Your Love Life And The Progressed Moon In Declination (Part 1)

Is He Astrologically Afflicted?

Some astronomers and 'scientists' claim that astrology is flawed because from their perspective there are 13 signs instead of the common 12 which most Western astrologers use.

The horoscope division in 12 signs of 30° each is unreal to them.

Not only do they forget (intentionally or not) that there is a difference between the Constellations and the zodiac signs (which they very often mix up) but they also neglect the fact that the division in 12 zodiac signs of 30° each (also called the Tropical Zodiac) has a very natural reason.

The Tropical Zodiac, which most Western astrologers use, is based upon the annual movement of the Sun north and south of the celestial equator.

The Sun's movement starts at the equator (at 0° declination) at the spring equinox and the Sun then travels through the Northern Hemisphere for about three months until it reaches its highest declination above the equator (which is 0° Cancer).

It then proceeds and moves downwards towards the equator again until it crosses the equator (which is 0° Libra) and heads further south till it reaches its lowest declination (which corresponds with 0° Capricorn) and goes way up again to cross the equator again around the Vernal point (0° Aries).

And so the cycle repeats.

In other words, the Sun's movement along the equator marks all our seasons and builds the cornerstone of the Tropical Zodiac and the division of the horoscope wheel in segments or sectors of 30° each.

Not to make it too difficult, it's this path of the Sun, the Moon and the other planets, which is called declination, that interests us here.

It was the German astrologer Reinhold Ebertin who did quite some research and used the declinations in his astrological work (published among others in his book 'Applied Cosmobiology').

He even used the declination midpoints!

Ebertin found a 'simple' way to show the planets' movements along the equator on a Graphic Ephemeris which is commonly called the Lifespan Declination Graph or Lifetime Graph.

Aside from the transiting declinations, he also calculated the declinations of all the progressed planets and bodies to find the milestones in life.

Many other astrologers followed in his footsteps and have researched the (secondary) progressed planets in declination and especially the progressed Moon (with the key of 1 day after birth = 1 year after birth) in declination.

They all found that particular positions of the secondary progressed Moon in declination coincided with life-changing events and/or experiences.

In particular the following positions indicate important changes:

  • the progressed Moon crossing the equator (at 0° declination)
  • the progressed Moon at its highest declination North
  • the progressed Moon at its lowest declination South

The peaks and the crossings are powerful turning points in life, indicating childbirths, moves, job changes, divorces or important separations and are especially telling the story of your (family and love) life.

We can only confirm these findings.

Things become yet more interesting and powerful when the progressed Moon reaches its peak (North or South) and goes beyond 23°26' (which is the Sun's boundaries).

When planets go beyond the 23°26' mark, thus go beyond the Sun's boundaries, they are told to be 'out of bounds' and become more powerful and more 'extreme' in their manifestation.

Such out of bounds planets (or the Moon) become independent, often uncontrollable, extraordinary and 'beyond normal.'

When the progressed Moon is out of bounds, it's thus going to bring some events to happen that are beyond expectation.

When the Moon reaches its rare maximum declination of 28°45' North or South, it's at her major standstill, resulting in huge personal changes.

For now and in conclusion, keep in mind that the secondary progressed Moon in declination marks highly powerful turning points in life when it peaks or crosses the celestial equator.

Always look at both the direct progressed declinations and the converse progressed declinations.

If you find a peak or a crossing in both the direct and converse Graphs at the same moment in time, expect something really BIG and important to change the life of the person profoundly.

In Part 2 we discuss a way how you can calculate your own Lifespan Declination Graphs and we will also give some examples to make it yet more understandable.

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