lunar North Node at 5° Cancer around February 24 and as most readers of our monthly forecasts know already, the time frame during which Mars opposes the Lunar North Node is a very challenging and bloody one as it almost always coincides with mass events resulting in many casualties and/or lots of physical injuries (like shootings, stabbings, attacks, accidents...).

Around February 25, the Sun and Mercury conjoin at 6° Pisces suggesting a thrilling message or news.

On a personal level, there is optimism and a very fortunate development going on.

6° Pisces correlates with changes of the place, moves, changing the residence and changes for the better.

This conjunction will especially affect you if you are born around January 12, February 25, April 10-11, May 27, July 13, August 29, October 14 or November 28. In the 45° dial/list, the Sun, Mercury and Venus all hit the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint (SOt = MEt = VEt = JU/PLt)

Around February 28, Venus at 24° Aries squares forceful Pluto at 24° Capricorn, suggesting blackmail for money, the possible passing of a beloved one, the passionate and compulsive drive, rape and/or physical assault.

This waxing square knows no boundaries and hence can be insatiable and very compulsive in an intense, deep and dark manner.

If you are born around January 10, February 23, April 8-9, May 25, July 11, August 27, October 12 or November 26, around February 28-29, there can be fortunate news, an exciting message, a big opportunity you may like to share with others. In the 45° dial/list, Mercury and Jupiter hit the Uranus/mean Lunar Node midpoint as well as your natal Sun (SOn = MEt = JUt = UR/KNt)

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2020 free monthly horoscope for March

Was He Born To Love You?

(Slowly hover over a paragraph with the mouse for additional astrological information here and there)

Click here to download the March 2020 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around March 4-5, 11, 17 and/or 24-25.On these days the Moon is at 0° declination or at maximum South or North declination

During this month of March, the following planetary configuration will affect some birthdays in particular: Generally speaking, March 13, 14, 15 and 29 are "less lucky" days.

Try not to initiate any major projects on one of these dark, unfortunate, chaotic and empty days (no proposals, no marriages, no changes of residence,...) because things may not go as planned or wished.

The first half of March is marked by Chiron, the Lunar Nodes and the Black Moon Lilith all being at 4° in a sign.

It will be interesting to find out how this configuration will work out but it might bring some challenges for some groups of people.

The second half of March is marked by Chiron, Uranus and the Lunar Nodes all at 4° in a sign.

This is a tense combination, suggesting strikes, protests, disruptions, changes through group involvements or conflicts with groups and rebelliousness.

Notice that all these bodies and points happen to be at 4° in a sign, the degree area of the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse (that took place at 4° Capricorn).

It's likely this Solar Eclipse will be triggered this month.

Additionally, on a mundane level, two important 45° midpoints that involve outer planets will likely affect this month's (background) affairs and Zeitgeist as well: on the one hand, Saturn is at the Uranus/Pluto midpoint while on the other side, Pluto hits the Jupiter/Saturn midpoint.

The first midpoint suggests extreme egotism, to be toppled from a position, hate, to face huge external pressure, to demolish something, to persist despite obstacles.

The other midpoint indicates tremendous perseverance, to slowly but steadily change a situation or reach a goal, (re)construction work, renovating buildings, to tackle a heavy workload, extreme changes in lifestyle and/or transforming personal goals.

Around March 1-2, there is excitement over some artistic or creative (re)construction, rebuilding, overhaul of some structure(s).

Some of you may be attracted to or feel excited about someone who is out of reach.

If you are born around January 16-17, March 1, April 16, June 1-2, July 18, September 3, October 19 or December 3, the current configurations may affect you most. In the 45° dial/list, the Sun and Venus hit the Jupiter/Uranus and Saturn/Pluto Node midpoints (SOt = VEt = JU/URt = SA/PLt)

Around March 2, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn

Retrograde Mercury, the messenger, re-enters Aquarius around March 4 while Venus enters its own sign Taurus.

In other words, Mercury and Venus are now entering fixed signs.

Venus is in a very attractive and even sensual position denoting that cuddling and making love may be on the agenda for many.

Mercury on the other hand, is a bit confused and longs for something.

There is persuasion and a bit of manipulation as well.

Around March 6, there is nervous tension in your romantic life.

Some of you may have contradictory feelings, often resulting in a toggle relationship (off-on, off-on,...).

Separation is in the air.

If you are born around January 21-22, March 6, April 20-21, June 6, July 23, September 8, October 24 or December 6-7, the current configurations may affect you most. In the 45° dial/list, the Sun and Venus hit the Saturn/Uranus midpoint (SOt = VEt = SA/URt)

Around March 7, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn

The Sun and Neptune conjoin at 18° Pisces around March 8, suggesting some disappointment, especially if you are born around January 23-24, March 6, April 23, June 7, July 25, September 9, October 26 or December 8.

However, there is imagination and some of you may sense how things may further develop in life.

Neptune is very powerful in its own sign and tends to dissolve and weaken something.

Energy levels may be lower than usual with some health issues popping up.

Water-related issues may be noticeable as well during this period of precipitation.

The domestic area may experience a chaotic period.

There can be secrecy and trying to hide something.

Around the same day of March 8, Venus and Uranus conjoin at 4° Taurus while Mercury stations at 28° Aquarius and turns direct again around the March 9 Super Full Moon.

The Venus-Uranus conjunction suggests a sudden (financial or material) turn of events.

Perhaps, you may receive some gift or a parcel.

You feel excited.

Also, in matters of love and romance, this conjunction denotes love at first sight, enjoyable encounters, excitement and cheerful gatherings.

Any time Mercury turns direct again, Geminis and Virgos (and Gemini and Virgo Ascendants) will feel some relief.

Breakthroughs are more likely to happen now and decisions can be made with more insight after the station.

Following mundane astrology, stationing Mercury very often coincides with periods of strikes.

Around March 15, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Saturn

Mercury re-enters Pisces around March 16, the sign of its detriment.

There is still some confusion noticeable.

Beware of secret love affairs and some disappointments in matters of love and romance.

Disagreements and miscommunication may happen.

Some of you may leave the partner and/or feel separated from a beloved one (for whatever reason).

For some of you, hospital visits are another possible outcome.In the 45° dial/list, the Sun, Mercury and Venus hit the Neptune/Chiron and Neptune/mean Lunar Node midpoints (SOt = MEt = VEt = NE/CHt = NE/KNt)

Around March 20, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Saturn

Mars and Jupiter conjoin at 22° Capricorn while the Sun enters Aries around the same day of March 20.

There can be legal fights and raging fires here and there.

Something is moving fast forward and proceeding very well at lightning speed.

Whatever situation you are in, this period might bring some fortunate opportunities and windfalls.

Usually, March 20-31 marks a highly and intense emotional time frame each year again.

Try to stay collected !

Around March 21-22, Saturn moves into Aquarius.

Trying to express one's individuality and originality is not easy because of obstructions, restrictions, resistance.

Party-political and parliamentary systems are questioned or under review as long as Saturn resides in this group-oriented sign.

Controlling Saturn is trying to bring structure to different and even opposing opinions, tastes, visions, attitude etc.

Around March 22, there are clouds in the sky.Venus is contra-parallel Saturn

Mars and Pluto meet at 24° Capricorn around March 23, suggesting a huge workload to be tackled.

According to mundane astrology, the Mars-Pluto combination (and let's not forget Jupiter is involved also) increases the odds of violent events with a huge emotional impact.

In the earth sign Capricorn, natural disasters can be part of it, as well as blasts, accidents adn brutality.

Indeed, late March tends to become a very violent period.

This is even reinforced by the March 24 Super New Moon that squares the mean Lunar Nodes at 3-4° cardinal signs and triggers the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse.

What we are saying here is that most of the month and especially late March, the Lunar Nodes are at 4° Cancer, opposing the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse and thus triggering this eclipse.

To summarize: there is the SuperMoon that squares the Lunar Nodes, the triple conjunction between Mars, Jupiter and Pluto as well as Saturn entering Aquarius -- all in a very short time frame, marking a very hectic, stormy and turbulent late March period.

Around March 26, there is some light in the tunnel and this day is a more enjoyable one, bringing optimism, socializing, gifts or parcels that will likely cause some expenses too.Venus is contra-parallel Jupiter

Following astrometeorology, around March 27, there can be lots of heavy rainfall and/or precipitation, as well as fierce winds (and even storm).Mercury is semi-square Pluto while in the 45° dial, the Sun hits the Neptune/Pluto midpoint, repeating the February 9 configurations, except for the Super Full Moon phase

Around March 30-31, Mars enters the air sign Aquarius and will conjunct Saturn the day after at 0° Aquarius.

No doubt, the stormy and violent period continues.

Prepare for lots of changes of course, unexpected U-turns and emergencies.Mercury hits the Jupiter/Uranus and Uranus/Pluto midpoints in the 45° dial/list

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2020 free monthly horoscope for April

Is He The Right Man For You?

(Slowly hover over a paragraph with the mouse for additional astrological information here and there)

Click here to download the April 2020 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around April 1, 7, 13-14, 21 and/or 28-29.On these days the Moon is at 0° declination or at maximum South or North declination

During this month of April, the following planetary configurations will affect some birthdays in particular: Generally speaking, April 19 is a "less lucky" day.

Try not to initiate any major projects on this dark, unfortunate, chaotic and empty day (no proposals, no marriages, no changes of residence,...) because things may not go as planned or wished.

Around April 2, you feel beloved and you experience pleasantness with someone or with others.

You feel attractive and/or are attracted to someone or face an important encounter.

If you are born around January 5, February 18, April 3, May 20, July 6, August 22, October 7 or November 21, the current configurations may affect you most.In the 45° dial/list, Venus hits the Jupiter/mean North Node of the Moon and Pluto/mean North Node of the Moon midpoints (VEt = JU/KNt = PL/KNt)

Around April 3, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn

Around the same day of April 3, you are able to accomplish a lot successfully.

There is help around and you experience a sociable time.

If you are born around January 5, February 18, April 3, May 20, July 6, August 22, October 7 or November 21, the current configurations may affect you most. In the 45° dial/list, the Sun hits the Jupiter/mean North Node of the Moon and Pluto/mean North Node of the Moon midpoints (SOt = JU/KNt = PL/KNt)

Venus enters mutable Gemini around April 3 also while Mercury conjoins Neptune at 19° Pisces.

It looks like lots is going on early April, with lots of changes of the place and encountering others.

There can be some confusion though and some unclear or nebulous situations.

Beware of colds and/or infections.

Around April 4-5, Jupiter and Pluto conjoin at 24° Capricorn, a degree area linked to the end of some situation.

On a personal level, this degree area indicates a successful change for the better, trying to find your way in a changed environment, a nice career change, being settled through a marriage or relocation, the opportunity to find a good job, home or empower yourself by following courses etc.

