The Astrology of Twin Births

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On this page we present our preliminary twin births astrological research results.

We analyzed just 17 natal charts of women who gave birth to twins to find if some particular astrological configurations or planetary pictures could be found that signify 'twin birth'.

Lately, many celebrity mothers conceived twins and in case we have their accurate birth information, their charts were used in our research.

The research results are not conclusive yet because of the lack of more data.

However, the preliminary patterns we found are too remarkable to not mention them.

We got some significant results when we compared the results with a control group of 25 random charts.

Our astrological research results

What did we find?

  • Uranus is posited below the horizon, in the northern hemisphere (in the houses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6) (14 charts out of 17).

    Most often Uranus is posited in the 1st Quadrant (houses 1, 2 or 3).

  • Neptune is posited below the horizon, in the northern hemisphere (in the houses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6) (14 charts out of 17).

    Most often Neptune is posited in the 2nd Quadrant (houses 4, 5 or 6).

  • Jupiter is never angular (Chi Square 6.0).

    So, if you have Jupiter in the houses 1, 4, 7 or 10 it's unlikely you will have twins.

  • Chiron is in a cadent house (houses 3, 6, 9 or 12) (11 cases out of 17: Chi Square 5.0).

  • The Moon and Neptune are in any aspect (major aspects: orb 6°; minor aspects like the 135° aspect: orb 3°)


    the Moon and Neptune are in the same zodiac sign (11 cases out of 17).

    This is perhaps the single most important condition that we found.

  • Mutable signs (Gemini-Sagittarius and Virgo-Pisces) intercepted in the 5th - 11th house axis.

  • Neptune related to the 5th house in one or more of the following ways:

    Neptune conjunct or opposite the 5th house cusp


    Neptune at the same numerical degree as the ruler of the 5th house


    Neptune at the same numerical degree as the co-ruler of the 5th house


    the ruler of the 5th house in a tight aspect to Neptune (0°, 30°, 60°, 90°, 120°, 150°, 180°)


    the co-ruler of the 5th house in a tight aspect to Neptune (0°, 30°, 60°, 90°, 120°, 150°, 180°).

    This is the second most important condition that we found.

  • Any planet square (90°) the 5th - 11th house axis (orb 3°), especially when the planet (co-)rules the 5th house and/or is in the sign of its fall or its detriment.

Some other important observations that we want to mention, though they may be less significant:

  • Ascendant Virgo AND both the Sun and the Moon in mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces) AND in mutable houses (3, 6, 9 or 12) as well.

    This astrological configuration may as well denote that the woman may conceive different children, not necessarily twins.

  • The 5th house cusp at 3°-4° Leo (a dual degree) or the (modern) ruler of the 5th house at 3°-4° Leo.

Though not statistically significant (yet),

  • Any midpoint combination between the following three bodies/points/planets in the 45° dial/list (orb 1°) came out 5 times (this is still a lot!).

    Mind though that the below listed midpoint combinations alone or taken in an isolated way do not predict twin births and they must be part of a larger picture!

    * Any midpoint combination in which Venus, Uranus and Neptune are found.

    * Any midpoint combination in which Venus, Saturn and Chiron are found.

    * Any midpoint combination in which the Moon, Saturn and the Mean Node of the Moon are found.

    * Any midpoint combination in which Uranus, Chiron and the MC are found.

Examples of twin births

Let's give an example to make our preliminary findings more clear.

Marcia Cross
When looking at her natal chart and comparing her chart with the preliminary research results, we notice the following:

  • Uranus is below the horizon (and more specific in the 1st Quadrant).

  • Neptune is below the horizon too and more specific in the 2nd Quadrant and even intercepted in the 5th house.

    The relationship between Neptune and the 5th house is perhaps the single most important condition that points to twin births.

  • Neptune and the Moon are in the same sign Scorpio.

    The co-ruler of the 5th house (Pluto) is sextile Neptune (the orb is perhaps too wide).

  • Chiron is in the 9th house (a cadent house).

Clearly, Marcia Cross has lots of conditions in her natal chart that point to a propensity to twin births.

On February 20, 2007 she gave birth in Los Angeles to fraternal twins, both girls, named Savannah and Eden.

Mia Farrow
When looking at her natal chart and comparing her chart with the preliminary research results, we notice the following:

  • Uranus is below the horizon (and more specific in the 1st Quadrant).

  • Neptune is below the horizon too and more specific in the 2nd Quadrant.

    The relationship between Neptune and the 5th house is perhaps the single most important condition that points to twin births.

  • The co-ruler of the 5th house (which is Mercury because the 2nd zodiac sign in the 5th house is Virgo) is exactly trine and at the same numerical degree as Neptune.

  • Chiron is in a cadent house (the 6th house).

  • The Moon squares Neptune.

Mia Farrow too has all the major indications in her natal chart pointing to twin births.

She had twin sons on February 26, 1970.

Rebecca Romijn
When looking at her natal chart and comparing her chart with the preliminary research results, we notice the following:

  • Neptune is opposite the 5th house cusp.

    The ruler of the 5th house (Mercury) conjuncts Neptune.

  • Chiron is in a cadent house (the 3rd).

Rebecca Romijn has perhaps not many of the conditions but she has the very important link between Neptune and the 5th house.

She's the parent of twin daughters born on December 28, 2008.

The girls are named Dolly Rebecca Rose and Charlie Tamara Tulip.

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