
The Romantic Compatibility Report
The Relationship Potential Report

The Romantic Compatibility Report

What did we order? The Romantic Compatibility Report

What did it cost? $10 + $2.10 taxes = $12.10

What did we get? We ordered the Romantic Compatibility Report, one of the astrological profiles from VedicPrediction and were prompted to enter the birth data of both partners.

Remember that ALL fields must be filled in, even the field asking for a compatibility problem. It's funny that a form field asks to enter the boy's name and then the boy's gender... ;-)

Nevertheless this clearly is a Vedic site, translated in the best possible English/American. We like this, because it shows that this site has its roots in India.

We think it's always better to have a Vedic profile done in India than anywhere else (but you may have another opinion about that).

After entering the birth data, we were redirected to the ClickBank payment option (adding some taxes to the price).

After submitting our order we received an autoresponder email, telling us that one of the consultants will get back to us shortly with confirmation of our request.

We also got a message that the order will be delivered within 1-7 days.

The next working day we got an email from the Chief Astrologer telling that they would send an answer within 3 days.

Alas, three working days passed, without receiving any analysis. Only after the 4th working day, we received an email with an analysis, which seemed not to be the correct one...

The astrologer(s) at VedicPrediction definitely sent the wrong analysis, belonging to other people (the names were different and the two Northern India Style Charts were not of the persons we ordered).

We sent them an e-mail pointing to the problem. The next day, we got a reply confirming that they have sent the wrong analysis...

In the e-mail body, we could also find the correct analysis/Report.

In fact, the Romantic Compatibility Report consists of just 10 scored items.

At least 5 items must have a good score for a good match. The total score can never be more than 36 points, half of it (18) is necessary for a love match (and for a successful marriage).

In our opinion, though, you need at least 20-25 for a good match (marriage).

Friendships can be established when you obtain a score of 18 or above.

The 10 items that were assessed are: the Moon's position and the Ascendant in both horoscopes, Varna, Vashya, Tara/Din, Yoni, Graha/Matiri, Gana, Bhakut and Nadi.

The analysis was kept very very brief: for every item, the Report only consisted of some (one or two) one-liners. However, almost without exception, the analysis of every item hit the nail.

We were astonished, if not impressed, by the way this very short analysis could be so right on target!

The Vedic yogas seem to be a treasure of knowledge.

Western astrologers write reports full of fill-up and are seldom able to get to the point.

Not so with this Vedic Compatibility Report.

It's a pity VedicPrediction made a mistake by sending the wrong analysis.

In our opinion, not every Customer will have perceived it.

The Report was written in the best possible English, but more important than the language and the layout (which was missing and gave a very sloppy impression too), we, at Cosmic Technologies, attach most value to the astrological techniques, the content and delineations.

We cannot but deliver 1 star for the sloppy service. On the other hand, their analysis earns 4 stars.

We would appreciate more quantity in content for the price.

Nevertheless, soon we will return for another order of one of their Reports!

Our rating: /

Reviewed: January 2004

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The Relationship Potential Report

What did we order? The Relationship Potential Report

What did it cost? $10 + $2.10 taxes = $12.10

What did we get? We ordered The Relationship Potential Report, one of the astrological profiles from VedicPrediction and were prompted to enter the birth data of both partners, even if this Report is just for ONE partner only.

We could not enter the data for a single person and had to enter the data of an imaginary person too.

ALL fields must be filled in, even the field asking for a compatibility problem.

After entering the birth data, we were redirected to the ClickBank payment option (adding some taxes to the price).

After submitting our order we received an autoresponder email, telling us that one of the consultants will get back to us shortly with confirmation of our request.

We also got a message that the order will be delivered within 1-7 days. The next working day we got an email from the Chief Astrologer telling that they would send an answer within 3 working days.

After 2 working days, we received an email with the analysis of both partners in attachment.

The astrologer(s) at VedicPrediction sent the Report in a MSWORD document, containing 2 pages and 2,716 characters.

The Relationship Potential Report delineates the individual horoscopes of both partners in a very very short way.

Then, they analyze both horoscopes together. Again, the analysis is kept very short. The Report ends with some remedies for both partners and the mentioned yogas.

Though we thought the Report would describe our individual relationship potential Vedicprediction made another compatibility analysis of it.

The description of the compatibility assessment was short but very accurate.

Some delineations were the same from the Romantic Compatibility Report, bringing nothing news.

The remedies, however, were new.

To bring satisfaction in married life, Vedicprediction recommends wearing some gem stones on particular places.

For both partners and for specific yogas the gem stones are listed in de Report.

The gem stones can be ordered at the Gems Section on their web site.

As with the Romantic Compatibility Report, more quantity in content for the price would be very much appreciated.

our rating:

Reviewed: February 2004

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