On a mundane level, this conjunction may bring out some big power struggles and/or the unveiling of corruption or fraud cases.

Mars at 5° Aquarius squares Uranus, its own dispositor, at 5° Taurus around April 7, suggesting an immense need to feel free and independent.

Beware of accidents and physical injuries around this waning square because it tends to be too rash, too impulsive, too hasty.

On a mundane level, this waning square is indicative of uproar, protests, anger.

Because of this aspect, you may be urged to change something and disruptions, sudden decisions and changes of course may happen.

Some of you may feel in some transit zone or period during which you feel the "old" and want to choose "the new."

You may feel some indecision as well.

This waning square indicates being on the go a lot too.

Around the April 8 perigee Full Moon, (a SuperMoon), there is love at first sight and/or enjoyable but short-lived encounters.

You may share your excitement with someone else or with others.

If you are born around January 10, February 22, April 8, May 25, July 11, August 27, October 12 or November 26, the current configurations may affect you most. In the 45° dial/list, the Sun and Venus hit the Uranus/mean North Node of the Moon midpoint (SOt = VEt = UR/KNt)

Around April 11, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Saturn

Mercury enters initiating and pioneering Aries around the same day of April 11 and points to messages, letters, documents related to the armed forces (the military or the police).

There can be news about some start, something that is being initiated or started.

There is some breakthrough and breaking news ahead.

Mercury at 2° Aries squares the Lunar Nodes around April 13, indicating a very busy time with lots of buzz going on.

Around April 14, the Sun at 24° Aries squares Pluto at 24° Capricorn as well as, later on around April 15, Jupiter at 25° Aries.

This Sun's position suggests power issues (and even literally power or internet outages and electrical or electronic devices breaking down).

Around April 16, there is a lot of creativity and flair in the air.

You can indulge in pleasurable activities and love to listen to music or enjoy some popularity.

If you are born around January 16, March 1, April 15, June 1, July 17, September 2, October 18 or December 2, the current configurations may affect you most.In the 45° dial/list, transiting Venus hits the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint (VEt = JU/PLt)

Around the same day of April 16, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Saturn

Around April 19, the Sun enters inert Taurus and takes it comfortable.

Money and (preserving or increasing) possessions are on your mind.

You may hold on to what you have and want to feel comfortable.

It's time to save something.

The Sun at 1° Taurus squares Saturn at 1° Aquarius around April 21, suggesting a sobering period with some clouds in the sky.

You may be upset by some administration and/or financial issues.

There can be disagreements with older people or with some authority.

Around April 25, Mercury at 24° Aries squares stationing Pluto at 24° Capricorn.

Pluto turns backward and may show lots of annoyance, vexation and/or mental strain around its station.

Some of you may receive news about someone passing away.

Around April 26, there are clouds in the sky, followed by sunny spells.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn and later on contra-parallel Jupiter

Around the same day of April 26, Mercury at 26° Aries squares Jupiter at 26° Capricorn while the Sun conjuncts disruptive Uranus at 6° Taurus.

The waxing Mercury-Jupiter square is indicative of tendentious talks or news, promoting something in an exaggerated way.

This is an indiscreet aspect because Mercury is in impulsive, impatient, premature and extravert Aries while exaggerating Jupiter is in the sign of its fall.

The Sun-Uranus conjunction at an explosive degree that also represents "the breach of a dam" (literally or figuratively), may present sudden shocking events or experiences.

Some structure may collapse too during this transit.

Buildings and real estate are in the news.

Following astrometeorology, there can be strong winds and even storm here and there.

Some natural disasters cannot be ruled out.

Mercury enters material Taurus around April 27, indicating financial news and/or messages or documents related to existential stuff (like food, possessions, money etc.).

There may be bills to be paid.

The day after, around April 28, Mercury at 1° Taurus squares Saturn at 1° Aquarius, reinforcing some issues regarding food, a shelter, existential stuff because of whatever reason.

Some of you may be fired or face some other blockage or restriction.

There is criticism, discontent and fault-finding and you may face some shortages and/or (financial) losses.

You will need temperance and feel a sobering influence.

This waxing square indicates overcast weather and strong winds.In the 45° dial, transiting Mercury and Saturn hit the Jupiter/Uranus midpoint (MEt = SAt = JU/URt)

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2020 free monthly horoscope for May

The Best Sign For You To Love

(Slowly hover over a paragraph with the mouse for additional astrological information here and there)

Click here to download the May 2020 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around May 5, 11, 18 and/or 25-26.On these days the Moon is at 0° declination or at maximum South or North declination

During this month of May, the following planetary configurations will affect some birthdays in particular: Generally speaking, May 3, 10, 22 and 25 are "less lucky" days.

Try not to initiate any major projects on these dark, unfortunate, chaotic and empty days (no proposals, no marriages, no changes of residence,...) because things may not go as planned or wished.

In short, don't expect the month of May to be a nice, gentle and calm month.

There are a huge amount of astrological configurations at work that will be mentioned in the forecasts:
  • three planets are stationing (Venus, Jupiter and Saturn) and ALL going backward
  • there are 4 planets/bodies entering another sign (the Sun, Mars and Mercury twice)
  • in the 45° dial, stationing Saturn will hit the Uranus/Pluto midpoint the whole month long
  • in the 2nd half of May, the mean North Node of the Moon is at 0° Cancer (all 0° in cardinal signs are extremely important and powerful as they affect the world at large)
  • there are none less than 9 stations of outer planets' midpoints
We will all describe these configurations separately below but understand that they often happen at the same time, making for complicated experiences and events unfolding, often all at once.

Because stationing Saturn hits the Uranus/Pluto midpoint in the 45° dial/list the whole month long, this planetary midpoint will mark the general background of the whole month in a general and mundane way.

This midpoint suggests stubbornness, forced separation(s), severe pressure, oppression, persisting despite obstacles toward reform, respecting solitude, diminished rebelliousness.

If you are born around January 22, March 6, April 21, June 7, July 24, September 8, October 24 or December 8, this midpoint configuration will hit your natal Sun too though, affecting you more personally as well.

Mercury and Uranus conjoin at 6° Taurus around May 1.

This degree area suggests the breaking of a dam, some explosion or something that bursts, something that unexpectedly comes out into the open.

Something tends to crash.

Expect breaking news, changes of course, changing opinions or information and emergencies.

Around May 4, Venus at 20° Gemini squares Neptune at 20° Pisces while the Sun and Mercury meet at 14° Taurus.

The waxing Venus-Neptune square in mutable signs suggests love illusions and indulgence.

There are longings.

This aspect is best lived in an artistic way, listening to music or watching a romantic film.

Beware of expenses or even financial losses.

You may miss a beloved one and/or a beloved one may be in hospital.

The Sun-Mercury conjunction points to some news, documents, message, report etc. regarding a material, financial or economic crisis situation.

Some of you tend to submit to the influence of others and even cross boundaries to tackle an existential crisis.

This first week of May highlights bankruptcy, governmental power conflicts or issues and/or concerns about rigid structures.

The May 7 Full Moon (another SuperMoon because the Moon is closest to Earth), is about hard work.

Around May 8, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Saturn

Saturn stations at 1° Aquarius and turns backward around May 11.

Any time Saturn stations it is indicative of falls (literally or figuratively), demises, resignations etc.

Stationing Saturn imposes more restrictions, is more somber, darker (resulting in overcast weather also).

1° Aquarius is connected to rejection, going it alone, solitude and a feeling of being threatened by someone or something.

No need to say that the current quarantine, draconian and at times disproportional measures will still be felt powerfully here and there.

Moreover, around the same day of May 11, Mercury at 28° Taurus squares Mars at 28° Aquarius just before it enters its own sign Gemini the same day.

This is a very chaotic and turbulent combination, suggesting power conflicts and victimization.

This waxing square adds to yelling, shouting, verbal attacks, disagreements and a sharp tongue or pen.

Beware of fake news, gossip and/or unreliable information.

If you are born around January 4-5, February 18-19, April 3-4, May 20-21, July 6-7, August 22-23, October 7-8 or November 21-22, the current configurations may affect you most.In the 45° dial/list, Mercury and Mars hit the Jupiter/mean North Node of the Moon and Uranus/Neptune midpoints (MEt = MAt = JU/KNt = UR/NEt)

Around May 13, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Saturn

Around the same day of May 12-13, Mars enters secretive Pisces while Venus stations at 21° Gemini and turns backward.

Some secret activities are going on.

Whatever happens, 21° Gemini is linked with an existential makeover or transformation that causes lots of tension, restlessness and even unrest.

21° in mutable signs often results in a massive shock experience that brings kind of paralysis.

Whenever Venus turns retrograde, it's not recommended to buy expensive goods.

Delay the purchase because what you will get is not what you wanted or thought it would be.

In matters of love and romance, retrograde Venus is told to bring all your relationships (in the widest sense) under review and at times it will bring back an old lover, but in other cases it will result in separations (for whatever reason).

Mars in Pisces always works in silence, behind the scenes but also behind the back.

The entrance of Mars in Pisces adds to the "paralysis", not being able to act or do anything and be baffled.

Additionally, the day after, around May 14, Jupiter too stations and turns retrograde.

At 27° Capricorn, in the sign of its fall, stationing Jupiter certainly feels not at ease and is dissatisfied with the current situation, limitations and restrictions (the background influence of Capricorn).

When Jupiter turns retrograde, it points to a slowing economy with people being more reluctant to buy stuff.

In some cases, this degree area was found when people did no longer feel home, fled or escaped to uncertain places and locations.

The mean North Node of the Moon is at 0° Cancer around May 16-17, hitting and triggering a highly important degree area.

0° Cancer represents the archetypal motherly caring principles, the home front, the longing for some comforting and emotionally safe territory.

The Lunar Nodes represent a connection, and often involve many people or groups.

The combination of the mean Lunar North Node at 0° Cancer represents the people in this world at large experiencing an existential new start, finding a "new home", a new calling, a new comfort zone and identity.

Around May 18, buildings, real estate, construction work are in the news.

If you are born around January 19-20, March 3-4, April 18-19, June 3-4, July 20-22, September 5-6, October 21-22 or December 5-6, chances are you have to do some serious research and investigate something thoroughly.In the 45° dial/list, Mercury hits the Jupiter/Saturn and Saturn/Pluto midpoints (MEt = JU/SAt = SA/PLt)

The Sun enters mutable and cerebral Gemini around May 20 and focuses on learning, transportation and moving.

Retrograde Venus at 20° Gemini squares Neptune at 20° Pisces for the 2nd time this month (the first time was around May 4).

Expect expenses or bills to be paid.

Be creative and enjoy artistic projects or listen to music to balance your longings and (love) dreams.

You may miss a beloved one and/or a beloved one may be in hospital.

Around the May 22 New Moon, Mercury and Venus conjoin at 20° Gemini while Mercury now too squares Neptune.

