Astrological Conditions In The Chart Comparison That
Bring Lasting Love Between Partners

Is He The Right Man For You?

In synastry (chart comparison between two people) it is observed that long lasting love unions have some very specific astrological patterns and configurations that seem to bring and keep the partners together for quite some time.

If you plan to marry and cannot find any of the below mentioned affinities, chances are, the marriage will end in divorce quite soon (in rare cases the marriage still passes the first 7-year cycle though -- the 7th year is almost always a hurdle year).

However, even with one or more of the below mentioned configurations, a divorce is not ruled out but chances are the marriage will last very long and if divorce occurs, the partners may still remain good friends.

Don't underestimate the importance of the rules that will follow to bring lasting love.

The more the configurations or conditions can be found in the natal chart comparison between two persons, the better.

The configurations are found in comparing both natal charts (and horoscope wheels) with each other which also means that you will need an exact time of birth of both persons.

Without a reliable time of birth, you will not be able to identify most configurations.

Configurations bringing lasting love

Below are the "must have" combos:

Additional benefits occur when the following configurations are found in the chart comparison:

  • The Venus/Mars midpoint of one partner conjunct to or (to a lesser degree) in the same sign as the Venus/Mars midpoint of the other partner.

  • Harmonious Saturn inter-aspects (more than 4 sextiles and/or trines).

  • An exact Moon-Venus inter-aspect (0°, 30°, 60°, 90°, 120°, 150°, 180°) without interference of Saturn.

  • A Jupiter-Juno inter-aspect (orb 3°)

  • Male Ascendant trine female Pluto (orb 4°)

  • Male Jupiter conjunct female Ascendant (orb 6°)

  • Male Moon trine female Jupiter (orb 4°)

  • Male Ascendant conjunct female Moon (orb 6°)

  • Male Mercury sextile female Sun (orb 2°)

Now let's take a closer look at the different configurations and conditions that may bring lasting love.

The Sun-Moon midpoint of one partner in an 8th harmonic aspect to the Sun and/or the Moon of the other partner:

Unfortunately, midpoints are still underrated, underused and even misunderstood in astrology.

Exact midpoints (with an orb of 0°00' - 0°01') overpower aspects and build the basis of scientific astrology because with midpoints we find (recurring) patterns that always have the same signification and thus can be used in predictive work.

Click here if you want to learn more about midpoints in astrology.

What is the Sun/Moon midpoint?

The Sun/Moon midpoint is a sensitive point (litterally) half-way between the positions of the Sun and the Moon.

It is the half-distance between the Sun and the Moon in the horoscope wheel. Each person has a Sun/Moon midpoint in his/her chart.

For example: if the Sun is posited at 2° Aries and the Moon is posited at 28° Aries we find the midpoint in this horoscope between both half-way, that is at 15° Aries.

The Sun/Moon midpoint is thus posited at 15° Aries. 15° Aries is a sensitive degree that combines the Sun's and Moon's significations, blending both meanings together.

It represents the heart (Sun) and soul (Moon) of the person, the male and the female, the conscious and the unconscious.

Any "other point or planet" that builds an 8th harmonic aspect to this midpoint is activating, triggering that midpoint (of the body and soul) so that this "other planet, body or point" (i.e. 3rd point/body/planet) influences this combo.

An 8th harmonic aspect can be found by dividing the horoscope wheel of 360° by 8 (and multiply the result by 1, 2, 3 etc...).

You will then get one of the following aspects: a conjunction (0°), semi-square (45°), square (90°), opposition (180°) or sesquiquadrate (135°).

Use a maximum orb of 1°00'.

In the rule we mentioned above, we have to look for the Sun and/or the Moon of one partner that is conjunct, semi-square, square, opposite or sesquiquadrate the Sun/Moon midpoint of the other partner.

Fortunately, almost all software programs that feature a midpoint analysis calculate this for you instantly.

Whenever you can find this configuration, there is a very strong soul union between both persons noticeable.

Experience and empirical research have shown that people with such a combination are very attracted to each other on the soul level and seem to stick to each other for quite some time.

Building further on our example of the Sun/Moon midpoint of one partner at 15° Aries, the rule works out if the Sun and/or the Moon of the other partner can be found at either 15° Aries (or because of the orb of 1° between 14-16° Aries), 0° Gemini/Pisces (or between 29° Taurus/Aquarius and 1° Gemini/Pisces), 15° Cancer/Capricorn (or with the orb of 1° between 14-16° Cancer/Capricorn), 0° Virgo/Sagittarius (or with the orb of 1° between 29° Leo/Scorpio and 1° Virgo/Sagittarius) or 15° Libra (or with the orb of 1° between 14-16° Libra).

You can also make use of the 45° horoscope wheel, dial or strip (instead of using a horoscope wheel or dial of 360°) because then, all 8th harmonic aspects will be shown as a conjunction in the dial.

This way, you can see at a glance if the Sun/Moon midpoint of one partner is activated by the other's Sun and/or Moon.

