The Leo Horoscope

Is He The Right Man For You?

Our delineation of the Leo horoscope follows a very logical method, based on ancient basic and archetypal principles. It's NOT about stereotypes.

Every zodiac sign is the result of the so-called Quadruplicities or Modes (Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable signs) and Triplicities (related to the four elements: Fire, Air, Water and Earth).

The Leo horoscope is based on the Fixed Fire energies:

  • The Fixed principle is about stability, holding tight and clinging. It implies concentrated, stabilizing and controlling energy.

    Fixed is unchanging, undisturbed and settled. Fixed represents the "getters", "havers" and "preservers."

  • The Fire principle is about enthousiasm, spirit and a lively disposition. Its direction is upward and outward (the combustive state).

    It's hot and fast. It wants to give in an expansive way.

Blending fixed fire into something tangible or material, you get the keywords of "charcoal."

The main characteristics of the Sun (representing your self-expressing life force) in the fixed fire sign Leo are:

  • does not accept subordinate work readily (seeks prominence)
  • does not like routine work
  • has flair and likes style
  • has pleasure to play with others and the desire to be noticed (physically), admired and appreciated. Makes itself noticeable.
  • self-expressive and quite fond of (some) ceremony and/or drama
  • constant energy potential
  • acute self-awareness
  • very talkative (Leo is the 3rd sign counting from the 3rd!)
  • female Leo is attracted to 'a man of importance' (a higher-up, celebrity, VIP, boss -- someone she can look up to)

Depending on your birth date, the Leo horoscope divides into the following three decanates:

July 24-31

  • loving and caring, loyal
  • has vitality and rays authority
  • quite stubborn and demanding
  • lacks humbleness and too full of him- or herself
  • the potential of creative self-expression and inventive
  • very intense and hard-driving
  • self-centered
  • competitive
  • very domineering
  • very physical
  • confrontational
  • detached
  • extremely high standards
  • difficult to live with
  • can be bitter
  • not family-oriented
  • might have secret love affairs
  • cannot relax

Check The Leo Birthdays In Love
Check The Leo Ascendant Combinations

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August 1-10

  • loves to travel and sports-minded; adventurous
  • responsible
  • a leader in society or in a social group
  • self-indulgent
  • exaggerates
  • solid
  • needs problems to tackle
  • fixed in his or her ways
  • tenacious
  • loyal and devoted
  • kind of a masochist
  • patiently seeking ways out of problem situations
  • depressive tendencies, blaming themselves
  • often their own worst enemies
  • wants some isolation, a private place (to work things out themselves)
  • paranoia
  • very faithful!
  • knows to wait
  • not really empathetic
  • dislikes emotions
  • cannot stand lies, insincerity

Check The Leo Birthdays In Love
Check The Leo Ascendant Combinations

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August 11-23

  • intellectual
  • more daring and courageous; competitive
  • commanding and rather selfish, vain (egocentric)
  • strong vitality and libido and strong physical power
  • quite aggressive
  • loyal
  • too much faith in the own capacities
  • single-minded
  • full of themselves
  • creative
  • stormy affairs
  • most of all has a spoiled child, lover,...
  • intense
  • may have double standards in love
  • lacks empathy
  • private and even secretive

Check The Leo Birthdays In Love
Check The Leo Ascendant Combinations

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Related Leo Pages:

How is Leo in love
The Leo Sex Horoscope
The Leo Love Horoscope
How To Seduce Leo
How To Attract Leo
Leo Gifts

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