There is tension and separation from a beloved one noticeable.

Very often, the (grand-)mother or a caring person is involved in the situation.

If you are a woman, this tension and possible separation may coincide with a change in your outer appearance (the way you dress or the way you had your hair cut or...).

If you are born around January 25-26, March 10, April 25, June 10-11, July 28, September 12-13, October 28 or December 11-12, the current configurations may affect you most.In the 45° dial/list, transiting Mercury, Venus and Neptune hit the Saturn/Uranus midpoint (MEt = VEt = NEt = SA/URt)

Around May 23, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn

Around May 28, Mercury enters home-loving Cancer and meets the mean Lunar North Node at the same day.

Late May may prove to become extremely busy, with lots of talks, lots of mental tension and nervousness going on.

Around the same day of May 28, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn

Around May 29, you may feel sad and even mourn.

You feel separated from a beloved one.

If you are born around January 22, March 6, April 21, June 7, July 24, September 8, October 24 or December 8, the current configurations may affect you most.In the 45° dial/list, transiting Venus and Saturn hit the Uranus/Pluto midpoint (VEt = SAt = UR/PLt)

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2020 free monthly horoscope for June

Is He Astrologically Afflicted?

(Slowly hover over a paragraph with the mouse for additional astrological information here and there)

Click here to download the June 2020 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around June 1, 7, 14, 21-22 and/or 28.On these days the Moon is at 0° declination or at maximum South or North declination

During this month of June, the following planetary configurations will affect some birthdays in particular: Generally speaking, June 17 and 30 are "less lucky" days.

Try not to initiate any major projects on these dark, unfortunate, chaotic and empty days (no proposals, no marriages, no changes of residence,...) because things may not go as planned or wished.

In the 45° dial, two midpoints containing outer planets influence the background of the whole month of June 2020: Uranus hits the Neptune/mean North Node of the Moon midpoint (UR = NE/KN) and Neptune hits the Saturn/Uranus midpoint (NE = SA/UR).

The UR=NE/KN midpoint suggests, generally speaking: to oppose something feverously, to not comply, to not feel well in some group or in society, the sudden dissolving bond(s) or relationship(s), the agitation and/or disruption by the actions of people, the sudden displacement and isolation from associates or a group.

If you are born around January 30, March 14-15, April 29, June 15, August 1, September 17, November 1 or December 16, this midpoint may affect you more personally too.

The NE=SA/UR midpoint reflects, generally speaking: the delusion that change will operate to improve upon the traditional methods, hidden changes breaking traditional rules, to be very upset and angry, very strong mental tension and strain, not willing to submit to something, the devastating force, to be separated and/or sad.

If you are born around January 25, March 10, April 25, June 10, July 27, September 12, October 28 or December 11, this midpoint may affect you more personally too.

Clearly, these two midpoints suggest that June will present upheaval and anger.

Around June 2-3, retrograde Venus at 14° Gemini squares Mars at 14° Pisces.

Any Venus-Mars aspect, and especially the harder aspects like the square, point to some issues with setting and/or knowing boundaries.

This square aspect easily crosses lines and boundaries, resulting in clashes, accidents, disputes, inappropriate behavior etc.

Actually, around the same day of June 3, the Sun and Venus conjoin at 13° Gemini, suggesting some form of mobbing, macho behavior, competitive and overly assertive behavior.

The current astrological configurations tend to indicate an increased chance of conflicts, legal issues, disagreements within (a) group(s).

You may be forced to defend yourself (literally or figuratively).

If you are born around January 19-20, March 3-4, April 18-19, June 3-4, July 20-22, September 5-6, October 21-22 or December 5-6, chances are the aforementioned experiences can be yours in some way.

On a mundane level, these configurations also relate to (issues with) real estate, construction work and buildings and the heavy (physical) work that is involved.In the 45° dial/list, the transiting Sun, Venus and Mars hit the Jupiter/Saturn and Saturn/Pluto midpoints (SOt = VEt = MAt = JU/SAt = SA/PLt)

Around June 4, the mean North Node of the Moon enters Gemini in its backward motion.

Mid May, the true Lunar North Node already entered this mutable sign and now the mean Lunar North Node follows.

The entrance of the Lunar Nodes in another zodiac sign suggest a shift in group consciousness.

The Cancer-Capricorn themes from the previous year and a half (governments, the corporate and banking world versus the domestic area) shift to an increased interest in communication, travel and trips and learning.

Gathering and spreading information will be very important for the coming year and a half.

The mutable Gemini-Sagittarius axis is always about spreading information -- be it rational facts and figures (Gemini) or concepts and the bigger picture (Sagittarius).

They can be noisy and loud, just to make sure you have heard and/or seen them.

Additionally, both zodiac signs are freedom-loving signs that show group consciousness is shifting towards more freedom.

However, as long as we have some heavy outer planets in restrictive and limiting Capricorn, this will likely create some tension between groups and the government(s).

Around June 4-5, there are likely to be internet issues or issues with power outages, electric and electronic devices.Mercury, Uranus and Chiron are all at 8° in a sign

The June 5 Lunar Eclipse at 15° Sagittarius, a so-called "critical degree", implies legal issues, the hunger for information and knowledge, focusing on education and children and trying to see the bigger picture.

As all Lunar Eclipses are Full Moons, this one will raise awareness and will try to open your world view and perception.

Foreign affairs are on the agenda.

The same day of June 5, starts cloudy, followed by sunny spells later on.The Moon is first parallel Saturn and later on parallel Jupiter

Around June 6, the Sun at 16° Gemini squares Mars at 16° Pisces.

This waxing square is accident-prone and too rash.

You can be too impatient, acting too soon and shooting yourself in the foot.

There are very forceful astrological configurations going on that may bring lots of turmoil, upheaval, fanaticism, anger as well as loud and disruptive events.

Following astrometeorology, the configurations may indicate storm here and there.

If you are born around January 22, March 6, April 21, June 6-7, July 23-24, September 8-9, October 24 or December 8, the aforementioned astrological influences may apply to you.In the 45° dial/list, the transiting Sun, Mars and Saturn hit the Uranus/Pluto midpoint (SOt = MAt = SAt = UR/PLt)

June 8-9 might be the best day of the month, presenting joy, creative flair and fortunate developments.

If you are born around January 16, March 1, April 14-15, May 31 - June 1, July 17, September 8, October 18 or December 2, you may especially be affected.In the 45° dial/list, Venus hits the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint (VEt = JU/PLt) AND Venus is contra-parallel Jupiter

Around June 10-11, the fun is over, though when the Sun at 20° Gemini squares Neptune at 20° Pisces.

Actually, between June 10-13, the Sun, Mars and Neptune are building a tense aspect, suggesting increased irritation with changes, the delusion that changes will operate to improve upon traditional methods, secretly battling oppression, not being able to cope with tension and stress etc.

When Mars and Neptune join forces at 20° Pisces around June 13, it highlights acting out of imagination and fantasy and also undercover activities.

Secret Neptune is very powerful in its own sign Pisces and often suggests hidden and secret projects.

Because 20° Pisces is a degree associated with "the mother" and all motherly principles, the current Mars-Neptune conjunction may indicate some disagreement with the (grand-) mother or mother-in-law.

In some other instances there is detachment from the mother noticeable.

In any way, some issues with some kind of "mother figure" seems to be on the agenda between June 10-13.

If you are born around January 25, March 10, April 25, June 10, July 27, September 12, October 28 or December 11, you may experience the current configurations most.In the 45° dial/list, the transiting Sun, Mars and Neptune hit the Saturn/Uranus midpoint (SOt = MAt = NEt = SA/URt)

Around June 13, there are clouds in the sky and it's rainy (or there is precipitation).Venus is contra-parallel Saturn and the Moon conjuncts Neptune in Pisces

From June 16 on and for the next couple of weeks, Saturn will, in its backward motion, remain at 0° Aquarius, a so-called "critical degree."

During its stay at 0° Aquarius, the degree of the U-turn, Saturn will present new crisis and emergency situations of whatever kind.

The "rules of the game" will change...

Around June 17-18, Mercury stations and turns backward at 14° Cancer.

As usual, Mercury's station affects Geminis and Virgos (and Gemini and Virgo Ascendants) most because they will feel a little blue, may face some minor health issues or will have to cope with some setbacks or things going in unexpected ways.

At 14° Cancer, a so-called "critical degree", Mercury's station highlights a "cry for love."

You may feel sad, mourn, feel separated and/or have to cope with some uncomfortable news.

Additionally, there are likely more strikes during Mercury's stations.

Following astrometeorology, Mercury's station in the water sign Cancer increases the odds of floods here and there.

Following astrometeorology too, the period between June 18-24 is told to bring colder weather (in the northern hemisphere anyway) because of a strong cooling northern wind.

Around June 19, there are clouds in the sky.

If you are born around January 1415, February 13-14, March 14-15, April 13-14, May 14-15, June 14-15, July 16-17 August 16-17, September 16-17, October 17, November 16 or December 15-16 there are fortunate developments going on and you are able to organize and/or achieve big things.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn. Transiting Mars, Jupiter and Pluto are all at 24°-25° in a sign

Around June 20, the Sun enters Cancer and is also conjunct the mean Lunar North Node.

In this position, the Sun is connected to the family, to domestic issues and to the mother (or to the motherly care).

This means that all motherly principles are in the spotlight for the coming period, ranging from pregnancies to care taking.

Additionally, 0° Cancer is also about emotional connections to foundations (and all that you feel emotionally attached to) like building a family or a house or a business or ...

It is related to everything or every place you feel home and emotionally secure and at ease.

Some of you will visit or contact mother while others will enjoy their new home and others will start a new business.

The day after, around June 21the Solar Eclipse at 0° Cancer happens at the same time Neptune stations at 20° Pisces while turning retrograde.

When Neptune stations and is ready to go backward, expect disappointments, mistakes made, confusion and some water-related issues here and there (floods, precipitation etc...).

Because the station happens at 20° Pisces, a degree related to the mother, some confusion or disappointment pertaining to the mother may be expected as well.

In some instances, some health issues and/or even hospitalization may happen.

During this station, it's best not to take any important decisions because you will be disappointed and may be confused.

Beware of errors made and misunderstandings.

Anytime a Solar Eclipse finds place at 0° in cardinal signs, its importance and power should not be underestimated and it will affect the whole world in an existential way (for the coming 6 months).

The fabulous and meticulous astrologer and researcher Bernadette Brady has this to say about this 4 North Solar Eclipse that lasts about 6 months: "restriction, inhibition, restraint, separation and illusions are the trademarks of this family of eclipses. Events can occur which seem to block the individual. In this blocking the individual is very prone to misjudge his or her strengths or the situation and is best advised to wait until the eclipse passes before taking any real action."

She ends the delineation in saying this is a difficult Saros Series.

Looks like we are heading for another half year of lots of worldwide restrictions and separations...