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The Sun-Moon midpoint in the Davison chart in an 8th harmonic aspect to the Sun and/or the Moon of one or both partners:

First of all, what is a Davison chart?

A Davison chart is kind of a composite chart, also called a Time-Space relationship chart because it's calculated from the date, time and place midway between the two birthdays and two birth locations.

So, unlike the Composite charts, this is not a mathematical construct but a real horoscope that exists both in time and space.

You can delineate this chart as a natal chart, representing the couple as a union, as a single entity.

Most astrological software programs have this feature so that you don't need to calculate the Davison charts by hand.

If you have no astrological software, you can get your charts for free by visiting the web site of Astrodienst.

  1. click the "Free Horoscopes" section in the top navigation bar.
  2. click on "Extended Chart Selection"
  3. Log in and/or add the birth information of both partners (add a new person) and
  4. select "Davison Relationship chart" under the "please select the type of chart you want" drop-down menu.
  5. hit the blue button reading "Click here to show the chart"

What we discussed above about the Sun/Moon midpoint applies to the Davison chart as well.

When we have found the Sun/Moon midpoint in the Davison chart, we now have to look if either the Sun and/or the Moon in the natal charts of one or both partners builds an 8th harmonic aspect to it.

If so, it's very likely this is a lasting union.

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The ratio of good to bad aspects between both natal charts

We already discussed this topic on our web site when we discussed a Dutch milestone astrological divorce research study.

Thanks to the work and thorough investigations of Fred Opmeer, a Dutch Medical Doctor and astrologer, there is no doubt that the ratio between good and bad aspects between a couple is of major importance if the relationship is to last.

The startling results of his findings are confirmed by scientific research conducted by scientists from the Dutch Demographic Institute (NIDI) and published in the April 2008 edition of Demos, a publication of the NIDI (the article is in Dutch).

The results based on 8.4 million birthdates were also featured nationwide on the Dutch television.

Different astrologers like Nance McCullough and the late Ron Bippus use similar ratios and also heavily rely on the ratio between good and bad aspects in synastry for a marriage to last.

Clearly, this is a very important and powerful method!

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Reciprocal Sun-Moon affinities or connections between both natal charts:

We will now discuss another HIGHLY important topic and factor that is found in long lasting love unions: reciprocal Sun-Moon affinities between both natal charts.

This one needs some clarification as it is not that easy to understand.

As far as we know, the theory was originated by astrologer Joan McEvers and studied more in-depth by astrologer Lorri A. Mullen. The principle goes as follows:

In long-term relationships and lasting love unions, two people always have a Sun/Moon, Sun/Ascendant or Moon/Ascendant factor, affinity, connection or affiliation.

In other words, if the Sun, Moon or Ascendant of partner A is in the natural sign ruling the house in which the Sun or Moon of partner B is posited OR if both partners have the same house placements of the Sun or Moon (regardless of sign), it will create a deep bond between both.

Did you get that properly?

Some examples will surely make this more clear:

  • if the Sun of partner A is in the 4th house and the Sun, Moon or Ascendant of partner B is in Cancer, we have an important affiliation or affinity that makes that both persons stick together.

  • another example: if both partners have the Moon in exactly the same house, let's say the 11th house, this is another affinity or affiliation.

  • if partner A has the Sun in, for example, the 11th house and partner B has the Moon in the same house, the 11th is this case, this is another affinity that keeps both partners together.

This theory is a very important one and we urge you to try to understand it properly as it has great validity.

Please note that it's especially the house positions that are important (not the signs) but it is a plus if the zodiac signs too are harmonious (according to their element).

For example: if both partners have the Moon in the 4th house, the same house, this is a highly important factor that brings endurability and lasting love to the relationship, so we just told.

If partner A has the Moon in Cancer and partner B has the Moon in Pisces also, they will not only have an enduring relationship but they will also agree often about the themes represented by the 4th house (the home and family, home decoration, family life, the parents, real estate etc.) because Cancer and Pisces are both water signs that understand each other.

If partner B has the Moon in Aries though, both partners will still have an enduring relationship (as we told you according to the above mentioned principle) BUT they may live in conflict often about topics related to the 4th house because Aries and Cancer do not get on well basically.

Aries is a fire sign and Cancer is a water sign and the elemental analysis of both zodiac signs shows us that they are in conflict (like water and fire).

In this case, person A may not want to move often, while person B eventually wants to move more often.

Person A may like it cozy and at ease at home while partner B may like more activities and action at home.

Partner A may like darker colors in the home, while partner B may like more vibrant home decorations etc.

We recall that the house positions, which are of importance here, make the affiliation.

  • The houses point to or represent life themes which, if they are the same between two partners, make the bond strong.

  • The zodiac signs point to or represent onborn traits and characteristics (personality traits) you cannot change.

If the zodiac signs differ or are incompatible between two partners, the wills and characters may clash but they will still remain together (because of the same affinity represented by the same houses they are affiliated with).

Again, we want you to understand this principle thoroughly as it's really a major one in the chart comparison.

By understanding this principle, you will also understand why some people always dispute but still stay together or are still hooked to each other, regardless of their arguments.

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