This is not only confirmed by Neptune's station, adding to the (dis)illusions, but also because restrictive and detached Saturn is at 0° Aquarius EXACTLY inconjunct the Solar Eclipse.

This cannot be more clear and the coming 6 months will present (emotional) challenges and separation.

Don't expect this year to be a gentle one; but make the best out of it and ALWAYS focus on the upcoming more positive shift.

Around June 22, there is more wind and there are clouds in the sky.

On this day, it's best to not buy anything as there can be delay in delivering or there can be some damage to the products.Mercury is contra-parallel Saturn

June 24 starts with sunny spells, but later on there are more clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Jupiter and later on contra-parallel Saturn

Venus stations and turns direct again at 5° Gemini around the same day of June 24-25.

When Venus turns direct, monetary issues or concerns may slowly change for the better.

Direct Venus brings on new perspectives.

In matters of love and romance, new people may enter your world and some encounters may be particularly intense and life-changing.

If you are Taurus or Libra (or have Taurus or Libra on the Ascendant), your life may start to open up again and you may feel more comfortable again.

Mars at 28° Pisces squares the mean Lunar Nodes around the same period of June 25-26.

Any challenging Mars-Lunar Node aspect indicates the likelihood of mass events that cause lots of casualties and physical injuries.

Hence, this is a "bloody configuration" that is very accident-prone and violent and which affects many people at once (like in attacks, explosions, transportation accidents etc.).

Mars enters Aries (the Vernal Point) around June 28 and is thus very powerful and strong in its own sign.

Mars now triggers the Solar Eclipse's degree...

These late June days are chaotic, accident-prone and violent.

With Mars at 0° Aries, it indicates some intervention of the armed forces (the police or the army).

Mars in fiery Aries focuses on executing things, proceeding, tackling things asap.

There is rash and impulsive behavior noticeable and Mars in Aries executes first and thinks later.

Following astrometeorology, the temps may increase and drought may be noticeable here and there (generally speaking).

Know that Mars will reside in Aries for the rest of this year 2020, which may increase anger and more extravert and pushy behavior.

Jupiter and Pluto conjoin at 24° Capricorn for the 2nd time this year.

In mundane astrology, both planets together indicate forceful events that may likely result in many casualties.

It's also noticeable when huge power conflicts arise.

At 24° Capricorn, this conjunction is about obligations and following a very regulated life in which individual freedom is almost non-existent.

This degree area is often active when people fanatically stick together and build a clan or a tight group that tries to impose tense and strict rules and regulations without taking into account the individual's rights.

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2020 free monthly horoscope for July

The Best Sign For You To Love

(Slowly hover over a paragraph with the mouse for additional astrological information here and there)

Click here to download the July 2020 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around July 4-5, 12, 19 and/or 25.On these days the Moon is at 0° declination or at maximum South or North declination

During this month of July, the following planetary configurations will affect some birthdays in particular: Generally speaking, July 19, 22 and 28 are "less lucky" days.

Try not to initiate any major projects on these dark, unfortunate, chaotic and empty days (no proposals, no marriages, no changes of residence,...) because things may not go as planned or wished.

In the 45° dial, the Neptune/Chiron midpoint stations at the Vernal point (0° Aries) this month and shows us the background of the whole month of July 2020.

Whenever the Vernal point is hit (actually, all 0° in cardinal signs), it points to events or experiences that become public and noticeable to the World at large.

Indeed, the Vernal point represents the whole world as a group.

The Vp=NE/CH midpoint indicates, generally speaking, worldwide agony, weird, "peculiar" and uncommon experiences and public events, worldwide misery, suffering and "pain."

There is some worldwide sadness or disappointment noticeable.

Also, awareness of worldwide deception, insincerity and/or deceptive changes that are not fully apparent or understood are another possible outcome.

If you are born around February 4-5, March 20, May 5, June 21, August 7, September 22-23, November 7 or December 21-22, this midpoint may affect you more personally too.

Around July 1, the Sun and Mercury meet at 9° Cancer while Saturn, in its retrograde motion, enters Capricorn again (at 29°59').

This configuration suggests staying strong, going it alone as part of your own development to remain responsible for yourself, domestic changes, the threat of losing a mother figure, an unexpected pregnancy, not being able to live in isolation or under restrictions.

Because Saturn is very strong in its own sign Capricorn, of restrictions and setting boundaries, it points to more restrictions (again) though, and rules and regulations that have an impact on the daily living circumstances.

There is some disappointment involved.

Often, 9° Cancer is found in charts of water leaks and other water-related issues as well.

Following astrometeorology, there can be floods here and there.

Around July 2, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Saturn

Around the same day of July 2, you are able to impose your will on others and/or build a supportive relationship with others or with some group.

If you are born around January 2, February 15, March 31, May 16, July 2, August 18, October 4 or November 18, you are likely to experience this most.In the 45° dial/list, the transiting Sun hits the Jupiter/mean Lunar North Node and Pluto/mean Lunar North Node midpoints (SOt = JU/KNt = PL/KNt)

Around July 5, the Lunar Eclipse at 13° Capricorn suggests separation of some kind and appearing self-contained.

This Lunar Eclipse is posited at a very public degree, suggesting some public event to take place.

There is some kind of responsibility involved and the spotlight is directed towards the elderly or some older person(s).

Around July 7, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Saturn

Around July 8, (slowly stationing) Mercury at 6° Cancer squares Mars at 6° Aries, very strong in its own sign.

This cardinal square can be decisive, a bit provocative and (verbally) combative.

Beware of traffic or transportation accidents.

Mercury stations and turns direct again at 5° Cancer while Chiron stations and turns backward at 9° Aries around July 11-12.

When both bodies station together, it increases the odds of strikes, protests and manifestations on a mundane level manifolds.

Geminis and Virgos (and Gemini and Virgo Ascendants as well) will certainly rejoice the direct motion of Mercury, their ruler, as they are more able to get their say again and may feel better overall.

You are able to express yourself better and may be able to take better decisions, now that you have all the necessary information.

Following astrometeorology, stationing Mercury in Cancer often increases the odds of floods here and there.

The Sun at 22° Cancer opposes Jupiter at 22° Capricorn around July 14 while it will also oppose Pluto at 23° Capricorn the day after, on July 15.

When the Sun opposes both Jupiter and Pluto, it may present heavy and big issues on a mundane level.

Because of Jupiter's involvement, the issues can be widespread and may happen suddenly and are difficult to contain easily (like wildfires, heavy rainfall, severe storms....).

Something that has been hidden for long, now enters into consciousness with full force so that this configuration may create huge awareness and some awakening.

It suggests some alertness too.

On a more personal level, this is a very restless and nervous configuration during which things are changing further, knowing they will bring changes (renewal) for the better.

Things tend to proceed suddenly and quickly, making it not easy to cope with at first though.

Following astrometeorology, there can be increased chances of heavy storms and/or natural disasters.

July 17, starts cloudy, followed by sunny spells later on.The Moon is first contra-parallel Saturn and later on contra-parallel Jupiter

The Sun at 28° Cancer opposes Saturn at 28° Capricorn around July 21, the day after the New Moon.

In other words, Saturn actually opposes the July 20 New Moon at 28° Cancer.

All oppositions that involve Saturn point to blockages, detachments, walls, and suggest things on hold or held back beyond your control.

This can be a very restrictive New Moon period that presents separations of whatever kind, rejection, feeling left "in the cold", hospital visits and experiencing a more formal, colder and even sterile environment.

There can be a rather sad (and mourning) mood.

On a mundane level, this blocking aspect may be lived through boycotts and intrigues.

Around July 21, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn

The Sun enters its own Royal sign Leo around July 22, focusing more on what you would enjoy and what would bring joy into your life.

Around the same day of July 22, there is more wind and there are clouds in the sky.

On this day, it's best to not buy anything as there can be some delay in delivering or there can be some damage to the products.Mercury is contra-parallel Saturn

Around July 27, Venus at 20° Gemini squares Neptune at 20° Pisces while Mercury at 16° Cancer squares Mars at 16° Aries for the 2nd time this month.

The Venus-Neptune square misses and longs for a beloved one.

There may be issues with some mother figure.

Beware of disputes or disagreements as the Mercury-Mars square can be too decisive and verbally combative.

Some quick actions may have to be taken but don't be too impatient and impulsive because some efforts may be in vain.

You can be confused, a bit sad as well and feel lost, not knowing what to do.

This period is above all about longings and not everything will manifest or materialize.

If you are born around January 22, March 6, April 21, June 6-7, July 23-24, September 8-9, October 24 or December 8, the aforementioned astrological influences may affect you most.In the 45° dial/list, transiting Mercury and Mars hit the Uranus/Neptune midpoint (MEt = MAt = UR/NEt)

Around July 30, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Saturn

Around the same day of July 30, Mercury at 20° Cancer opposes Jupiter at 20° Capricorn, ready to oppose Pluto as well.

Beware of misjudgments.

There are sweeping statements and tall stories going around.

However, some of you will be able to persuade and convince others nicely.

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2020 free monthly horoscope for August

Was He Born To Love You?

(Slowly hover over a paragraph with the mouse for additional astrological information here and there)

Click here to download the August 2020 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around August 1, 8, 15-16, 22 and/or 28.On these days the Moon is at 0° declination or at maximum South or North declination

During this month of August, there are no particular stationing planetary configurations active that may affect some birthdays.

Generally speaking, August 1, 17, 21, 22 and 29 are "less lucky" days.

Try not to initiate any major projects on these dark, unfortunate, chaotic and empty days (no proposals, no marriages, no changes of residence,...) because things may not go as planned or wished.

In the 45° dial, there are two midpoint configurations that become exact and that may influence the background of this month.

In the 1st half of the month, Pluto is exactly at the Jupiter/Saturn midpoint (PL = JU/SA) and from the 2nd half of the month Mars will hit the Saturn/Pluto and Uranus/Chiron midpoints (MA = SA/PL = UR/CH).

The PL = JU/SA midpoint is already working out because of the orb but when it's exact, its meaning will be felt more powerfully.

This midpoint configuration suggests, among others: to steadily but slowly reach your goals, a major life event with an emotional impact marking a period of no return or way back at all, to face enforced or imposed restrictions, the enforced separation, the tremendous perseverance, to try to control a situation, the reversal of plans previously made, the extreme changes in lifestyle.

If you are born around January 13, February 27, April 12, May 29, July 15, August 31, October 16 or November 29, this midpoint may affect you more personally too.

The midpoint configuration that contains Mars suggests, among others: to be or feel mistreated, the brutality, the fighting for your life, to fight for one's honor, the existential fight, the control freak, to fight battles to survive, the brutal efforts to start a new order, to attack for the sake of it and regardless of potential losses, activating plans for much destruction or upheaval, a need to use whatever means or power is available to continue, the disruption in retaliatory measures.

All in all, these are very tenacious configurations, for good or ill.

If you are born around January 14, February 28, April 13, May 30, July 16, September 1, October 17 or November 30, this midpoint configuration may affect you more personally too.

Around August 1, Mercury at 23° Cancer opposes Pluto at 23° Capricorn.

There is vexation and for some of you there is sad news around.

There is a compulsion to know, understand, investigate some (secret) information, document or news.

The Sun at 10° Leo squares Uranus at 10° Taurus around August 2.

This waxing square suggests tension, stress, playing the rebel, questioning things and even opposing something.

This freedom-loving aspect creates disruption with possible material damage and/or financial consequences.

For some, this aspect denotes some shocking experience(s).

If you are born around January 31, March 15, April 30, June 16, August 2, September 18, November 2 or December 17, this aspect may result in some exciting and unexpected experiences in matters of love and romance.

Pregnancies and/or childbirth are likely too.In the 45° dial/list, the transiting Sun, Venus and Uranus get together (SOt = VEt = URt)

Around the August 3 Full Moon period, Mercury opposes restrictive Saturn indicating some sad news or a bummer that presents itself.

All oppositions that involve Saturn tend to restrict and cause detachment, delays, obstructions or things being held.

There can be news or an announcement coming from some authority, government, older person or some "father figure".

Uranus is the apex planet of a T-square that involves this Full Moon, suggesting unusual twists and unexpected developments.

Around the same day of August 3, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Saturn

Venus and the mean North Node of the Moon meet at 26° Gemini while Mars at 19° Aries squares Jupiter at 19° Capricorn and the Sun enters Leo around August 4-5.

Clearly, there is a lot of activity going on early August.

You may enjoy and/or welcome a beloved one.

It's a good time to gather or socialize.

There is exciting news and relief with a fortunate or good or lucky ending.

These can be emotional days though.

Around August 7, Venus enters Cancer suggesting you will enjoy your home and make it cozy.

Now is the time to beautify your home environment or do some home improvements.

Family gatherings may happen around this day as well.

Mercury at 10° Leo squares surprising (and almost stationing) Uranus at 10° Taurus around August 10.

This waxing square suggests sudden news and changes of course.

There can be traffic issues as well as financial news.

Because of the accompanying exact PL = JU/SA midpoint (in the 45° dial/list) issues with possessions, money, real estate, buildings etc. may be in the news.

Expect some unexpected announcement.

Around August 13, Mars at 23° Aries squares forceful Pluto at 23° Capricorn, suggesting dissatisfaction, disagreements, legal issues, being fired and also some forceful events that result in separation.

Any Mars-Pluto can be violent because of the huge energy potential it radiates or emits.

Around the same day of August 13, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn

If you are born around February 11, March 26, May 12, June 27, August 14, September 29, November 13 or December 28 there can be love fantasy, sensuality and overindulgence around August 14.

Some of you may long for a lost love or beloved person.

Beware of infidelity.

This can be a creative period though with lots of attention going out to music, photography etc.In the 45° dial/list, the transiting Sun and Venus hit the Neptune/Pluto midpoint (SOt = VEt = NE/PLt)

Uranus stations and turns backward at 10° Taurus around August 15.

Following astrometeorology, stationing Uranus may point to some storm and thunder here and there.

The weather tends to be very turbulent.

Behavior can be more irritating and annoyance may occur more easily as well.

While 10° Taurus reflects isolation and strong and tight herd or group measures, disruptive Uranus may as well point to the breaching or collapsing of strict concepts that are just built on illusions.

In this sense, stationing Uranus is the awakener, always able to detect and break through lies and deceptions.

On a mundane level, there can be mandatory measures that affect a large group like mandatory mass evacuations, or measures that break up social coherence and bring (material or physical) discomfort.

Around the same day of August 15-16, some stress and tension will be noticeable.

You may be separated from a beloved one or a beloved one is not feeling too well.

If you are born around February 13, March 28, May 14, June 29, August 16, October 1, November 15 or December 30, you are likely to experience this most.

On a mundane level, maritime accidents and other water-related issues (like floods or heavy precipitation) may occur.In the 45° dial/list, the transiting Sun, Mercury and Venus hit the Saturn/Neptune midpoint (SOt = MEt = VEt = SA/NEt)

The Sun and Mercury conjoin at 25° Leo around August 17, suggesting a family message or family news that will change your life path.

You may be on the go a lot and/or communicate a lot during this busy period.

If you are born around February 15, March 30, May 16, June 30-July 1, August 18, October 3, November 17 or January 1, you are likely to experience this configuration most.In the 45° dial/list, the transiting Sun, Mercury and Venus hit the Pluto/mean Lunar Nodes midpoint (SOt = MEt = VEt = PL/KNt)

Mercury enters its own sign Virgo around August 20, pointing to longings, unfulfilled wishes, canceling plans and confusion.

Self-preservation and taking care of yourself is important now.

Around August 22 the Sun too enters Virgo, focusing on work and health.

You may not feel too well and this transit is best expressed in an artistic or creative way.

Mars at 26° Aries squares Saturn at 26° Capricorn around August 24 adding to some health-issues.

Mars is very powerful in its own sign and can push through forcefully -- too forcefully actually, so that it creates over-strain and damage.

This is a tense, tough, harsh and stressful aspect and you better try to relax or take it a bit easy in a creative way.

Around August 25-26, Venus at 17° Cancer opposes Jupiter at 17° Capricorn.

This aspect creates tension between family needs and social norms and regulations.

The apparent harmony differs from and contradicts the legal restrictions, boundaries, walls that governments, big corporations and the banking world build.

Law and jurisdiction are not on the same page either.

Following mundane astrology, maritime disasters may happen when planets are posited along the 17° Cancer-Capricorn axis.

Around August 26, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Saturn

If you are born around January 11, February 24, April 9, May 26, July 12, August 28, October 13 or November 27, there are a lot of creative ideas and artistic urges in the air around August 27-28.

You may indulge and be charming.

You are popular and are able to impress others.In the 45° dial/list, the transiting Sun and Venus hit the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint (SOt = VEt = JU/PLt)

If you are born around January 12, February 25, April 10, May 27, July 13, August 29, October 14 or November 28, it's time to make home a cozy place or envision some home improvements around August 29.

You may prefer and enjoy being alone too.

Beware of infidelity.In the 45° dial/list, the transiting Sun and Venus hit the Jupiter/Saturn midpoint (SOt = VEt = JU/SAt)

Venus at 22° Cancer opposes Pluto at 22° Capricorn while Mercury at 19° Virgo opposes Neptune at 19° Pisces around August 30.

There are some obligations and duties one cannot escape.

In some instances, Venus-Pluto aspects suggest the death of a beloved one or feeling separated from a beloved one.

When Mercury and Neptune oppose each other in their own sign, it points to gaseous, nebulous situations and some disappointment.

However, in matters of spirituality and metaphysics, your insights may grow.

You may be able to analyze or investigate some secrets properly.

There are sunny spells, followed by clouds in the sky as well.The Moon is parallel Jupiter, followed by a contra-parallel with Saturn

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2020 free monthly horoscope for September

Is He The Right Man For You?

(Slowly hover over a paragraph with the mouse for additional astrological information here and there)

Click here to download the September 2020 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around September 4, 11-12, 18 and/or 24-25.On these days the Moon is at 0° declination or at maximum South or North declination

During this month of September, the following planetary configurations will affect some birthdays in particular: Generally speaking, September 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 are "less lucky" days.

Try not to initiate any major projects on these dark, unfortunate, chaotic and empty days (no proposals, no marriages, no changes of residence,...) because things may not go as planned or wished.

Around the September 2 Full Moon, Venus at 25° Cancer opposes Saturn at 25° Capricorn while Mercury at 25° Virgo squares the mean Lunar Nodes.

Did you notice that Venus, Saturn and the mean Lunar Nodes are all at the same degree in a sign?

It's a very busy and hectic time frame with lots of buzz.

You feel detached or separated from a beloved one.

Some of you may face financial blocks, restrictions or setbacks.

If you are born around January 16, February 14, March 15, April 14-15, May 15-16, June 16, July 17, August 17-18, September 17-18, October 18, November 17 or December 16-17, there may be restrictions in your relationships with beloved ones going on which is reflected in sorrow, hesitation to build a relationship or meet someone, being separated from a beloved one, experiencing the cooling off of a bond, to live a distant relationship and/or not being able to express feelings, among others.Venus, Saturn and the Lunar Nodes are at the same numerical degree in a sign as your Sun (25°)

If you are born around January 18, February 16, March 17, April 16-17, May 17-18, June 18, July 19, August 19-20, September 19-20, October 20, November 19 or December 18-19, around September 3-4 you may feel in love.

However, some of you may love to be creative with some hobby or physical exercise or may enjoy the company of a younger person.Mercury, Venus and Mars are at the same numerical degree in a sign as your Sun (27°)

Around September 4, Venus at 27° Cancer squares Mars at 27° Aries, meaning that early September, Mars is the apex planet of a T-square involving the Venus-Saturn opposition.

This clearly points to disputes, disagreements and separation from beloved ones.

Beware of jealousy and competition.

Any time Venus and Mars square each other, issues about inappropriate behavior (crossing lines) and/or clashes or collusions pop up, the more so when pushy, self-directing and impulsive Mars is very strong in its own sign Aries.

This waxing Venus-Mars square never brings harmony but points to imbalance between giving and taking and might result in rejection and unrequited love.

Some of you may feel unloved but others may just face physical issues that are often the reflection of relationship issues (in the widest sense) and that restrict affectionate behavior for now.

If you are born around January 18, March 2-3, April 17, June 3, July 20, September 5, October 20 or December 4, there are passionate feelings around this day of September 4.In the 45° dial/list, the transiting Sun, Venus and Mars get together (SOt = VEt = MAt)

Mercury enters Libra of encounters, gatherings and meetings around September 5.

There is some announcement, message or news that may involve agreements, contracts, deals and documents marking a new start.

The day after, around September 5-6, Venus enters playful Leo.

Two planets changing signs around the same time suggests a shift of focus.

Mercury in Libra wants gatherings, while Venus in Leo wants leisure time and entertainment, indicating festive events and/or celebrations to be on the agenda.

Mars stations at 28° Aries and turns retrograde around September 9.

When energetic and active Mars turns backward, it indicates a lack of energy in many ways.

Very often, retrograde Mars indicates unemployment, strikes, not being able to work (for whatever reason).

Health issues are or will become a strong concern too as long as Mars is retrograde.

Mars is now closest to the earth and in pushy Aries, stationing Mars is often indicative of fights, aggression, clashes, especially born out of frustration.

Retrograde Mars implies the slowing down of impulsive energies, stepping back, feeling exhausted and/or tired.

Following astrometeorology, when fiery Mars is so close to the earth, it increases the temperatures and makes for dry weather (even drought) here and there.

However, because Mars stations at 28° Aries, a very sterile and cold degree, we are not sure it will bring heatwaves at all but we rather think the temps may cool down a bit and keep the weather dry (generally speaking).

On a mundane level, Mars at 28° Aries suggests illness, hospital visits, to be engulfed in strict formalities, to try to keep up, to be isolated and/or to face restrictions -- even for the sake of it --.

The general bottom-line for this stationing Mars position seems to be tiredness, frustration and isolation.

Around September 10, there are clouds in the sky, followed by sunny spells.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn, followed by a contra-parallel with Jupiter

The Sun at 19° Virgo opposes Neptune at 19° Pisces around September 11.

There can be some mist or fog and precipitation.

You may feel tired around this opposition.

Jupiter stations and turns direct at 17° Capricorn around September 12.

Stationing Jupiter enlarges, exaggerates, sees things out of proportion in whatever way.

In the sign Capricorn of masks and outer appearances, walls, barriers, borders and boundaries, beware of artificial or fabricated optimism, misrepresented information or hope etc.

At a degree of a "dam breach", things may tilt and overturn easily and suddenly.

This is a very tense degree, a degree of "fights" and legal issues (lawsuits), and also involves unemployment, disputes, existential issues.

This suggests extreme and widespread hectic situations.

Stationing freedom-loving Jupiter in restrictive Capricorn reflects huge resistance to be free and it dampens optimism (the fire planet Jupiter does not feel well in the earth sign Capricorn because earth neutralizes fire...).

Only patience and resilience can help now to overcome the current astrological configurations.

Venus at 10° Leo squares Uranus at 10° Taurus around September 14-15, suggesting juicy stories in the tabloids, flirts and easy come, easy go relationships.

Around the same day of September 14, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn

Around September 16, the Sun at 16° Virgo squares the mean Lunar Nodes while, the day after, around the September 17 New Moon, Mercury at 17° Libra squares stationing Jupiter at 17° Capricorn.

Some VIP or celebrity faces a setback, identity crisis or health issue.

The waning Mercury-Jupiter square suggests disappointment and having the wrong faith or belief.

There can be misjudgments.

Not all advice should be followed as judgement is not reliable and there is some confusion going on.

For some of you, your reputation is at stake.

Around September 20-21, Mercury at 22° Libra squares Pluto at 22° Capricorn, suggesting vexation.

Following astrometeorology, this aspect may indicate stormy weather here and there.

The Sun enters Libra around September 22, focusing on new encounters and agreements.

Around the same day of September 22, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Saturn

Around September 23-24, Mercury at 25° Libra squares (almost stationing) Saturn at 25° Capricorn, followed by an opposition with retrograde Mars at 26° Aries.

The attentive reader will notice that Saturn is the apex planet of a T-square that involves the Mercury-Mars opposition.

This T-square implies harsh disputes, fierce disagreements, not being able to make a point, to think the worst, pessimism, the bad speech or lecture, not being able to decide, to concentrate on difficult topics, the loud negotiations or debate, not reaching a compromise.

If you are born around February 9, March 25, May 10, June 26, August 12, September 28, November 12 or December 26, there is pleasantness and lots of creativity and artistic drive noticeable around September 24-25.

Beware of overindulgence and escapism from too much pressure though.In the 45° dial/list, transiting Venus hits the Jupiter/mean North Node of the Moon and Neptune/Pluto midpoints (VEt = JU/KNt = NE/PLt)

Mercury enters Scorpio around September 26-27, often indicative of traffic and/or transportation accidents resulting in numerous fatalities or injured people.

In investigative Scorpio, Mercury wants to investigate and dig deep to find some information or knowledge.

Around September 27, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Saturn

Around September 28, Saturn stations at 25° Capricorn and turns direct.

Interestingly, during periods of damage to buildings, collapses of buildings or structures and falls from heights, empirical research has shown that such events often coincide with Saturn's stations...

In some instances, physical restrictions are noticeable too.

Mars at 25° Aries squares stationing Saturn at 25° Capricorn around September 29.

Both planets are very strong in their own sign and are at battle.

There is a huge ambition and drive to conquer or overcome restrictions and resistance.

This waxing aspect is tough and tense and may result in physical stress and illness as well.

You are very tenacious nevertheless.

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2020 free monthly horoscope for October

Is He Your Vedic Soulmate?

(Slowly hover over a paragraph with the mouse for additional astrological information here and there)

Click here to download the October 2020 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around October 1-2, 9, 16, 22 and/or 29.On these days the Moon is at 0° declination or at maximum South or North declination

During this month of October, the following planetary configurations will affect some birthdays in particular: Generally speaking, October 3, 6 and 11 are "less lucky" days.

Try not to initiate any major projects on these dark, unfortunate, chaotic and empty days (no proposals, no marriages, no changes of residence,...) because things may not go as planned or wished.

In the 45° dial, there is a midpoint configuration that becomes exact (again) and that will set the background of this month.

In the 1st half of the month, Pluto is exactly at the Jupiter/Saturn and Uranus/Chiron midpoints (PL = JU/SA = UR/CH).

This midpoint configuration or planetary picture is already working out because of the orb but when it's exact, its meaning will be felt more powerfully.

The PL = JU/SA midpoint has been exact in August 2020 too and will thus repeat.

Additionally, Pluto is now also in the Uranus/Chiron midpoint (PL = UR/CH) adding a lot of turbulent energy.

This PL = JU/SA = UR/CH midpoint configuration suggests, among others: to steadily but slowly reach your goals during turbulent changes, a major life event with an emotional impact and shock marking a period of no return or way back at all, to face enforced or imposed restrictions, the sudden enforced separation and breaking up, the tremendous perseverance to overcome brutal changes, to try to control a situation and/or upheaval and/or clashes, the reversal of plans previously made, the extreme changes in lifestyle because of sudden changes of course, the huge storm, blast and/or destruction of buildings and/or severe damage to buildings.

If you are born around January 13, February 27, April 12, May 29, July 15, August 31, October 16 or November 29, this midpoint configuration may affect you more personally too.

The Full Moon period of October 1 is accompanied by Venus entering Virgo, the sign of its fall, around October 2.

Love is more easily met at the workplace or among co-workers.

You tend to be connected with neat and/or good-looking people.

In Virgo, Venus feels rather timid and hesitant, preferring not to be in the spotlight.

Hence, some love's sorrow may result.

Around October 4, heavy and intense Pluto stations and turns direct at 22° Capricorn.

Whenever Pluto stations, expect something to come to the surface, some disclosure, some revelations, something that took some time to dig up...

Because of the station in the earth sign Capricorn (representing the surface of the earth, the mask or crust), some natural disasters that involve the earth (and its crust) may happen too (like earthquakes, mining disasters, land slides, volcanic issues etc.).

Stationing Pluto increases the intensity and force of whatever happens and may result in fierce storms as well, causing damage here and there.

Pluto represents death also and when Pluto stations, it may mark the death of some celebrity.

At 22° Capricorn, a degree of moving fast forward and exposure, whatever happens will come unexpectedly and evolve lightning fast, adding to the likelihood of a severe storm moving fast or some wildfire or a blast.

Every minute counts now.

Some of you might have to fight your way through this intense period to keep alive.

Because all the planets/bodies that are involved in this planetary configuration are slow-moving, this configuration will last at least the whole month.

So, beware and take care.

Mercury at 9° Scorpio opposes Uranus at 9° Taurus around October 7, which is the classic combo of breaking (Uranus) news (Mercury).

Expect some emergencies, changes of course, sudden changes of opinion and unexpected U-turns to be taken.

Communication and/or transportation may be interrupted as oppositions to Uranus are always breaking up, unsettling, disruptive, causing a stir.

Following astrometeorology, whenever Mercury and Uranus are in contact, severe wind and even storms tend to be part of the current daily events.

Also, there are clouds in the sky, followed by sunny spells later on.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn, followed by a contra-parallel with Jupiter

Around October 9, fiery Mars at 22° Aries squares (stationing) Pluto at 22° Capricorn adding to the intensity of the current events.

Power outages may occur here and there and this violent and intense combo may bring quite some damage.

Also, disagreements, legal issues/battles, general dissatisfaction, assaults etc. may happen.

Keep your head cool!

Around October 11, the Sun at 18° Libra squares Jupiter at 18° Capricorn.

This waning square, in which Jupiter is weak (in the sign of its fall), points to struggle with issues of "lack" or restrictions, with limitations that you may want to get rid off.

There is less optimism and whatever hopes, ideals and dreams (Jupiter) there can be, blocking Capricorn prohibits living them to the full (or only in a restricted way).

Around the same day of October 11, there are sunny spells, followed by clouds.The Moon is contra-parallel Jupiter, followed by a contra-parallel with Saturn

The Sun at 21° Libra opposes retrograde Mars at 21° Aries around October 13-14 while Mercury stations at 11° Scorpio and turns retrograde.

Stationing Mercury periods are especially felt by Geminis and Virgos or Gemini and Virgo Ascendants as things don't go as they wished for.

Geminis and Virgos don't feel too well around the station and better keep a low profile.

It's best not to sign any contract as it's likely things will have to be re-considered, re-tracted, re-negotiated afterwards.

Following mundane astrology, stationing Mercury often coincides with strikes, manifestations and protests.

The Sun-Mars opposition is currently part of a T-square in which Jupiter is the apex planet.

This T-square indicates there is some opposition and action noticeable that involve the feeling or sense of the aforementioned "lack."

This T-square combined with stationing Mercury reinforce the meaning that current activities are especially directed towards some "lack" and/or restrictions.

Around October 15, the Sun at 22° Libra squares Pluto at 22° Capricorn, triggering the aforementioned PL = JU/SA midpoint.

There is intensity noticeable and there may be damage to or destruction of buildings here and there, for whatever reason.

If you are born around January 16, February 14, March 15, April 14-15, May 15-16, June 16, July 17, August 17-18, September 17-18, October 18, November 17 or December 16-17, you may be tenacious, have resilience and face some profound and extreme changes in your lifestyle.

There is no way back.In the 45° dial/list, the transiting Sun and Pluto hit the Jupiter/Saturn midpoint (SOt = PLt = JU/SAt)

The October 16 New Moon at 23° Libra is actually a SuperMoon and squares both Saturn and Pluto, suggesting a period of rigid and enforced control, restrictions, financial issues (even bankruptcy).

Following astrometeorology, this period tends to become stormy, full of dark clouds.

Around October 18, the Sun at 25° Libra squares Saturn at 25° Capricorn while Venus at 18° Virgo opposes Neptune at 18° Pisces.

There are unfulfilled longings, sadness and/or you miss a beloved one.

The waning Sun-Saturn square is tenacious but because restrictive and blocking Saturn is stronger and more powerful in its own sign, this period seems not to bring any progress at all.

So, whatever you do may not work out properly just now as the obstructive influences currently prevail.

There is sadness and you may feel creative self-expression is at a low.

Between October 18-22, Mars at 19° Aries squares Jupiter at 19° Capricorn.

This aspect repeats its early August 2020 position during which it was at the exact same degrees.

Chances are the same theme will now repeat one way or the other.

If you remember what happened then (like the Beirut blast), you may have a feel what is to be expected...

19° in cardinal signs have a strong explosive element (a blinding light) and this degree area also represents mining (underground) activities.

In and on itself, the fiery Mars-Jupiter square is explosive enough to cause violent events, especially because Mars is very strong in its own sign Aries and very close to the earth.

Additionally, around October 19-20, Mercury at 9° Scorpio opposes Uranus at 9° Taurus for the 2nd time this month (at the same degrees as well).

This aspect of "breaking news" will, again, present emergencies, changes of course, sudden changes of opinion and unexpected U-turns to be taken with some possible disruptions in matters of transportation and/or communication.

Around the same day of October 19-20 there are clouds in the sky, followed by sunny spells.

Around October 21-22, Venus at 22° Virgo squares the Lunar Nodes, suggesting you're longing to be alone or may encounter issues connecting with others, especially beloved ones.

Also, there can be financial issues (even financial blackmail) popping up.

The Sun enters investigative Scorpio around the October 22-23 First Quarter Moon which happens at 0° Aquarius, the degree of the (BIG) U-turn, emergencies and shocking experiences.

This intense transit may indicate emergencies and stormy or explosive events.

There can be collapses, power outages, damage to buildings etc.

Around October 23-24 the day starts with sunny spells, followed by clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Jupîter, followed by a parallel with Saturn

Around October 25 there is nervous tension and rethinking something is necessary.

This is a period of resistance, rebellion, separation as well as enforced, imposed or mandatory travel or trips.

Beware of traffic and/or transportation accidents also.

There can be internet outages/issues, as well as issues with electronics/electricity.

If you are born around January 23, March 7, April 22, June 7, July 24-25, September 9, October 25 or December 9, you may experience these influences most.In the 45° list, the transiting Sun and Mercury hit the Saturn/Uranus midpoint (SOt = MEt = SA/URt)

Around October 27-28 retrograde Mercury re-enters Libra while Venus enters Libra as well.

While Venus enters Libra through the front door at 0°, retrograde Mercury enters the same sign through the back door at 29°, so to speak.

There are negotiations going on and it's time to gather and try to find some agreement.

The October 31 Full Moon (another SuperMoon) at 8° Taurus is EXACTLY conjunct disruptive and explosive Uranus and conjunct the Fixed Star Schedar (or Schedir), bringing exposure and leaving a big impression.

Full Moons create awareness and exposure, get or blow things out into the open, and this is the more so with this SuperMoon aspecting shocking Uranus, also called the Great Awakener.

Whenever Uranus aspects a powerful Lunation, it creates a Big Bang that is supposed to awaken us all.

The SuperMoon in itself may indicate extreme weather here and there.

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2020 free monthly horoscope for November

The Best Sign For You To Love

(Slowly hover over a paragraph with the mouse for additional astrological information here and there)

Click here to download the November 2020 calendar in pdf format.

In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around November 5-6, 12, 18 and/or 25.On these days the Moon is at 0° declination or at maximum South or North declination

During this month of November, the following planetary configurations will affect some birthdays in particular: Generally speaking, November 12 is a "less lucky" day.

Try not to initiate any major projects on this dark, unfortunate, chaotic and empty day (no proposals, no marriages, no changes of residence,...) because things may not go as planned or wished.

In the 45° dial, the JU = SA/PL midpoint configuration becomes exact and will set the background of this month, especially the 2nd half when the midpoint is exact.

This midpoint configuration or planetary picture is another variety of the also ongoing PL = JU/SA midpoint.

This JU = SA/PL midpoint configuration suggests, among others: illness, health issues, to sacrifice oneself for someone or for others, to have trouble with authority or the government, adoption of the austere, trying to save what's left, getting on or going with restricted resources.

If you are born around January 16, February 29 - March 1, April 15, May 31 - June 1, July 17, September 2, October 18 or December 2, this midpoint configuration may affect you more personally too.

November starts heavy and pessimistic with (almost stationing) Mercury at 26° Libra square Saturn at 26° Capricorn around November 1.

It's not recommended to buy anything around this station as the product can be defective and/or there can be delays in delivering and/or possible shortages.

There is some sad news circulating and/or news or an announcement that meets lots of resistance.

Following astrometeorology, all Mercury-Saturn connections are told to indicate cooling and windy, cloudy weather with possible precipitation here and there.

Mercury stations at 25° Libra and turns direct again around November 3.

Rejoice Geminis and Virgos (and Gemini and Virgo Ascendants) as you may start to feel better now and your life gets on track again.

You can make decisions with more clarity now.

Following mundane astrology and generally speaking, stations of Mercury most often mark a period of possible strikes, manifestations or protests.

Around the same day of November 3, there are clouds in the sky, followed by sunny spells.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn, followed by a contra-parallel with Jupiter

Mercury at 26° Libra squares Saturn at 26° Capricorn again around November 6, Mercury going direct now.

There is still kind of a sadness and somber feeling that lingers on early November, reinforced by the dull, windy, overcast, grey and cloudy weather.

Around November 7, there are sunny spells.The Moon is contra-parallel Jupiter

Around November 8, there are clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn

Around November 9, Venus at 15° Libra opposes Mars at 15° Aries (which are so-called "critical" degrees, reinforcing their power and influence).

ALL Venus-Mars aspects point to issues with setting or knowing boundaries, either in the material world or in the immaterial world.

This aspect marks an accident-prone period with clashes, traffic accidents and physical injuries also.

This is not a peaceful aspect at all and marks some discontent.In the 45° dial or list, Venus and Mars hit the Uranus/mean Lunar Node and Saturn/Chiron midpoints (VEt = MAt = UR/KNt = SA/CHt)

Around November 10, Mercury enters 0° Scorpio, the so-called gates of death.

In investigative Scorpio, Mercury is very curious and urged to go to the bottom of things.

You may feel the compulsion to do something and some mental strain and obsession are noticeable too.

There can be news about taxes, insurances, legacies and other shared resources.

You think on the need to change (something in) your life and may find some solution or help that may bring relief.

This can be a very talkative period with lots of emerging news or messages.

Following mundane astrology, the entrance of Mercury in Scorpio often coincides with huge transportation and/or traffic accidents that result in many casualties or injuries.In the 45° dial or list, Mercury hits the Jupiter/Uranus and Uranus/Pluto midpoints (MEt = JU/URt = PL/URt)

Around November 12, Jupiter and Pluto conjoin at 22° Capricorn for the 3rd and last time this year.

In mundane astrology, this conjunction tends to have a more difficult outcome as in numerous instances it indicates many deaths and it always has a massive influence on "the masses", for whatever reason.

Jupiter always increases, enlarges, magnifies (unlike Saturn) and tends to bring more Plutonian intensity, force and power in the world.

It enlarges the scope of research and investigations also.

It enlarges transformations in a profound and deep way (and always with a big emotional connection because Pluto rules the water sign Scorpio).

This conjunction can be a very fanatic combo (reflecting a "Plutocratic" attitude) actually.

The intensity of this massive conjunction is reinforced by Mars, stationing around November 13-14 at 15° Aries, a so-called "critical degree."

Mars turns direct and becomes more energetic, impulsive, reckless, combative.

The Sun sign Aries (and Aries Ascendants) will feel this renewed kind of energy most.

Because the station happens at a critical degree of lacking boundaries, not taking into account (enough) the boundaries of others, crossing lines, expect clashes to occur, as well as accidents.

In some instances, physical injuries and surgery are indicated also.

In matters of inter-personal relationships, sudden attractions (and love at first sight) may happen at the one hand, but on the other hand chances are there will be more issues of rape and bullying as well.

This can be a very aggressive degree (and period because of the planetary station) and Mars will now be able to vent the frustration that was built up during the retrograde period.

Around the November 15 New Moon (which is a SuperMoon), Venus at 22° Libra squares Pluto at 22° Capricorn, suggesting financial blackmail.

This waning square in which Venus is in its own sign Libra points to tragedies in matters of love and romance.

Also, this aspect may indicate a traumatic loss of or separation from a beloved one.

Beware of forceful behavior and compulsive drives during this New Moon.

Following astrometeorology, this SuperMoon period may bring heavy showers.

If you are born around January 13, February 27, April 12, May 29, July 15, August 31, October 15-16 or November 29, this period may actually suggest a period of bliss, pleasure from music and the arts, enjoyment and social charm, creativity and flair.In the 45° dial/list, transiting Venus and Pluto hit the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint (VEt = PLt = JU/PLt)

Venus at 23° Libra, its own sign, squares Jupiter at 23° Capricorn, the sign of its fall, around November 16.

Because Venus is much stronger than Jupiter, this waning square indicates possible financial losses or expenses.

Some careless behavior can be noticeable and morality can be questioned.

Around the same day of November 16, there are clouds in the sky, followed by sunny spells.The Moon is parallel Saturn, followed by a parallel with Jupiter

The day after, around November 17, Mercury at 8° Scorpio opposes Uranus at 8° Taurus which is indicative of breaking news.

Expect a highly busy period with lots of changes of course and disruptions.

Following astrometeorology, all Mercury-Uranus aspects bring severe wind and even storm here and there.

Venus at 27° Libra squares Saturn at 27° Capricorn around November 19, suggesting financial restrictions and/or a separation from a beloved one.

Both planets are very strong in their own sign but Saturn is stronger yet because it's a heavier planet, thus imposing its energies more powerfully onto the weaker planet.

Hence, this waning square restricts affections, blocks relating and demands compliance and following the rules.

Relating seems to be impossible.

Around the same day of November 20, there are sunny spells, followed by clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Jupiter, followed by a parallel with Saturn

Venus enters Scorpio while the Sun enters Sagittarius around November 21.

Some information is spread widely.

The entrance of both bodies in these signs might indicate the uncovering of fraud and/or corruption.

Some announcement, news or message may go viral.

For some of you, there can be existential issues (often intensified by and/or based on fear).

In matters of love and romance, this transit is indicative of swapping partners, leaving the partner for another one and/or ending a love bond.

Following astrometeorology, this period may bring lots of rain and possible floods, inundations or other water-related issues (reinforced by the current Last Quarter Moon at 0° Pisces).

Around November 23, you may feel personally limited and there are tensions going on in your relationships.

You may feel lost, sad, hopeless , unable to fight or cope with the tensions.

If you are born around January 23, March 7, April 22, June 8, July 25, September 10, October 25 or December 9, these influences will affect you most.In the 45° dial or list, Venus and Neptune hit the Saturn/Uranus midpoint (VEt = NEt = SA/URt)

Around November 27, Venus at 7° Scorpio opposes Uranus at 7° Taurus, suggesting love at first sight but also disruptions in your love life.

Oppositions to Uranus are very often upsetting, unsettling, and breaking up may be another possibility.

Because Venus is the dispositor of Uranus, this aspect also has a material/physical connotation and may affect your money or possessions for good or ill.

Neptune stations at 18° Pisces around November 28 and turns direct again.

Whenever Neptune changes direction, it indicates a period of lots of precipitation in whatever way (fog, rain, snow,...).

Some of you may feel tired around this station.

Beware of deceptions, disappointments and misunderstandings as not everything will be clear or understood well at first.

The station of Neptune marks very creative and insightful times though during which intuition gets a boost.

The November 30 Lunar Eclipse at 8° Gemini may point to a talkative period.

At 8° Gemini, this Lunar Eclipse is also semi-sextile shocking and even disruptive Uranus, adding to a sleepless night because of some "lasting" impressions.

Something gets our attention and raises our awareness with lightning speed.

Something, some situation, develops very fast.

Beware of fires and explosions.

Around the same day of November 30, there are clouds in the sky, followed by sunny spells.The Moon is contra-parallel Saturn, followed by a contra-parallel with Jupiter

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2020 free monthly horoscope for December

Was He Born To Love You?

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In general and on a mundane level, events are likely to happen around December 2-3, 9, 15-16, 22-23 and/or 29-30.On these days the Moon is at 0° declination or at maximum South or North declination

During this month of December, the following planetary configurations will affect some birthdays in particular: Generally speaking, December has no "less lucky" days as such.

However, in the 45° dial, there are a couple of powerful midpoints between outer planets going on that become exact this month and that will set the background tone.

First of all, there is Neptune hitting the Saturn/Uranus and Jupiter/Uranus midpoints at 18° in mutable signs (NE = SA/UR = JU/UR) and then, there is also Jupiter and Saturn exactly conjoining at the Uranus/Pluto midpoint at 0° in fixed signs (JU = SA = UR/PL).

The NE = SA/UR = JU/UR midpoint configuration suggests, among others: the breaking down under pressure, to feel lost, sadness, the strange or weird conditions increasing individual awareness, breaking through falsehood, huge water-related issues (like floods, inundations, precipitation...), tension because of legal uncertainty, uncertainty because of a crisis situation, to be undecided and to feel powerless, the sudden fortunate turn of events after uncertainty, the positive outcome after a loss, to be angry out of powerlessness and/or weakness, to give up resistance.

Following astrometeorology, this month of December 2020 might tend to become very wet here and there.

If you are born around January 23, March 8, April 22-23, June 8, July 25, September 10, October 26 or December 9, this midpoint configuration may affect you more personally too.

The powerful JU = SA = UR/PL midpoint configuration suggests, among others: to push through willfully and fanatically, to be under high pressure and be able to successfully proceed, the huge reversal because of (a) court decision(s), to enforce a court order, to push through a huge or important social reform, to persist despite huge obstacles towards reform, the autocratic leadership, to go it alone whatever it takes, the shock experience.

If you are born around January 20, March 5, April 19-20, June 5, July 22, September 7, October 23 or December 6-7, this midpoint configuration may affect you more personally too.

Mercury enters Sagittarius around December 1, suggesting news that is going viral, documents and/or information that is spread widely.

There is some unveiling going on.

Early December is a time of announcements that go around the world.

Around December 5, there are sunny spells, followed by clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Jupiter, followed by a contra-parallel with Saturn

Between December 7-27, Saturn will cross the critical 29° Capricorn - 0° Aquarius degrees, signifying crisis situations and lots of emergencies here and there.

Saturn is at the same position it held in March 2020, to give you an idea.

Around December 9, the Sun at 18° Sagittarius squares Neptune at 18° Pisces.

You may feel lost, disillusioned and still assume that change will come to restore the traditional methods and ways.

Beware of falsehood.

Following astrometeorology, there can be storm or very windy weather with lots of precipitation here and there.

The Sun at 19° Sagittarius opposes the mean Lunar North Node around December 11, suggesting a setback, difficulty maintaining a position, experiencing a health crisis, feelings of despair and/or low self-esteem.

Around December 11-13, Mercury at 18° Sagittarius squares Neptune at 18° Pisces.

This waning square in which Mercury is in the sign of its detriment and Neptune is the most powerful because of its position in its own sign, there are lies around.

This is the classic aspect denoting cheating, betrayal, theft, and unreliable information being presented.

Following astrometeorology, this period is marked by heavy wind (storm) and rain here and there.In the 45° dial or list, transiting Mercury and Neptune hit the Uranus/Pluto and later on the Jupiter/Uranus and Saturn/Uranus midpoints (MEt = NEt = UR/PLt = JU/URt = SA/URt)

Around December 13, there are clouds in the sky, followed by sunny spells.The Moon is parallel Saturn, followed by a parallel with Jupiter

Mercury at 19° Sagittarius opposes the mean Lunar North Node around the December 14 Solar Eclipse at 23° Sagittarius.

Communication is unsatisfactory with misunderstandings and news coverings blocked or restricted.

This can be a highly hectic and busy period with nervous tension and lots going on.

This Solar Eclipse belongs to the 4 South Saros Series which carries very strong emotional feelings concerning relationships and/or money, according to the brilliant researcher and astrologer Bernadette Brady.

There is a sense of fatefulness and being caught up in relationship events which are beyond your control.

There could also be the sudden desire to finish a relationship.

She continues to say that these emotions may be blocked or checked in some way, leading to a great deal of frustration.

She finishes in saying the best approach is to avoid rash action until the issues settle down.

At 23° Sagittarius, this Solar Eclipse may indicate the death of the partner, in some instances, when this Solar Eclipse hits applicable configurations in the natal chart.

Venus enters Sagittarius around December 15 while Chiron stations and turns direct at 4° Aries.

With Venus in busy Sagittarius, the focus is on trade with foreign countries and relationships with foreigners.

You are easily attracted by flamboyant, upbeat and dynamic people.

Whenever Chiron stations, our research has found it coincides with protests, manifestations and strikes.

Around December 17, Saturn enters Aquarius, a zodiac sign in which Saturn still feels well.

Both Saturn and Aquarius are detached, distant and cool/cold but on the other hand Aquarius longs for humanitarian equality (fraternity) while Saturn yearns for a hierarchy and wants to be on top.

So, Saturn is not a perfect match and does not completely fit in.

Saturn tends to impose rules and regulations but in liberated and freedom-loving Aquarius, this does not come that easy.

Also, Saturn represents masks, fences, borders and boundaries, security and everything strict and tight under control and as soon as it enters Aquarius, such principles are questioned.

At 0° Aquarius, Saturn, representing authority figures and governmental workers, will have to deal with emergency situations because 0° Aquarius is a very accident-prone degree.

The whole area between 29° Capricorn and 0° Aquarius is related to (down)falls, irritation, short circuits, breakdowns, shocks, emergencies, disruptions, uproar, upheaval, changing the rules, turning the stones, personal crisis situations you can hardly manage alone properly.

Any planet or body at this degree triggers one or more of these traits in many shades of intensity though.

Following astrometeorology, Saturn in Aquarius is indicative of colder weather.

Around December 18, there are sunny spells, followed by clouds in the sky.The Moon is parallel Jupiter, followed by a parallel with Saturn

Around December 19, Jupiter too enters Aquarius while the Sun and Mercury conjoin at 28° Sagittarius.

Interestingly, the Sun-Mercury conjunction at 28° Sagittarius is related to increased issues with the lungs, infections, poison and allergies.

Jupiter in Aquarius enjoys the freedom Aquarius provides and tolerates a diverse variety of people.

Both principles aim high and are very interested in progressive technology and innovation.

This can be a very uplifting combo when not repressed or restricted.

Both Mercury and the Sun enter Capricorn around December 20-21, suggesting a formal announcement or news, an official speech, a governmental message or letter.

Around December 21, Jupiter and Saturn conjoin at 0° Aquarius, triggering the start of a new ERA that will last for more than 200 years.

This conjunction is a big deal as it indicates a paradigm shift (Grand Mutation) because of groundbreaking breakthroughs and the old rules being overthrown by events and discoveries.

History is, perhaps, the best proof of astrology because the planetary cycles can be clearly matched with factual events.

This current conjunction ends the previous 200 year earth cycle that brought us bank notes, corporations, fossil fuel, the industrial world, material wealth and products, capitalism and all the dark corruption that it involved.

The solid, rigid, strict, heavy and physical energies will now make place for lighter, more flexible, non-physical (digital or virtual) and uplifting energies.

We will start to see the first results of this momentous shift very soon already with some key inventions and far-reaching changes that will come to light and that may show the lead.

The digital era has only begun.

Realize that 0° Aquarius always marks BIG U-turns (the turning of the stones, the breaking of systems and rules) and shocks.

When law (Jupiter) and order (Saturn) meet at degrees marking a U-turn and crisis situations, you may know what this combo indicates.

Also, for the months to come, Aquarius, is a very independent zodiac sign, suggesting that central control systems, centralized institutions or organizations (typically earth and, especially, Capricorn themes) will crumble, vanish and make place for decentralized separate systems, each following his or her own interests.

New networks and connections will result in which there is less hierarchy noticeable.

Aquarius is a humanitarian sign that values group connections and equality so that drastic political and social reforms will happen that bring more democracy to the people but first it will break down the current system(s) -- causing uncomfortable situations.

Around December 23, Mars at 23° Aries squares Pluto at 23° Capricorn, building a very violent and forceful combo.

At 23° in cardinal signs, this waxing square overhauls a situation completely in an enforced way.

There is a huge workload ahead and some big intervention going on.

Following astrometeorology, this waxing square may be turbulent and bring huge storms.

Beware of power outages.

Around December 27, there are sunny spells, followed by clouds in the sky.The Moon is contra-parallel Jupiter, followed by a contra-parallel with Saturn

From December 29 on, Neptune at 18° Pisces starts to square the mean Lunar Nodes (and is actually in the degree of the Lunar Nodes), indicating a period of massive confusion, uncertainty, chaos, deception, fraud, distrust, unsettled matters.

Because the Lunar Nodes represent connections, in the widest sense, there are scandals, secrets and mysteries involving groups, assassinations, undercover operations or secret missions going on.

Following astrometeorology, this square may indicate mild temperatures with some imbalance in precipitation (either severe precipitation or drought).

Around the December 30 Full Moon, Venus at 18° Sagittarius opposes the mean Lunar North Node and squares Neptune at 18° Pisces which is indicative of unfulfilled longings and missing a loved one.

Indeed, this mutable T-square points to a distant love (or love at a distance) but also unrequited love, idealizing someone and to be indulgent with love.

This T-squares might signify mourning too.

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